The live version of the song has been floating around for awhile, but Ferreira says the final mix, helmed by “Everything Is Embarrassing”/all the best pop songs of the last few years producer
Ariel Rechtshaid, is “super poppy.” (This is great news for those of us who actually didn’t mind the “One” era all that much.) “The production is super-inspired by Low by David Bowie,” Ferreira said.
“I wanted to make a super-poppy version. Like not when you’re rolling up your car windows because you don’t want anyone to know you’re listening to it. Like trying to hide it in your iTunes. Ariel had the idea. People say it sounds like Siouxsie Sioux. I guess the song was originally about a relationship when you’re not chasing after them. You know they’re kind of fucked up. It’s like a game of cat and mouse. They’re interested but not interested enough and it’s not fair. That’s basically what it should be called, ‘It’s Not Fair.’” (