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PopGAF |OT5| We Are Bionic, So Damn Bionic

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Still waiting on that #1 Beyonce song, Supes.



Talk That Talk shipped with an unfinished track. Should have just been a 5-track bonus edition for Loud.

I think they planned that and then saw what a huge deal WFL was going to be and made it an album with a huge lead single with the five recorded tracks and 5 B-sides with an interlude inbeteeen them.


In regards to BeySATANcé, I know people expect shade from me, but I'm not kidding when I say that I really DO think Beyonce's music is being pushed back because it's not testing well.

A few months ago someone over at ATRL posted pretty reliable receipts two songs from her new album (Rollercoaster and 12 Roses) were being tested in small markets. I say the receipts were reliable because the site the receipts were taken from actually got bullied by Beyonce's people to take them down.

So this ship has been ready to set sail for months now.

There's NO reason I can think of for Beyonce to pass up Superbowl, Grammy, and documentary promo, and to NOT launch her new tour on the back of a new single. And it would be crazy for her to launch her new album MID-TOUR. That kind of schedule would be grueling, even for her. It couldn't have possibly been the original intent. I can think of no other reason than her music not being well-received at some fundamental stage between creation and release.

I really do think she tried to pull another 4 and take creative control of this album...only for the label to say "Sorry! We're not letting you put out another stinker!"

Back to the drawing board.



And finally for #1.


#1: Love On Top
4 (2011)
WHY: Love On Top is the perfect song. There's nowhere it doesn't go and there's nothing it doesn't do. Equal parts Whitney and Anita Baker, but without a doubt a Beyoncé song through and through. Retro, soulful and full of life. In future generations, when the Mumeis of the world effortlessly clock the lessors with their Beyoncé stanning, Love On Top will be the undeniable hit that silences the stanning masses. The greatest achievement in music and will never be surpassed. Bow down and accept this gift.

Here's the album breakdowns:
8 songs from 4
6 songs from I Am... Sasha Fierce
5 songs from B'Day
1 song from Dangerously in Love
In regards to BeySATANcé, I know people expect shade from me, but I'm not kidding when I say that I really DO think Beyonce's music is being pushed back because it's not testing well.

A few months ago someone over at ATRL posted pretty reliable receipts two songs from her new album (Rollercoaster and 12 Roses) were being tested in small markets. I say the receipts were reliable because the site the receipts were taken from actually got bullied by Beyonce's people to take them down.

So this ship has been ready to set sail for months now.

There's NO reason I can think of for Beyonce to pass up Superbowl, Grammy, and documentary promo, and to NOT launch her new tour on the back of a new single. And it would be crazy for her to launch her new album MID-TOUR. That kind of schedule would be grueling, even for her. It couldn't have possibly been the original intent. I can think of no other reason than her music not being well-received at some fundamental stage between creation and release.

I really do think she tried to pull another 4 and take creative control of this album...only for the label to say "Sorry! We're not letting you put out another stinker!"

Back to the drawing board.

I will say that I at least respect them for delaying if the music were bad.

Other's would have just released to make that $$$.


Love On Top is ok but I'm not sure it deserves the top spot. Pretty good read superman, it was an entertaining read. Also, this is the first time im noticing your tag lol.


nice list superman but way too much IASF for my taste

I've noticed that some stations seem to think Dance For You is the lead single for her new album


Did you post that because you have nothing better to do? Let me just say, real quick, Beyoncé coming back. Very soon. And She's not gonna ask you how many movies you saw or which celebrities you knew. She's gonna ask you what you did for her son, Jesus. He died on the cross, and He did that just for you, and that's what we preach.

lmao wtf
Love On Top is a masterpiece and you can quit the Beyhive if you want. Nothing will change it!

And my tag just showed up sometime yesterday. Better rappers than Azealia Banks.
Yes stan Love On Top. The building final chorus is something nobody else in the game right now could ever emulate. That shit put Beyonce's vocals on the fucking map. BYE

Also I'm surprised you listed Schoolin' Life so high! That song's my jam but I thought it was just me. It's so 1990s-Full-House-Opening-Credits and I love it. Dat CHEESE. It's CHEDDAH!

Also ROY I think you have a point about Beyonce's songs not being well-received behind the scenes. There's a very obvious reason why no announcements have been made and it has to be that something went quite wrong in the 13th hour and there had to be some MAYJAH retooling.

