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PopGAF |OT5| We Are Bionic, So Damn Bionic

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Mau ®

I love Arte even more now


Hm, I am conflicted. I could go iN, but seeing as how she has made repeated requests to be on the receiving end of an Icicle essay, both here and in the plug room, I feel like I'd just be doing her a favor.

My thoughts from a month ago remain unchanged.
No, because you live for #mess moments, even if you're the one being dragged. My essays are reserved for those who DESERVE them, they are not prizes to be won.

On the contrary, you are being put on warning that any deliberate attempts to get me to come back at you (or someone else) in a major way will result in you being the first person on my ignore list.


I know a month is a long time for you, 30 whole days (!). When your faves are changing on an hourly basis, I can only imagine how long a month must seem to you. Here's a receipt of me clocking you for flip-flopping your opinion on Janet, also from last month/forever ago (since you probably forgot).

Bitch, you went out of your way to listen to and love an album that predates you by quite some time. Great music can be relevant forever. Your attempts to read her dissolve into irrelephancy within 5 minutes.

Stop being so damn thirsty all the damn time. You can't even keep your narrative straight for a month. Stick to your Cammie, it would a lot harder for you to mess that one up. I have faith, tho.

Much like Janet's relevance, PopGAF's interest in your posts has gone by the wayside. No one is here for your bitchy 'readings'

Are you sure about that?

My popcorn is ready.


prepare your assholes sistren

icicle is about to go iN


Icicle when you are ready come and get it, na na nana


Waiting for Icicle to post, CANNOT wait.


Don't get your life just yet, sis. A long post does not a thesis make. It would be a stretch to call it anything more than a picture book, really. That said, I'd imagine fewer words and more pictures is probably ideal for you.

No one is here for your bitchy 'readings' that come off more as personally insulting than anything else.


Amazon.com Bye-Bye Bully! (4.5 Stars)

How could you not buy this? I mean, it uses your favorite word TWICE right in the title!



irresponsible vagina leak
I'm not debating the messiness of the current back and forth, but I imagine when/if Grown Woman comes along, it will usher in a new wave of messiness, if a bit more musically-relevant.

Your post comes up sorta like this.

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me



Your post comes up sorta like this.

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me


Um, what?

Is that a Cher song lyric or something?

I was revisiting the short-lived conversation that followed the Vice article. It's entirely possible to have more than one thread of conversation going at once. Thanks for your opinion, tho.

It's sometimes fun to pretend to care about what hews think.


I AM DONE with BB.

Peter is fucking stupid for not using his POV on Topaz, he has no allies left and everyone in the house but him are in an alliance. They will ALL come for his weave next week unless he wins (wont happen) HOH.



irresponsible vagina leak
Um, what?

Is that a Cher song lyric or something?

I was revisiting the short-lived conversation that followed the Vice article. It's entirely possible to have more than one thread of conversation going at once. Thanks for your opinion, tho.

It's sometimes fun to pretend to care about what hews think.

Burlesque OST.

Maybe I should read how your life its dependent of your essays because that's the only thing you seem to try to stay relevant besides talking of the deceased career of Janet Jackson. (Let's not forget also does Tyler Perry movies) Arte clocked you and you tried to look smarter than you really are and make it look like you don't need to use essays to do a comeback but cracks are showing everywhere girl. You try to play like you don't care but you certainly care enough to write big enough essays full of fluff in it to make it look more important than it is.

Certainly this post I'm keeping it cute.

Now go clean up your messy make up.

Try to have a happy life doing your silly and irrelevant essays that so much fulfill you despite everyone paying it dust.

R.I.P Cuntcicle.


Burlesque OST.

Maybe I should read how your life its dependent of you writing essays because that's the only thing you seem to do to say relevant besides talking of the deceased career of Janet Jackson. (Let's not forget also does Tyler Perry movies) Arte clocked you and you tried to look smarter than you really are and make it look like you don't need to use essays to do a comeback but cracks are showing everywhere girl. You try to play like you don't care but you certainly care enough to write big enough essays full of fluff in it to make it look more important than it is.

Certainly this post I'm keeping it cute.

Now go clean up your messy make up.

Try to have a happy life doing your silly and irrelevant essays that so much fulfill you despite everyone paying it dust.

R.I.P Cuntcicle.

Didn't know you were Arte's classmate. Edit and try again.

Is that succinct enough for you?
It's weird, somehow in the past year I've gone from casually liking Beyonce to disliking her quite intensely. It has a lot to do with the mainstream press telling me how amazing and influential it is, overexposure in general, the zeal of her stan base, but perhaps most of all, how effectively the three have been in actually swaying public opinion. To see someone take a stand against what is going on is great.

I don't understand why people fellate Beyonce for being nothing more than a textbook diva with a very spotty back catalogue. I enjoy her casually though.

