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PopGAF |OT5| We Are Bionic, So Damn Bionic

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I bet she feels guilty for wrongly banning me.
a month banned for posting hands, fucking hands. sure they weren't normal looking hands, but to suggest they were too obscene and warranting of a ban
what utter bullshit


You deserved it and I am guilt-free.


Oh I have that somewhere I think

I just wanted the original crop.


There are larger versions of the pic, but they look off color-wise IMO.

Not Cosmic Bus clocking my Google-Fu

Louis makes it on my very exclusive and short list of "guys I'd top."

I mean beat. It. UP.

You better stan the Queen. *.*

Mark my words: He'll be the cutest 1D member ten years from now after smoking, tatoos, and venereal diseases ruin Zayn.

Dr. Malik

Mark my words: He'll be the cutest 1D member ten years from now after smoking, tatoos, and venereal diseases ruin Zayn.

bitch bye, Lana wrote Young and Beautiful about him

Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?

I know that you will


Sis, now that you're back....PLEASE resurrect your LIFE GIVING Britney thead.

Oh, and don't leave. Pls k thx. *.*

I need to get to sleep now, but I'll probably bump the thread tomorrow. Did you hear about the new man her team hooked her up with? lmao

the haggard disgrace is now a vegas casino act. I am perched for those ticket sales and reviews.

Is Cyno now a #Navy after Xtina gave Rih her blessing at the LA Diamonds Tour show? *.*

I know you've been listening to Unapologetic, sis.


yes, I'm a recent convert
I Am #Navy


You deserved it and I am guilt-free.

Mariah Carey is a flop for American Idol, Jennifer Lopez has the last laugh.




Yes, I am looking at all the pics from tonight. I heard she performed more songs too



position markers

Yasss!!! She did five of HER songs tonight! *.*

The weight loss, the public appearances, the twitter account change, the performing...

Sis...I think she's getting ready to announce something. *.,*


Yasss!!! She did five of HER songs tonight! *.*

The weight loss, the public appearances, the twitter account chance, the performing...

Sis...I think she's getting ready to announce something. *.,*

Hoping for a NEW label announcement. Whoever changed her twitter is already doing more for Thintina than RCA has done in the last few years.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Tonight is a good night for the #Fighters. :)

True, now imagine how good it would be if she'd released good music sometime in the last decade.

That's what it's like being a Britney stan.


[edit]Grimes, feminist icon. When will your faves?:

I don’t want to have to compromise my morals in order to make a living
i dont want my words to be taken out of context

i dont want to be infantilized because i refuse to be sexualized

i dont want to be molested at shows or on the street by people who perceive me as an object that exists for their personal satisfaction

i dont want to live in a world where im gonna have to start employing body guards because this kind of behavior is so commonplace and accepted and I’m pissed that when I express concern over my own safety it’s often ignored until people see firsthand what happens and then they apologize for not taking me seriously after the fact…

I’m tired of men who aren’t professional or even accomplished musicians continually offering to ‘help me out’ (without being asked), as if i did this by accident and i’m gonna flounder without them. or as if the fact that I’m a woman makes me incapable of using technology. I have never seen this kind of thing happen to any of my male peers

I’m tired of the weird insistence that i need a band or i need to work with outside producers (and I’m eternally grateful to the people who don’t do this)

im tired of being considered vapid for liking pop music or caring about fashion as if these things inherently lack substance or as if the things i enjoy somehow make me a lesser person

im tired of being congratulated for being thin because i can more easily fit into sample sizes from the runway

im tired of people i love betraying me so they can get credit or money

I’m sad that it’s uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues

I’m tired of creeps on message boards discussing whether or not they’d “fuck” me

I’m tired of people harassing my dancers and treating them like they aren’t human beings

I’m sad that my desire to be treated as an equal and as a human being is interpreted as hatred of men, rather than a request to be included and respected (I have four brothers and many male best friends and a dad and i promise i do not hate men at all, nor do i believe that all men are sexist or that all men behave in the ways described above)

im tired of being referred to as ‘cute,’ as a ‘waif’ etc., even when the author, fan, friend, family member etc. is being positive


waif |wāf|


1 a homeless and helpless person, esp. a neglected or abandoned child: she is foster-mother to various waifs and strays .

• an abandoned pet animal.

cute |kyo͞ot|


1 attractive in a pretty or endearing way: a cute kitten.

• informal sexually attractive.

I’m tired of people assuming that just because something happens regularly it’s ok


i have so much love for everyone who has been cool and amazing. I have the best job in the world but I’m done with being passive about any kind of status quo that allows anyone to suffer or to be disrespected

Grimes world tour is officially over, the visions album cycle is officially over, and I’m now taking the time to overhaul everything and make it better

much love to every fan - stuff can be lame sometimes but its really cool to have this support <3

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