This is kind of shaping up to be either the biggest promotional disaster of any major pop artist or one of the most accidentally well-conceived promotional schedules ever. It hasn't even been confirmed that The Mrs. Carter Show even includes new music; we've heard here and there that it does but those could all be red herrings. It's very possible that the concert series could be a legacy/archival tour that's meant to build fanbase hype, and then she'll actually start promoting her album as it wraps up. BUT it seems kind of counter-productive to her own momentum for the year. Why block off the entire middle of your big 2013 era for another concert with no new material? It could very well be the smartest move ever, but as a spectactator before-the-fact it's hard to see how. If the tour was shorter then I can understand it being a "revisit" of sorts, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm just fucking confused.

She's rebuilt her capital this year through one of the most watched televised events of all time, HBO's highest grossing documentary, and a buzz-worthy inauguration performance. The momentum is in her hands, and I'd be hard-pressed to buy the idea that she could just fuck it up like this. I'm not sure what her plan is, but if anyone can get out of this clusterfuck schedule unscathed and with a smash hit album it's Bey. I canNOT wait to see how this gets handled.

I mean she could very well announce the single for next week and the album for the next three weeks and she'll be in the clear. BuT she would have to start promoting the era like.. today. lol


I could dismiss the Beyonic rumors as the workings of thirsty and delusional Beyhive. Maybe the album was never close to completion and intended for later in the year.

But then the "coming soon" parade starting popping up in INTERVIEWS, so the tea was real. Something must be happening behind the scenes.

There was even supposed to be a PEPSI commercial with new music, no?

P.S. my iPhone's browser has been crashing since we started talking about Beyonic. Roy didn't lie when he called ha BeySATANcé.


Let me also adjust my prediction. An underwhelming 470k for Justine, below the already-underwhelming forecast.

I kinda feel like this is cheating, though, as HDD is usually correct with their predictions. I would probably cut these off before the predictions are made because they have access to resources we don't.
They're not always correct. IIRC they overestimated Xtincta by about 40-50%.
I kinda feel like this is cheating, though, as HDD is usually correct with their predictions. I would probably cut these off before the predictions are made because they have access to resources we don't.

Yeah. In the future they will be cut off earlier. (Probably the day before we get the sales #'s for the debut single.)

I felt like we needed more time with JT though since he came out of nowhere.

Let me also adjust my prediction. An underwhelming 470k for Justine, below the already-underwhelming forecast.

They're not always correct. IIRC they overestimated Xtincta by about 40-50%.


...and yeah. HDD is not infallible. They were over 100k off on S&T's first week sales.


Let me also adjust my prediction. An underwhelming 470k for Justine, below the already-underwhelming forecast.

They're not always correct. IIRC they overestimated Xtincta by about 40-50%.

Isn't she an outlier, though? Seems they were probably calculating typical promotional efforts and she failed to even capitalize on the bare minimum.

...and yeah. HDD is not infallible. They were over 100k off on S&T's first week sales.
Ah, I see.
The way S&T underperformed is what's making me predict an underperforming debut week for Justine. The marketed illusion of importance can only go so far.

I will cackle if Lastinline wins with her not so subtle "696969" prediction.

... but yeah. I think he will be under HDD's predictions. They base them mainly off of hype and preorders which leaves the door open for under performance if physical copy sales don't match up.

Fans preorder albums. If there is a big preorder push it can give the illusion that sales will be massive when in fact all the hype did was make people buy on itunes at midnight rather than going to Wal-Mart the next day.


Why wasn't this Ellie track on the album? It's fantastic. Absolutely awesome.

The Ending
I'm amazed at the amount of hair required to cover that chin in the album cover.

It's a cute song. Certainly would have been a better ending than anything in the putrid latter half of the standard edition.





And finally for #1.


#1: Love On Top
4 (2011)
WHY: Love On Top is the perfect song. There's nowhere it doesn't go and there's nothing it doesn't do. Equal parts Whitney and Anita Baker, but without a doubt a Beyoncé song through and through. Retro, soulful and full of life. In future generations, when the Mumeis of the world effortlessly clock the lessors with their Beyoncé stanning, Love On Top will be the undeniable hit that silences the stanning masses. The greatest achievement in music and will never be surpassed. Bow down and accept this gift.

Here's the album breakdowns:
8 songs from 4
6 songs from I Am... Sasha Fierce
5 songs from B'Day
1 song from Dangerously in Love

I am... and 4 having the most songs on your list?

Paying Dangerously in Love dust?

Comparing Love on Top to Whitney and Anita Baker?

Mumei doesn't even stan for it. She only uses her chest voice, and as a means to flick royalan's nipples.

This whole thing was an utter mess.

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