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PS Vita general discussion thread, part 4 | "Summer 2012"

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Guess the sale on the game is only for europe perhaps.

And just saw some guy playing AC 3 Liberation on the vita and while he wasn't the best of players show edme some gameplay and it looks very good.
Glad the touch to kill is only optional in the game.


Well good thing they still have until October, because the animations could still use a bit of work. I also wasn't to fond of the gargantuan leaps she was taking when jumping from branch to branch. Still very excited for this though, hopefully it's as good as we're all hoping.


Mortal Kombat or Blazblue?
BlazBlue is not the best 2D fighting game out there, but it's still better than any MK ever made, including UMK3 and MK9 (which is the one you're referring to).

So, can you share with me some first impressions of lumines since i'm on the fence to buy it or not
The first Lumines was the best game on PSP for quite a while. It was so good that Electronic Symphony was a system seller for me. The Vita one has better skins and works really well in tandem with the system's strengths (clicky buttons, hypnotic OLED). If you enjoy arcade-style action puzzle games like Tetris, Puyo Pop, Panel de Pon, Magical Drop, you'll like Lumines. I recommend the original and Electronic Symphony the most. It's very easy to make an hour disappear with one run of Voyage once you understand how to play and go into "Lumines trance".

You should take some screenshots for us! :p
Here's one of my favorite skins:


I downloaded the Madden demo and wow it's pretty terrible. There is a ton of stuttering and it feels very sluggish. The game looks very good graphics wise though but it feels like the hardware can't handle the game.


I downloaded the Madden demo and wow it's pretty terrible. There is a ton of stuttering and it feels very sluggish. The game looks very good graphics wise though but it feels like the hardware can't handle the game.

Yeah, I think text needs to be a bit bigger too.


Since it's now confirmed Vita Cross-Buy will apply to both retail and download copies of the PS3 games, I'm wondering how Sony is going to deal with the problem of people buying the PS3 disc and then reselling it in order to grab a way cheap download of the Vita version.


An blind dancing ho
Is Soul Sacrifice on the show floor?

any hands on preview?

dunoo..but there was a new trailer.

poor game seems to got completely overshadowed by Sony first party games.

Since it's now confirmed Vita Cross-Buy will apply to both retail and download copies of the PS3 games, I'm wondering how Sony is going to deal with the problem of people buying the PS3 disc and then reselling it in order to grab a way cheap download of the Vita version.

I believe this Cross Buy thing is just here to encourage people to buy Vita and play on it,so reselling PS3 discs is not a big problem for Sony right now.. a necessary sacrifice to help Vita I guess.
Mortal Kombat or Blazblue?

Depends on your preference -- but if you can find MK9 on a card for $<20, it's a no brainer. BBCS2E is $25 dd on the US PSN store, but I can't bring myself to buy it knowing BlazBlue CP will be out in like 6 months.

BlazBlue is not the best 2D fighting game out there, but it's still better than any MK ever made, including UMK3 and MK9 (which is the one you're referring to).

That's subjective.
IMO, they're different games entirely.
And it depends on the preference of the gamer -- if the gamer has a preference between Arc and MK, it should be easy to decide.
Hell, if you can find another $10 sale on MK9, you could get both for the original MSRP of BBCS2E. :lol


Since it's now confirmed Vita Cross-Buy will apply to both retail and download copies of the PS3 games, I'm wondering how Sony is going to deal with the problem of people buying the PS3 disc and then reselling it in order to grab a way cheap download of the Vita version.

Is this confirmed? That it applies to retail copies that is?

Hard to believe that it's starting to feel like the Vita will be my most played console this Christmas.


Depends on your preference -- but if you can find MK9 on a card for $<20, it's a no brainer. BBCS2E is $25 dd on the US PSN store, but I can't bring myself to buy it knowing BlazBlue CP will be out in like 6 months.

