I blame Degrassi for side tracking us.
What? The Degrassi talk has been going on for an hour. MIA's song has been out for days. It's just a complete lack of interest or impact. As per.
Bye it came out today, try harder
So if you guys go somewhere else instead of the plug.dj room then
1) What is it, and
2) Why hasn't anyone invited me yet
Being on a network would have given this show a spacious 22 episodes to breathe and fully explore the stories and rich lore this series has.
I disagree. I don't think it needs 22 episodes; I think it needed a normal 13 episode season. That's an extra three hours which is more than enough time to give it more breathing room. If they then made better use of their time (oh my god limit the gratuitous sexposition), I think things would work out fine. I have no idea why they keep it to 10 episodes. If I had the option between network production and acting budget + 22 episodes and HBO production budget and acting budget + 13 episodes, I'd take the latter.
I disagree. I don't think it needs 22 episodes; I think it needed a normal 13 episode season. That's an extra three hours which is more than enough time to give it more breathing room. If they then made better use of their time (oh my god limit the gratuitous sexposition), I think things would work out fine. I have no idea why they keep it to 10 episodes. If I had the option between network production and acting budget + 22 episodes and HBO production budget and acting budget + 13 episodes, I'd take the latter.
Yep people can derail for TV show talk for a long time but videogame talk its not cool.
Yep people can derail for TV show talk for a long time but videogame talk its not cool.
.....I noticed that.
I mean come on. These shows almost all have their own threads.
.....I noticed that.
I mean come on. These shows almost all have their own threads.
The Video Game talk is inherently different considering what NeoGaf is. The rules that apply to video game talk and television show talk are completely different as you both should know from reading the ToS.
This is an off-topic community...we're a community so in between talks of pop music and stuff we can also have chit chats about television, books, and other forms of media too (like the other off-topic communities). Especially when you consider that there hasn't been much to talk about in music anyway.
You can't derail a discussion that's not happening.
I mean, you two are more than welcome to seed some riveting and pop music relevant discussion if you'd like.
speaking of things that are still trying
That doesn't even make any sense..........
If there is nothing to talk about the thread SHOULD die/go dormant. Artificially turning it into a chat room for TV shows doesn't seem appropriate.
I am sympathetic when we are discussing shows that don't get much play on GAF, but when we are just creating a second thread to talk about GoT it is just stupid.
Makes plenty of sense.
And I don't think the thread was artificially turned into anything. Seemed like a pretty organic discussion to me.
Cop out answer. Saying it makes sense without actually saying WHY it makes sense.
There are already threads for said shows. Give me a good reason why they should be discussed here at length (the last 75 posts have been dominated by it) rather than in their home threads, or Plug.
Um, but GoT was not the only thing discussed. It was GoT, Degrassi, Shameless, and TVD. And there was still music talk with MIA. Oh and this is all on one page even with 50 posts.
And nobody commented on Backstreet Boys because NOBODY GIVES A FUCK that they are still making music.
Cop out answer. Saying it makes sense without actually saying WHY it makes sense.
There are already threads for said shows. Give me a good reason why they should be discussed here at length (the last 75 posts have been dominated by it) rather than in their home threads, or Plug.
Still its derailing the main conversation of the thread and still looks unfair to allow to talk about everything else except videogames. It looks unfair cause those shows have their own OTs where you guys can go and talk about them there. If we are not allowed to talk about videogames here and sent to talk on the gaming thread of said game you should do the same with TV shows. It might be on the ToS but it surely doesnt look right. Its still derailing and still not adding to the main attention of this place which is the pop music.
1) Because every subcommunity on this board occasionally deviates from their main topic. You and Pupi bring up gaming not being discussed here, but then conveniently leave out the several pages worth of discussion that we had leading up to E3 before Mumei told us to take it to Gaming Side.
2) No one particular show was being discussed. Rather, we discussed several shows in those 75 posts because one PopGAF member (Botty) wanted the opinion of other PopGAF members of what shows he should watch. Now, as Botty becomes more involved in these shows, he will of course take discussion to their appropriate threads (as he and everyone else does). But I don't see how there's any harm done in getting a quick sampling of how a group of people you interact with over a common interest in one subject (music) might transfer those tastes to another (TV).