Anything creative about Beyonce is an externality, she doesn't seem to care enough to prove otherwise, but she's a very accomplished singer - she just needs better songs to sing rather than the likes of:

Girls, we run this motha (yeah!) GIRLS!
Girls, we run this motha (yeah!) GIRLS!
Girls, we run this motha (yeah!) GIRLS!
Girls, we run this motha (yeah!) GIRLS!

Who run the world? Girls! (girls)
Who run the world? Girls! (girls)
Who run the world? Girls! (girls)
Who run the world? Girls! (girls)

Who run this motha? Girls!
Who run this motha? Girls!
Who run this motha? Girls!
Who run this motha? Girls!

Some of them men think they freak this like we do
But no they don't
Make your cheques come at they neck,
Disrespect us no they won't


Bizarre choice of cover. They should replace the dire Amelle with The Mut, at least.


irresponsible vagina leak
Push The Button
  • The first guy can get it.
  • Song its actually catchy.
  • Late 90s early 2000s vibes.
  • Definitely the black girl its the best vocals and looks too. So pretty! *.*

Red Dress
  • Girls Aloud vibes.
  • Sexy beat.
  • Sounds good.

I need to check more stuff. They sound promising enough.


Why do yall idolize Siobhan so much when she was only there for one album
Wasn't Heidi part of the group at their most successful?

Bizarre choice of cover. They should replace the dire Amelle with The Mut, at least.

Yeah, I'm fairly sure that they didn't even have material with Amelle when that was released.


Why do yall idolize Siobhan so much when she was only there for one album
Wasn't Heidi part of the group at their most successful?

Yeah, I'm fairly sure that they didn't even have material with Amelle when that was released.

The group wasn't even successful until Heidi joined. Her impact.
The group wasn't even successful until Heidi joined. Her impact.

To be fair, Siobhan was BULLIED out of the group by Keisha, but yes, they were certainly at their peak with Keisha/Mutya/Heidi both commercially and creatively.

Push the Button and Caught in a Moment are still TREASURES.

Why do yall idolize Siobhan so much when she was only there for one album
Wasn't Heidi part of the group at their most successful?

Siobhan's solo work is immense.


Edited before you posted cunt.
Reign in the attitude, especially when you still have a lot more editing to do. I literally have no idea what you're trying to say in parts.

I apologize to Arte for calling her your classmate; you've made it clear you're several years behind her in your schooling.

Did I lie tho?

I don't think so

Yes, you lied many times. Of course you don't think so, you were the bright mind that typed this and hit "Submit Reply".

Pupi18 said:
Burlesque OST.

Maybe I should read how your life its dependent of you writing essays because that's the only thing you seem to do to say relevant besides talking of the deceased career of Janet Jackson. (Let's not forget also does Tyler Perry movies) Arte clocked you and you tried to look smarter than you really are and make it look like you don't need to use essays to do a comeback but cracks are showing everywhere girl. You try to play like you don't care but you certainly care enough to write big enough essays full of fluff in it to make it look more important than it is.

Certainly this post I'm keeping it cute.

Now go clean up your messy make up.

Try to have a happy life doing your silly and irrelevant essays that so much fulfill you despite everyone paying it dust.

R.I.P Cuntcicle.


irresponsible vagina leak
Reign in the attitude, especially when you still have a lot more editing to do. I literally have no idea what you're trying to say in parts.

I apologize to Arte for calling her your classmate; you've made it clear you're several years behind her in your schooling.

Yes, you lied many times. Of course you don't think so, you were the bright mind that typed this and hit "Submit Reply".


1. English isn't my first language.
2. I'm certain other gaffers can actually make out what I'm saying. That you are playing oblivious its another story.
3. Keep showing your immaturity cause you are certainly coming with preschool comebacks.
4. You certainly have good grammar but you certainly lack intelligence and any sense of actually making a proper comeback. When you can make an actual comeback without needing essays or my writing its better than yours you can certainly come back at me girl.
5. I see no lies as you have to come back at me with your little to nothing comebacks. Keep trying tho. It's entertaining to see you crack.



I don't understand why people fellate Beyonce for being nothing more than a textbook diva with a very spotty back catalogue. I enjoy her casually though.

Anything creative about Beyonce is an externality, she doesn't seem to care enough to prove otherwise, but she's a very accomplished singer - she just needs better songs

This is the nicest response I've gotten from you yet. <3

Beyonce's impacT

Don't know if you care enough/could be bothered to respond to the rest my comment or the article you linked in general, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.

I saw your post about wanting to jump into Demon's Souls so you could invade all the noobs. As if I wasn't already terrified of the game (Run-in with a red-eyed knight on the first level has scarred me for life. I tried running away and he HUNTED ME DOWN all the way across the level. I'm too scurrred to go any further in the game, I know shit's only going to get scarier...unless you want to do it with me? I can be brave for my Phono. =D )
I saw your post about wanting to jump into Demon's Souls so you could invade all the noobs. As if I wasn't already terrified of the game (Run-in with a red-eyed knight on the first level has scarred me for life. I tried running away and he HUNTED ME DOWN all the way across the level. I'm too scurrred to go any further in the game, I know shit's only going to get scarier...unless you want to do it with me? I can be brave for my Phono. =D )

Haha, I'm sure you could manage to get through 1-1 AT LEAST by yourself... :D

Let me know when you encounter Maneater, I can help you there!