That's subjective.
IMO, they're different games entirely.
And it depends on the preference of the gamer -- if the gamer has a preference between Arc and MK, it should be easy to decide.
Hell, if you can find another $10 sale on MK9, you could get both for the original MSRP of BBCS2E. :lol

wait, what is BB CP and is it coming for the Vita?
Since it's now confirmed Vita Cross-Buy will apply to both retail and download copies of the PS3 games, I'm wondering how Sony is going to deal with the problem of people buying the PS3 disc and then reselling it in order to grab a way cheap download of the Vita version.

I don't see the problem?
I mean, hell, people who wanted Portal 2 cheap before the sales grabbed it on consoles, used the Steam code and sold it. The developer still gets the initial sale and it's no different than people who trade games in to the used market or sell privately once they finish/tire of them. I've bought a total of 6 Vita retail games and only MK9, Unit 13, and Uncharted were new. The others (HSG, Rayman, UMvC3) were all used.

Since it's a download code, there's nothing stopping those people without a Vita from selling their digital code to lessen the cost of their PS3 game as well. And in the end, Sony wins on the extremely marked up memory card game, because as people end up with this 1+ gb downloads for the crossbuy program (on average), they'll fill up memory cards and get sick of re-downloading old stuff, opting for a second or bigger memory card. :)

wait, what is BB CP and is it coming for the Vita?

BB CP is Blazblue 3. Release is only announced for PS3 at the moment, but considering Arc ported CS2E to both 3DS and Vita, I wouldn't think it unlikely that it could happen. The mere possibility is enough to hold me off from purchasing a vita DD copy and I'm thinking of selling my PS3 disc before it's too late to get anything for it.

Since it's now confirmed Vita Cross-Buy will apply to both retail and download copies of the PS3 games, I'm wondering how Sony is going to deal with the problem of people buying the PS3 disc and then reselling it in order to grab a way cheap download of the Vita version.

you are going to get people abusing any promotion like this unfortunately. really, i'd imagine the percentage of people doing so to be quite small

as long as they are making the free copy download only, to a code that you can only use once, it should minimize the number of people doing so


between MK and BB, which is good for a beginner?
I don't know. Neither is very accessible. You can pull off moves in both, but doing advanced combos will take strict timing in either game. MK has a lot of interesting extras; BB has the better story mode. Go with whichever appeals to you most since they are very different like corrosivefrost said.

I think the most accessible fighter specifically for Vita is probably UMvC3, though. Do you already own it?


Awesome game with a good OST! Its confusing at the moment, so many colors and lights at the screen, but I'll get over once I play more with it. :)

Try this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opsd6BvJinY
Thanks, was able to view it now. That level looks cool and i liked how the music evolves.

The first Lumines was the best game on PSP for quite a while. It was so good that Electronic Symphony was a system seller for me. The Vita one has better skins and works really well in tandem with the system's strengths (clicky buttons, hypnotic OLED). If you enjoy arcade-style action puzzle games like Tetris, Puyo Pop, Panel de Pon, Magical Drop, you'll like Lumines. I recommend the original and Electronic Symphony the most. It's very easy to make an hour disappear with one run of Voyage once you understand how to play and go into "Lumines trance".

Hmm, thanks a lot for the tip. Guess i might really buy lumines. I played the demo and liked it, but since when we lose we have to begin in the same skin it could make the demo too much repetitive and make me lose interest in getting the game.

Well, it's been a awhile since i played puzzle games but i love rhythm games and loved how the rotating/moving the pieces in lumines were in touch with the music.
(an awesome skin there)

Sound Shapes is rad.
Just tried it with Pioneer headphones, goddamn.
You remind me i need new headphones since mine are so old and starting to fail a little. T_T


it's not just Sound Shapes, Vita's speakers are garbage.

People should play all games using an audiophile headphone(or at least a decent one)

The speakers are REALLY bad, and the sound mix on Mortal Kombat is atrocious. Surprised it passed cert the way it is, honestly, and you actually can only barely hear the narration/speaking during story bits and endings with the sound maxed and the vita held right up to your ear.


