The difference is that Bey stans are DISAPPOINTED with the song, they are not saying that comparing it with GW is like comparing two different kinds of shit.
The fact of the matter is that you dropped your cover too quickly and that's trashed your backstory. It was obvious for a long time that you were only pretending to like SotS for as long as you needed to so that you when you eventually and inevitably turned on it to announce that it is the single worst song in human history and makes you reconsider your opinion of Adolf Hitler you could say 'no! i'm not just a delusionally pressed hater! i liked standing on the sun for ten minutes before the disappointing second verse/bit where beyonce does a singing thing i can complain about/she makes reference to female empowerment and i can spew pressed nonsense about some imagined hypocrisy!' (delete as appropriate) as though pretending to like one song for two months is enough for your opinions about Bey to gain weight or relevance.
As ever, stay Londa. I'll say hi to your fave's career for you when I take out the trash later.
...Gurl, I'm glad you're following my every move like this, but not even I put that much effort into my shade. I anoint myself and throw the holy water on Beysatancé when the mood strikes me. I don't plot things.
Besides, I fail to see how Beyonce stans being "disappointed" is different than me coming right out and saying "the song is shit." That is, after all, what people REALLY want to say when they say the song is disappointing.