1) Because every subcommunity on this board occasionally deviates from their main topic. You and Pupi bring up gaming not being discussed here, but then conveniently leave out the several pages worth of discussion that we had leading up to E3 before Mumei told us to take it to Gaming Side.
2) No one particular show was being discussed. Rather, we discussed several shows in those 75 posts because one PopGAF member (Botty) wanted the opinion of other PopGAF members of what shows he should watch. Now, as Botty becomes more involved in these shows, he will of course take discussion to their appropriate threads (as he and everyone else does). But I don't see how there's any harm done in getting a quick sampling of how a group of people you interact with over a common interest in one subject (music) might transfer those tastes to another (TV).
There is plug.dj for that, skype or whatever you guys use these days.
I don't use any of those things.
Now you're just being argumentative.
1) Because every subcommunity on this board occasionally deviates from their main topic. You and Pupi bring up gaming not being discussed here, but then conveniently leave out the several pages worth of discussion that we had leading up to E3 before Mumei told us to take it to Gaming Side.
2) No one particular show was being discussed. Rather, we discussed several shows in those 75 posts because one PopGAF member (Botty) wanted the opinion of other PopGAF members of what shows he should watch. Now, as Botty becomes more involved in these shows, he will of course take discussion to their appropriate threads (as he and everyone else does). But I don't see how there's any harm done in getting a quick sampling of how a group of people you interact with over a common interest in one subject (music) might transfer those tastes to another (TV).
Isn't the whole point of these topics being in Community Forum is because they've outgrown specific topicality and are now just group of posters/friends discussing whatever they feel like along with the main topic?
Pupi and waffle, you both need to sit your asses down. Pupi you were literally apart of the GoT conversation, and waffle, you weren't complaining about thread derailing when you had that conversation with Mumei about animated movies.
So unless both of you are willing to take a ban for any form of thread derailing you both have done in here, just stop. please.
1. No they don't. Maybe the big sports/music ones do, but the others that I frequent (weight loss community thread/fitness community thread/Tennis community thread) do not.
2. That almost makes it worse. I can understand going off topic the day of the GoT's finale with everyone talking about it, but just going off on a random general TV show tangent doesn't imo.
Obviously it is Modmei's call, but I feel like I am just as entitled as anyone else to an opinion.
If all your asses also get banned too why not? It would be the fair thing.
Isn't the whole point of these topics being in Community Forum is because they've outgrown specific topicality and are now just group of posters/friends discussing whatever they feel like along with the main topic?
Pupi and waffle, you both need to sit your asses down. Pupi you were literally apart of the GoT conversation, and waffle, you weren't complaining about thread derailing when you had that conversation with Mumei about animated movies.
So unless both of you are willing to take a ban for any form of thread derailing you both have done in here, just stop. please.
Waffles: You're confusing the purpose of community threads with why community threads were moved to their own tab.
We aren't the ones complaining about things that are allowed. You are.
I am because it doesnt look right to simply not allow one thing when you are allowing basically the same talk with another different thing. We are watching people talking about this show its better than that like we also do this game its better than that. Its basically the same thing as gaming but since its not gaming you can get away with it. If I get banned for simply defending my POV then I'm fine with it. I ain't the one using double standards here.
I am because it doesnt look right to simply not allow one thing when you are allowing basically the same talk with another different thing. We are watching people talking about this show its better than that like we also do this game its better than that. Its basically the same thing as gaming but since its not gaming you can get away with it. If I get banned for simply defending my POV then I'm fine with it. I ain't the one using double standards here.
I have explained why the double standard exist, though. Like... do you really not get it?
2) Now who doesn't make sense?
Pretty much this.
It is not necessarily that I dislike off topic discussion. It is that I like consistency with the rules/policies, and consistency seems to be in short supply.
Or we could disagree with your reasoning......