1. English isn't my first language.
2. I'm certain other gaffers can actually make out what I'm saying. That you are playing oblivious its another story.
3. Keep showing your immaturity cause you are certainly coming with preschool comebacks.
4. You certainly have good grammar but you certainly lack intelligence and any sense of actually making a proper comeback. When you can make an actual comeback without needing essays or my writing its better than yours you can certainly come back at me girl.
5. I see no lies as you have to come back at me with your little to nothing comebacks. Keep trying tho. It's entertaining to see you crack.


I was unaware English isn't your first language. That explains a lot. I was not lying about having trouble understanding what you're trying to say at a few points, but by and large, you got your point across. Not sure there's much point to arguing with someone you don't understand fully (this goes two ways), but I will say that I'm impressed you seem to be able to follow the discussions on here/"speak Stan" when there are many fluent English speakers (and even gays) who request translations for Kyon's (Where is she?) posts on Gaming Side.


irresponsible vagina leak
I was unaware English isn't your first language. That explains a lot. I was not lying about having trouble understanding what you're trying to say at a few points, but by and large, you got your point across. Not sure there's much point to arguing with someone you don't understand fully (this goes two ways), but I will say that I'm impressed you seem to be able to follow the discussions on here/"speak Stan" when there are many fluent English speakers (and even gays) who request translations for Kyon's (Where is she?) posts on Gaming Side.

Actually I can understand everything perfectly and write properly but sometimes I can be a mess. (Bigger mess when sleep deprived/tired which sorta shows today) My grammar can be decent (check my reviews if you like which are on the OP) but I would never call myself great on grammar. I'm lazy at times to even organize my thoughts in coherent manner (Sometimes I rush cause I'm tired to the point I don't give a damn too or got other things to do and I'm on a rush)

Now I'll try to rephrase things into something more understandable and lets not continue the silly war :p

ORIGINAL POST:Maybe I should read how your life its dependent of your essays because that's the only thing you seem to try to stay relevant besides talking of the deceased career of Janet Jackson. (Let's not forget also does Tyler Perry movies) Arte clocked you and you tried to look smarter than you really are and make it look like you don't need to use essays to do a comeback but cracks are showing everywhere girl. You try to play like you don't care but you certainly care enough to write big enough essays full of fluff in it to make it look more important than it is.

Now go clean up your messy make up.

Try to have a happy life doing your silly and irrelevant essays that so much fulfill you despite everyone paying it dust.

R.I.P Cuntcicle.

Maybe I should tell/read you how in order for you to stay alive need to write essays, since obviously that is the only thing you seem to do here at PopGaf to stay relevant or talking about Janet Jackson's deceased career any chance you get. (Also try remember some terrible Tyler Perry movies)

Arte certainly clocked you with her posts and your comeback was trying to downplay minor grammar issues that don't affect the meaning of Ha's message. Certainly she made you change your writing tactics since normally you would write another essay as she mentioned filled with Janet gifs or maybe Sasha with tons of filler talk as usual.

You really try to act like you don't care about who is talking but then you always come and write a wall of text (which mostly its filler tbh like mentioned before) in order to get some of your attention seeking fetishes off.

Now clean that messy makeup off

Try to have a happy life doing your silly and irrelevant essays that so much fulfill your life despite everyone paying it dust. Lets face it they ain't relevant to PopGaf or maybe even in any part of Gaf.

R.I.P CuntIcicle.

Obviously its more understandable and written in a more proper manner I suppose.

Now I gotta sleep cause I haven't slept since yesterday. Take care ya'll!


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
What a lovely page to wake up to. Sugababes and Demon's Souls stanning. Stay flawless popgaf.



It's really disheartening to see fans of pop music not knowing who the Sugababes are.

This is one of their best.

It truly is. ;___;

But better late than never.

And I think people idolize Siobhan and the original lineup simply because she was in the group first. Kinda like how people idolize the original Destiny's Child lineup, even though the bulk of their material is with Beyonce/Kelly/Michelle.

That, and I've always thought Siobhan is just better than Heidi.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
It truly is. ;___;

But better late than never.

And I think people idolize Siobhan and the original lineup simply because she was in the group first. Kinda like how people idolize the original Destiny's Child lineup, even though the bulk of their material is with Beyonce/Kelly/Michelle.

That, and I've always thought Siobhan is just better than Heidi.

I think Mutya is my favourite
Purely because her existence blessed us with the gem that is Groove Armada - Song 4 Mutya
I remember this song coming out just after she left the Sugababes and it was my song for months.
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