Oh I agree as I upgraded from 8-16 as well. Just saying its doable. If your planing on cross play then sure it's even harder. I don't own a ps3 though.
Oh I agree as I upgraded from 8-16 as well. Just saying its doable. If your planing on cross play then sure it's even harder. I don't own a ps3 though.
Hey guys I'm currently arguing with myself over whether I want a Vita or 3DS this holiday season so I put together a list of the Vita games I'm interested in but what I need to know is whether they have any gimmicks like touch/motion (I assume they all do but I don't know) and, more importantly, if they can be turned completely off.
Hey guys I'm currently arguing with myself over whether I want a Vita or 3DS this holiday season so I put together a list of the Vita games I'm interested in but what I need to know is whether they have any gimmicks like touch/motion (I assume they all do but I don't know) and, more importantly, if they can be turned completely off. Here are the games
Dynasty Warriors Next
Rayman Origins
Virtua Tennis
Madden 13
I don't know if Madden is out yet but I put it on there anyway. I left off some others that are coming out still like Assassin's Creed since we don't know about that stuff yet. Thanks in advance.
i use the official kind you can pick up at most stores and i haven't had any issues. relatively easy to install, too.
I haven't played Virtua Tennis or Rayman on Vita(much, if not at all), so I can't comment much on those...
Dynasty Warriors Next is mostly straightforward button controls with movement on the analog and/or d-pad(forget which). However, it does have some things that include touch and gyro gimmicks. Mini-games that take place in the story mode or through challenges you get from other players online use this, but I believe the touch/gyro controls are optional for these. That leaves only one thing with forced touch controls, and these are "duels." When you come across a big boss character in each level, you start up a duel. Touch the screen to block(and parry), swipe to attack, and press + hold for a second or two to break their guard. It's very obviously tacked on but one you get the hang of it you can end it within a minute or two, or even a few seconds. Other than that, it really is just a Dynasty Warriors game with... I believe the largest roster yet.
Uncharted, being a launch title from a first party studio, has too many tacked on gimmicks. The melee and movement can be done with both touch and buttons, while there are numerous puzzles and QTEs that require you to use the touch screen(swipe, touch, spin, etc.). Then there's the gyro/motion controls. You can use the gyro controls to aim your guns, which some say it even works better than using the right analog stick, but you are also forced to use it to balance yourself on logs and whatnot(plus possibly more, I didn't beat it.) While this can be annoying(and it is!), I still feel the game is at least worth playing.
Not much to say on Madden other than I played the demo and didn't really enjoy it...
The only game in your list that is brought down by gimmicks is Uncharted. Virtua Tennis is seriously awesome and tour mode is great for short bursts with sleep mode. I'd say only try Uncharted for cheap, because I love 2 and 3 but GA was just complete shit to me. Definitely felt like a B game as opposed to the AAA console entries.
Rayman Origins Vita has got to be the best version of the game. D-pad can't be beat and the touch controls are very useful, while being completely optional (unless your primary directive is to get trophies, but if so then you're an asshole).
And 2D platformers are always more fun on handhelds anyway, IMO.
I don't know why, but I cringe every time someone opts for anything less than 16gb. Seems like it just won't be enough...
It's strange that so many people here mentioned Dynasty Warriors having optional touch screen controls because that definitely wasn't how I remembered. There are many touch-screen and gyro-based minigames scattered all throughout the game. While buttons and analog sticks can be used in conjunction with such control methods, there is no way to completely avoid touching the screen. At the end of each level, there is a touchscreen-only "duel" that acts as a boss battle of sorts. The duel itself isn't difficult, but the ridiculous HP of enemies on higher difficulties causes the battle to drag for way too long.Hey guys I'm currently arguing with myself over whether I want a Vita or 3DS this holiday season so I put together a list of the Vita games I'm interested in but what I need to know is whether they have any gimmicks like touch/motion (I assume they all do but I don't know) and, more importantly, if they can be turned completely off.
Can you map the second analogue stick to something in PSP games on the Vita? I think I've heard that you can but I'm not sure.
Or maybe that certain PSP games take advantage of the additional analogue stick while others don't. Any clarification would be nice.
You don't get many DD games do you? With my PSP I often found myself looking for higher capacity cards. Highest I ever had was a 4GB and it NEVER held enough stuff.I cringe harder when people go 16-32 due to price.
