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PopGAF |OT5| We Are Bionic, So Damn Bionic

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Junior Member



The Lord, Her Growth; Her Maturity, Her Aura.



Saint Swift is at it again:


The SacRED tour is garnering RAVE reviews~


The fiddler finally gets a spotlight moment. Somebody with his finger on the gestalt, or on the YouTube replay button, has decided that violin and dubstep go together, and Swift's sidewoman introduces "Trouble" with a solo. After that, it's like Skrillex popped up out of the floor like a jack-in-the-box. The dubstep elements politely tucked into the recorded version are amplified and extended; there's an elaborate mid-song breakdown featuring a bass drop. Incredibly, it all works. Who would have guessed that of all the pop stars monkeying around with dubstep, the one who'd figure out how to make it fit would be Taylor Swift? Scratch that, that's exactly what I would have guessed. The version of "Trouble" is so exciting that I don't even mind the inexplicable staging -- Swift starts out in a ballroom gown at a mock masque, and strips down to a tight black dress midway through the song.


Swift retreats to a big red piano and starts the epic breakup number by herself, which makes it sound less like "With or Without You." Honestly, though, it's "With or Without You." As the song intensifies, she begins throwing her hair back and forth like Tori Amos used to do. She nails the high verse, and everybody in the audience comes down with a case of the rock chills. A row down from where I'm sitting, a girl dressed in pink waves her glow stick like a shaman in a trance. She can't be more than eight, but she knows all the words and she's spinning around, possessed by the music and by Swift's performance. Every cell in that little girl's body is feeling it, and I am overcome by the dead certainty that this is what it's all for: all the news stories and hyperbole and premature-evaluation record reviews, and everything else that accompanies modern music-making. Those long hours in practice, the backing tapes, the sleight-of-hand onstage, the confetti drops and pyrotechnics; it's all there to support the moment when the eight-year-old girl hears Taylor Swift sing "All Too Well," and the song wraps itself around her heart like a blanket. The feeling passes, the lights change, and we're on to the next one.

In Conclusion:

This story might be apocryphal, but I'll bet it's true: Back in 1985, Bob Gibson took a look at Dwight Gooden and told the Mets' coaches that he would never be any better than he was right then. Gooden was practically a baby, and Mets fans had dreams that he could somehow develop further; that he would be part of a bright future that would last forever. That's not the way it worked. This isn't baseball, and I'm no Bob Gibson, but still, Taylor Swift is never going to be any better than She is right now. She's not under development, or promising, or an artist who will be a wonder when She grows up -- she is who she is, fully formed, and at the peak of Her powers. She is who she was always going to become, and the time to engage with what She's doing is now.

Taylor Swift looks built to last, and I hope that we'll be hearing from Her for a long, long time. But talent is a fickle suitor, times change, and most of all, you never know. If you're denying yourself the pleasure of listening to the world's greatest pop star because you think She's for little kids, or because you don't like who you think She's dating, or, most of all, you think you'll catch up with Her when She matures, I urge you to stop sitting on your hands and get with the program. It's 2013; it's Her day. This is the golden age of something good and right and real. It won't last forever.




Like, just reveal the album cover? IT'S JUST THE FUCKING ALBUM ART. Why can't they be like the Lord and announce the lead single, album title AND art on the same day?
I feel like only Lady Gaga, Beyonce or Rihanna could pull off the whole "revealing it slowly" thing with album covers. Probably only the former could pull it off without people rolling their eyes at some point.


On FOX, American Idol scored a 2.7, down two tenths from last week's 2.9 adults 18-49 rating. This is the lowest Adults 18-49 rating ever for any Idol, any night.


Oh my



On FOX, American Idol scored a 2.7, down two tenths from last week's 2.9 adults 18-49 rating. This is the lowest Adults 18-49 rating ever for any Idol, any night.


Oh my


Wow, I didn't know the ratings dropped this much. Below a 3.0 is truly abysmal. I think the days of "juggernaut" status might truly be over for Idol.


Mehhhh. Nothing else she's done hits me as hard as "You (Ha Ha Ha)." I still mildly stan for her simply because she's rad and fringe and whatever, but the album is going to have to knock it outta the park for me to continue being a fan.
Her album is only going to have a couple of new songs, so we've already heard most of it?

You're The One and You (Ha Ha Ha) are my faves. The other night in the plug room we were listening to her songs, and she has an unfortunate case of uneven. Like a more experimental Icona Pop but with lesser results.

I like her too, despite her music not hitting as hard as it should.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
you'll find that most of the time, the irrelevants actually deliver and the big girls don't

When Arte's right, she's right. The indies (and kpop) are why I loved pop so much for the last couple of years. Kind of bummed that even most of the fringe-dwellers are flatlining this year. There's always one shining bastion of hope, though:

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