I don't know. Neither are very accessible. You can pull off moves in both, but doing advanced combos will take strict timing in either game. MK has a lot of interesting extras; BB has the better story mode. Go with whichever appeals to you most since they are very different like corrosivefrost said.

I think the most accessible fighter specifically for Vita is probably UMvC3, though. Do you already own it?

hmm how is the online community on those games? just want something with a good story mode and an occasional online match


The Sound Shapes editor is going to take up way too much of my free time. That shit is awesome and I barely have anything unlocked for it yet.


So, NFS Most Wanted (AKA Burnout Paradise 2) will be similar to the PS3 version. YES.

And Rasec, buy Lumines already. The best skins in this game is Good Girl, Disco Infiltrator and Acajou.


So, NFS Most Wanted (AKA Burnout Paradise 2) will be similar to the PS3 version. YES.

And Radec, buy Lumines already. The best skins in this game is Good Girl, Disco Infiltrator and Acajou.

Now that's persuasion at it's best! So subtle and classy!
It makes me want to touch that buy button and everything xD


I recorded the lumines playlist video but it the audio recorded from the wrong mic so voice is quiet and sound isn't direct feed..it's converting atm but meh...tbh videos don't do it justice as the experience comes from activating your brains logic centre and getting it working while hypnotising you with visuals and music. Basically, that's lumines.

Also I think the vita's speakers are actually fantastic, hardly bother plugging in the shures. I don't listen to music on them, but lumines for example sounds wonderful.


I love nearly all the skins in Electronic Symphony. It's actually easier to list the ones I don't care for than the other way around. I'm still surprised at that because it's the opposite of the original Lumines for me where the best skins were the first and last ones in that game (Shinin' and Lights). It sucks that the Makoto Asai skins in ES aren't in Voyage because those are crazy good, too.

hmm how is the online community on those games? just want something with a good story mode and an occasional online match
Unfortunately, I can't help with this since I don't play fighting games online. Even the slightest bit of lag drives me crazy, and I don't feel like dealing with rage-quitters. Hopefully someone else will chime in for you.

Just to be clear, I don't have either of these games for Vita. I only have UMvC3 on Vita since it was the only one I deemed worth buying again (in addition to both UMvC3 and the SE of MvC3 on PS3).

I don't like MK9 enough to buy it more than once, even for $10 (I have it on PS3), and I heard that BBCSE Vita had voice compression niggles (I own Calamity Trigger and Continuum Shift on PS3). With the new $24.99 price, I might consider getting Extend on Vita since I skipped it on PS3 (I bought the overpriced character DLC for CS and didn't think $40 was worth it just for Relius). Chrono Phantasma looks nice, but I'd probably get that on PS3 instead of Vita. Sadly, Persona 4 ARENA is making me remember how clunky, slow, and linear BlazBlue is in comparison to Arc's other popular stuff.
hmm how is the online community on those games? just want something with a good story mode and an occasional online match

If you like anime, the story mode in BB is supposed to be good, but I've always found it annoying, personally.

The story in MK9 is typical cheesy MK stuff, but it's a lot of cutscenes and is reasonably long. I've played through it twice now and thought it was fun both times (PS3 then Vita).

I'd say Blazblue is more complex in terms of techniques you can learn as the game goes on... MK9 is a lot more basic, I think, with the most complex things being EX moves, supers, and combo breakers.

MK9 also has a ton of mini games, including a really fun fruit ninja spinoff called test your slice.

You can't go wrong with either, really.

As far as the online community goes, I don't know about BBCS2E since I don't own it on Vita; and I haven't tried ranked or random matches in MK9 -- but for the most part, the Vita version of the game has netcode superior to the console version in every way -- I played about 20 matches with a friend one night and most of the time there wasn't noticeable lag at all.

With the new $24.99 price, I might consider getting Extend on Vita since I skipped it on PS3 (I bought the overpriced character DLC for CS and didn't think $40 was worth it just for Relius). Chrono Phantasma looks nice, but I'd probably get that on PS3 instead of Vita.

