Congratulations to PopGAF for paying respect to their elders
Professor Beef said:'Grats Robido. No no, no need to get near me. I'm good.
Truly iconic, congrats!
Trigger truly is an honorary Canadian.
Congrats to @trigger. Truly the nicest pop gaffer
Yay, Trigger. *.*
You deserved it.![]()
Congrats botty on the film, and Trigger for nicest member.
The film was seriously hilarious. And, Trigger... well... call me maybe.![]()
Trigger is like ponies and rainbows.
Mother Triggerresa![]()
So, PopGAF. I haven't been entirely honest with you
Preparing my ~announcement~
So, PopGAF. I haven't been entirely honest with you
Preparing my ~announcement~
So, PopGAF. I haven't been entirely honest with you
Preparing my ~announcement~
So, PopGAF. I haven't been entirely honest with you
Preparing my ~announcement~
So, PopGAF. I haven't been entirely honest with you
Preparing my ~announcement~
Wouldn't it be PS Mors?Yes, drop the PS Mortis.
Okay, here goes.
I don't know if any of you have been noticing recently, but I've been bolding certain letters recently in some of my posts, namely those where I LAVISH PRAISE on artists.
The only thing is though, that this wasn't actually a random thing I was doing for IMPACT, no, but rather a message I was trying to send to those savvy enough to decode / compile it from all of my clues.
I don't think this decision will have as much impact as I hoped because I was paid DUST with everything I posted.
However, here it is. Click each letter to see (for full effect) what I was planning from the start. You'll notice no posts have been edited, so I've been doing this for that long with planning. Another PopGAFfer was also privy to knowing my plaN[/b and can attest that my LastFM receipts were me listening on Spotify while Spotify was MUTED.
So, PopGAF, I give to you, MY GIFT.
A P R I L F O O L S , Y O U S T U P I D C U N T S
As for my reviews and receipts, they were all just paraphrased off Wikipedia.
Surprised any of you thought I would stan TRASH and OBESITY. I'm not #NAVY nor am I a Fighter.
It was so hard when you were all coming for me for changing allegiances but I am so pleased to be free of this BAGGAGE now
The Navy doesn't need bandwagoners anyway.
The Navy doesn't need bandwagoners anyway.
I knew. Why do you think I've been paying your efforts absolute DUST this entire time?
Carry on. *.*
I was so getting ready to call you out but kept RESISTING because you dont like when I come for you
Your stanning always seemed so forced and contrived
The #NAVY has been paying her dust anyway. Has anyone even commented on her reviews? What a waste of time and a flop reveal.
Giving me Demi Lovato revealing her album cover teas. Absolute indifference.
I would expect the #NAVY to pay dust to my textual reviews. They can't even read them and it's not like any of the members that can read are active anyway
Oop this flop rihductive shade. Yes the #NAVY can't read, but even if they did, would they spend time on flop reviews from a fake? You tried it with this reveal, but no one cared, like no one cared with your actual reviews. All the time you spent trolling was wasted. I guess you have plenty of time on your hands since your fave is rolling in the deep atm, so go ahead, and keep on reviewing, or don't. The dusT will continue to be paiD.
Oop this flop rihductive shade. Yes the #NAVY can't read, but even if they did, would they spend time on flop reviews from a fake? You tried it with this reveal, but no one cared, like no one cared with your actual reviews. All the time you spent trolling was wasted. I guess you have plenty of time on your hands since your fave is rolling in the deep atm, so go ahead, and keep on reviewing, or don't. The dusT will continue to be paiD.