It's what sank You Da One
Yeah. Radio deals aren't always good.
Poor poor YDO.
Diamonds did well with one tho.
It's what sank You Da One
You may be right. I am not sure.
Does anyone else find it deeply ironic that botty drags Beyoncé for 'bleaching' but stans MJ like it's going out of fashion?
It's what sank You Da One
Well yeah that too, plus WFL hadn't even peaked yet.Probably a good thing since YDO was pretty mediocre.
Touchdown's Mariah stanning puts me to shame.
Touchdown's Mariah stanning puts me to shame.
There was a Rih doc? Kesha's doc flopped, too.
Bey remains queen of documentaries![]()
Is anyone surprised though? What the thieving wannabes forgot is that when you make a documentary it has to be about a topic that people actually care about.There was a Rih doc? Kesha's doc flopped, too.
Bey remains queen of documentaries![]()
IIRC Shitney's For The Record had better ratings than Bey's "Life is but an orchestrated dream"
cute avy, Second. Not sure about the new username
I would resent Botty or Roy just the same if they changed theirs to Legend X
and I've always felt Leona should change hers to something more...her.
Is anyone surprised though? What the thieving wannabes forgot is that when you make a documentary it has to be about a topic that people actually care about.
POPGAF = GAF to me. Most of my posting is done here.
Just here for some Bey stanning and spreading the gospel
I love this gif so much, it's so cute.
I don't even know how to interpret these.POP
-- 36 MARIAH CAREY #Beautiful f/Miguel 1113 0 1113 13.895
-- 46 MARIAH CAREY #Beautiful f/Miguel 463 0 463 4.420
-- 25 MARIAH CAREY #Beautiful f/Miguel 218 0 218 5.207
-- 47 MARIAH CAREY #Beautiful f/Miguel 247 0 247 2.858
-- 48 MARIAH CAREY #Beautiful f/Miguel 263 0 263 3.421
Has this been posted? If it has, here it is again.
I've been meaning to say it when I first saw he posted it, but never got the chance to.Yeah, I chuckled pretty hard when Marius posted it.
Is minus' view count coming back btw? Poor Marius must be seething
For Vogue, Swift sold 329,371 copies, digital sales included, which was a little above the six-month average that ended in June 2012, but no match for Lady Gaga, the magazine’s top seller last year, with about 602,000 copies.Katy Perry in September was far and away Elle’s big winner, with 293,741 copies sold, but Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears bombed — they had the worst and second-worst covers, respectively.
I've been a neogaf member since 2005. Waited until you made this topic to change my username tbh
Yes I'm full on Team #Beautiful. Can't wait to blast and jam that bop in my car with the windows down all summer.
Icona Pop tried though.
Well... she's trying. The description tho "Worldwide premiere of the new summer hit single All My People. A new versus track for Manilla Maniacs and a new smashing hit for Alexandra Stan". Bye. More Than Friends remains the bop of the summer.
I didn't even know a radio deal was a thing until today >_>
What are the chances of #Beauiful going #1 while Idol is still on?
TKO for Nicki if THAT happens.
The music video for Mariah's hot new single "#Beautiful" featuring Miguel will make its world premiere on American Idol tomorrow, May 8th at 8:00pm ET/PT on FOX.
Let her in.Fuck.
You guys, I think I'm finally getting Lana Del Rey.
You guys, I think I'm finally getting Lana Del Rey.