her coachella performance?
I just checked the lineup and Paul Okenfield is on at 6:20 tomorrow. She'll perform Venus *.*
her coachella performance?
I just checked the lineup and Paul Okenfield is on at 6:20 tomorrow. She'll perform Venus *.*
EDIT: are you listening to sphincter?
This thread grew 2 pages since the last time I checked in. I thought Beyfraudcé had finally decided to debut some fresh material and I was ready to come in here and drag. ;___;
I didn't know John Cena actually had a song out there.
He has an entire ALBUM.
I pretty much love the entire album except for Fightin' Over Me, and Do Ya Think I'm Sexy. The main bop on the album is of course Stars Are Blind. It popped into my head randomly last night, and I just had to listen to the album on Spotify. Still pressed that the song she was working on a while back never came to be. I think she was shooting a video with some hot guys for it too. Tis a shame.Which songs have you been jamming to the most? I loved her album, but I mostly just use HeartBeat, Stars are Blind, and occasionally Nothing in This World.
She would have to change from irrelevant to Queen first. GaGa is the Queen. Bow down.When will Madonna change from Queen to Goddess? Never!
I'm here for this.In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot
You'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
Lay yo' ass down for the three second tan
The queen of what? Playland at McDonalds perhaps. Her Hamburgalar lookin ass needs to release more than 2 of those floppy discs before you can crown her the queen of anything. At least Britney had 2 back to back diamond releases when folks were trying to make her the queen.GaGa is the Queen.
Heauxes it's 4/20
Get toasted!!!
Heauxes it's 4/20
Get toasted!!!
Amen. Isn't 4/20 already over where you're at though?
Sorry, I don't really enjoy the smell. More power to you tho *.*
The queen of what? Playland at McDonalds perhaps. Her Hamburgalar lookin ass needs to release more than 2 of those floppy discs before you can crown her the queen of anything. At least Britney had 2 back to back diamond releases when folks were trying to make her the queen.
Sis let's not even go there
drewface, where'd you get that picture of Rihanna in a swimming pool?
probably from the same photo shoot as this one
Gurl not evenomg i thought john cena was the rock
but dwayne johnson is the rock
is this a rihta ora situation or
probably from the same photo shoot as this one
Not the GAGA STAN coming after someone for their looks.
probably from the same photo shoot as this one
Yes, let me sway to this one.New Kelisus song produced by Dave Sitek!
"Call On Me"
I am BOPPING. Kelis is one of the few artists who can successfully reinvent her sound each era.
For those of you with Spotify, did yall get a notification that Get Lucky was now available for streaming?
Who is mad tho? Gaga has been, and will continue to be successful. The NAVY knows that.
The monsters were the ones proclaiming that Rih was overexposed and done, and that "diamonds" and "stay" would flop and Unapologetic wouldn't go #1, so THEY'RE bothered that they look dumb as fuck. I can see why THEY are mad tho.
the fumes, must be because Unapologetic has yet to go platinum after 2.5 overplayed singles and extensive promo
The only fuming here is Marius who predicted Unapologetic would be "long gone" by the start of 2013, "Stay" would flop everywhere and no other single from Unapologetic would do well beyond Diamonds. (Fun Fact: Stay is on track to OUTSELL Diamonds)
Now Rih is playing to better attendance per show in USA compared to Gaga's short leg of the BTW. And WW Rih is already playing the same venues and markets that Gaga was slaying and that no other girl besides Madonna could do it, or so the monster claimed.
Am I lying in ANY of the above paragraphs?