Mostly my reasoning. I'm still holding a grudge against Arc for the BBCS2 > BBCS2E transition and currently on the fence about CP. I love the art style and the gameplay, but my group of friends who play fighting games decided they would move on to something else, so I got all of 2 nights of BBCS2E in for $40. After paying the $25 for the character DLC for CS2, I'm bitter.


Went to redownload the Resistance demo on the back of the CoD news to see how it played (only played a quick snippet when the demo first came out as I had to make room). Turns out you can only download it once! Am I being stupid or missing something? No longer listed in the Store under demos or on the Resistance page, just the full game, and not in my download list.


Bleh, starting to feel a little burned out with Rayman Origins when the levels
cycled back to the beginning and reused the mechanics and assets introduced earlier

I suppose it was designed like this so you never feel like you're
spending too much time in one area
, but for me it's having the opposite effect. I feel like I've
moved on from those areas, I don't want to go back.

Well, the game is still fun. Maybe I should just take a break for a week or two.


Are the issues with Sound Shapes syncing fixed yet? I want to support it, but only if everything's working as intended.

Mostly my reasoning. I'm still holding a grudge against Arc for the BBCS2 > BBCS2E transition and currently on the fence about CP. I love the art style and the gameplay, but my group of friends who play fighting games decided they would move on to something else, so I got all of 2 nights of BBCS2E in for $40. After paying the $25 for the character DLC for CS2, I'm bitter.
Seriously, even if the character DLC was for "early access", there's no excusing Extend for being such a worthless entry. We really shouldn't have to deal with that kinda crap this gen with patches and DLC now, but it's only gotten worse. The SFxT debacle still makes me feel icky. :(
Are the issues with Sound Shapes syncing fixed yet? I want to support it, but only if everything's working as intended.

Seriously, even if the character DLC was for "early access", there's no excusing Extend for being such a worthless entry. We really shouldn't have to deal with that kinda crap this gen with patches and DLC now, but it's only gotten worse. The SFxT debacle still makes me feel icky. :(

Yes, the syncing issues should be good, though PS3 still needs the workaround, I think.

And exactly on the SFxT -- now I want the Vita version for the free console unlocks, but I have to wait til 10/26? What?
it's not just Sound Shapes, Vita's speakers are garbage.

People should play all games using an audiophile headphone(or at least a decent one)

The official Vita in-ear phones are already quite good, especially for the price, they can deliver surprisingly low frequencies and crisp detail. The Vita doesn't have enough power to properly drive my Etymotics, but my AKGs sound pretty nice on it.


I recorded the lumines playlist video but it the audio recorded from the wrong mic so voice is quiet and sound isn't direct feed..it's converting atm but meh...tbh videos don't do it justice as the experience comes from activating your brains logic centre and getting it working while hypnotising you with visuals and music. Basically, that's lumines.

Also I think the vita's speakers are actually fantastic, hardly bother plugging in the shures. I don't listen to music on them, but lumines for example sounds wonderful.

But bring that video anyways xP.
Well i think vita speakers are even of better quality than the ones on the ipad.

Souns shapes is fun. Good to see superbrothers touch in it. And t's a good challenge in the quick platform department. Remembers me the levels at rayman origins which i loved finishing that game. The last secret run level and boss was a pain but i was able tu surpass it..


Youtube just finished processing it and it tells me rejected due to length -_- will re-record it properly and try and make it shorter by 11 minutes tomorrow. I'm not sure how watchable it is, but great to play so no sweat re-recording.
hmm how is the online community on those games? just want something with a good story mode and an occasional online match

Mk has tons of single player content.

Story mode where you change characters a lot and it's pretty long. Cheesy but fun.

Ladder arcade mode both normal and tag

Challenge tower - hundreds of challenges. Great fun so far.

New challenge tower - vita specific (150 challenges) using the vitas features like the touch screen

Then you have the online side which I havnt tried yet.

It's not a hard game to get into. I think it's pretty accessible.
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