Would like to know this too but for the PS3 version insteadAny option files for PC out yet?
Would like to know this too but for the PS3 version insteadAny option files for PC out yet?
I dont get the hate on here from some people. Im really enjoying this against the CPU. And once we get the option files and updated transfers it will be even better.
Di admin Pubblicato il 19-09-2013 21:50 Numero di Visualizzazioni: 6912
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Oggi è uscito PES 2014, ed è già disponibile la v1 del FO per PES 2014 - PS3. Per il download fate click qui! Per chi non lo sapesse, tramite questi pacchetti, gratuiti e legali per cui non serve la modifica alla console, nel corso dell'anno aggiungeremo diversi contenuti a PES 2014. Tra un po' di tempo ritroverete comodamente la Bundesliga, la Serie B e altri due campionati della vostra console di casa. Installarli è semplicissimo.
I contenuti della prima versione:
Nomi squadre ufficiali Premier League 2013/2014
Loghi in alta definizione Premier League 2013/2014
Nomi squadre Liga ZON Sagres 2013/2014
Loghi in alta definizione Liga Zon Sagres 2013/2014
Rimpiazzati i giocatori fake dell'Olanda
Rinominati i giocatori delle due squadre classiche
Any idea when Konami will release the latest transfer dlc?
Any idea when Konami will release the latest transfer dlc?
Are Dortmund missing from the game? Can only find a couple of German teams.
indeed... i am playing at Top Player as Napoli vs Barcelona.
I am doing fine... first half they had 2-3 chances, I had Pandev almost score on a break. 2nd half I am doing better, moving up and they almost scored on the break but i covered the players well manually.
For people "hating" on the CPU doing what we like to do - through ball, i dont see that as a problem at all... seems natural... move your defense back a bit with d-pad (new for 2014).
For me, a lot of small gameplay improvements from the demo:
- shooting is fine now, was a bit light before
- changing players seems perfect
- passing seems fine
- menus now work fine (was a bit jerky before when changing players)
Only big thing left is for replay - they are still as jerky as in demo.
Otherwise, the actual game plays great and looks great on the screen too. Physics and animation are awesome. Feels like football. Speed is good too... any faster and it would feel like some turbo mode.
Exclusive contract with EA. Only Bayern, Leverkusen and Schalke.
Exclusive contract with EA. Only Bayern, Leverkusen and Schalke.
So where are the players?
How do you change attack/defense levels?
Come on you bastards.Anyone?
Come on you bastards.
BAL is improved... i picked existing team/player (Rakitic) and woa... gameplay and looks - much improved due to fox engine... it looks great now and animation/physics are great too... actual mode didnt seem to change much but it is soo much fun... apperantly you can learn some special tricks now with the player in training...
you still have to press next and wait for FF, and missing faces is actually annoying here as they used to be there, nevertheless, gameplay is tops..
Exclusive contract? what the fuck EA.
Is there gonna be a US PC version for this?
I've got a PS3 but the frame rate issues in the demo completely put me off that version at least. Steam doesn't list it, PES' website just points me to a PS360 version so am I SOL or is there still any hope?
This.Pes has abysmal marketing, abysmal PR, abysmal product launch. 2014 is clearly an incomplete game in every sense. If you are a company exec and you see a demo of the game, with player faces the way they are at the moment, it does not instill confidence.
Left/Right on the dpad for the defensive line. Up and down to scroll through the presets, which you can change in the gameplay and then Preset Tactics at the bottom of the screen.
Not only is the Steam version nowhere near close to showing up, I'm hearing the PC version has the worst input lag of any version/build yet. Anyone here with the retail PC version want to confirm? What a mess Konami..
You mean, there's no traditional way to switch attacking/defending levels??
So I checked myself and it's true. WHAT THE FUCK??that has now become a slider in the tactics setup
The game will be up on Steam. we just don´t know when.
Come on guys, I know that 'PR is the devil, marketing should burn in hell' and all that, but it's almost as if Konami wants their games to fail or something, ffs. The game was supposed to be released today but oh noes, it will be released on Mexico on the 24, the same day as FIFA which I was going to pick up from the beginning.
Now not only they lost that advantage, but I can see some people changing their pre-orders to FIFA instead.
I'm really enjoying the demo and it looks like it's an amazing football game despite the awful menus, but like I said, it's almost as if they want to sabotage themselves.
They even got the most popular Mexican commentators, for crying out loud.
You mean, there's no traditional way to switch attacking/defending levels??
Huh? You can change between 3 customizable presets with the up/down dpad. You could make these 3 to be an attacking, defending and normal preset and can then switch on the fly between them.Found this answer and I couldn't believe it.
So I checked myself and it's true. WHAT THE FUCK??
These developers make no sense.
Well to be fair FIFA has a bunch of horrible faces too. The PES development team does seem like an incompetent bunch though, I mean how long can it take to update the transfers, the regular Joe with a day job that makes option files can get it done in a few hours, so what the hell is Konami doing that it takes them weeks to update stuff.
It's not a matter of simply updating them, they need to have FIFA's approval to update them and it takes some time to get it. EA's FIFA can just do it whenever they please, they have a license. They don't need to get in touch with FIFA to update transfers.
Could you please stop believing at every nonsense KONAMI says to justify their weak efforts?
There is no such a thing like Fifa approval,there is the fact that they were not quick enough to update every transfer.
Oh, there isn't?
So... can someone tell me how does advanced shooting work compared to basic shooting?
So... can someone tell me how does advanced shooting work compared to basic shooting?