I have the 4gb I got in my used deal and don't see myself ever getting more storage unless Sony cuts prices by 75%+ or there is an r4 style hacked solution where I won't be gouged to hell and back on memory.
Like the PSP's PS1 emulator thing? Alright sounds good, thanks a lot!You can, but the implementation is really wierd. When you're playing a PSP game, press the screen for a couple of seconds and you'll be given a menu, in which you can map the stick to various functions.
Can you map the second analogue stick to something in PSP games on the Vita? I think I've heard that you can but I'm not sure.
Or maybe that certain PSP games take advantage of the additional analogue stick while others don't. Any clarification would be nice.
I finally finished Gravity Rush. Had to sort of force myself through it, only to see an unsatisfying end. Meh.
I enjoyed the platforming aspect of the game. My favorite episode was the one where you don't get to control gravity, but there are markers you step into to change gravity to a certain direction. Some really good puzzle platforming there. Being able to fly around town is damn cool.
It's too bad the game has a heavier emphasis on combat. The game mechanic just doesn't lend itself well to 3D aerial combat, since you only get to fly in straight lines. It's also not easy to keep track of where enemies are; the off-screen markers don't help much.
The controls are pretty loose too. It's hard to land on a narrow strip, because momentum usually sends you sliding off, and the game doesn't readily detect edge grabbing. I'd much prefer if evading was a button instead of screen flick. That probably would've made combat feel smoother.
And the camera could be improved. I found myself tapping down on the D-pad to reset the camera quite often, because it would keep rotating when I just want it to stay still. It's also a bit janky at times. Even just running up some stairs can cause it to hiccup.
Neat idea, poor execution.
Death mode in Sound Shapes was either designed to troll people or not designed at all. Random crap.
Ugh, I need to complete two more Death Mode levels in Sound Shapes ...
I saw you in a Power Rangers thread and I thought I was hallucinating. Is this the real Takao?
Also, I've always been amazed that lunchwithyuzo is tagged as Nintendo's Takao, but you're not tagged as anything.
Unfortunately.Only tag I get is "Banned". Thankfully it's never permanent.
Only tag I get is "Banned". Thankfully it's never permanent.
I saw you in a Power Rangers thread and I thought I was hallucinating. Is this the real Takao?
Also, I've always been amazed that lunchwithyuzo is tagged as Nintendo's Takao, but you're not tagged as anything.
This thread is such a circle jerk.
I know, but this is the last time, I swear.Didn't I tell you yesterday to stop changing your avatar? And yes it is a circle jerk, would you like to join? I'm a newly inducted Sony fanboy. I love my Vita so much and Gamescom was so amazing that I just bought a PS3.
oh i guess this is a proper reintroduction:
After 10,000 years (three weeks) I'm free!
Time to conquer Earth (GAF)!
Why would anyone buy Modnation racers? That abysmal framerate turned me off completely.And the backlog keeps growing! ("but vita has no games lolol").
Got Modnation yesterday and so far, enjoying it as much as the PS3 version. Controls better also by turning off drive-assist (which sucks and auto-uses boosts). Loadings are not as bad as expected and are shorter than WipEout (WipEout is still better in everything else).
And Super Stardust Delta so far also enjoying it as much as the PS3 version; which I really liked.
Why would anyone buy Modnation racers? That abysmal framerate turned me off completely.
Just bought Virtua Tennis though. Not a bad game, and amazing visuals. Even though the cutscenes are like 20fps.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus most likely won't be worth it unless you enjoy difficult games/awesome action games with retarded stories.
I like Ninja Gaiden on consoles but they're too hard for my blood so I fear for my Vita if I do pick it up.
Huh. I thought that was on by default.This thread is a ban magnet.
Is there any way to turn off the notifications telling me when people are online and when the Liveareas have refreshed?
Only tag I get is "Banned". Thankfully it's never permanent.
I've been tinkering around and I can't find it to save my life.@lunch: Settings hun
It is on by default. I don't want it to be.Huh. I thought that was on by default.
It is on by default. I don't want it to be.
OmegaZero probably got banned for trolling the iOS thread. No one seemed to care, and it was harmless so he'll probably be back soon.
That allows me to set the LiveArea to not auto-refresh, which is fine for the video app, but I'd like it to refresh the Store app.Reading comprehension fail yet again on my part. Damn it. Maybe... System -> Auto-Start Settings?
I've been tinkering around and I can't find it to save my life.
It is on by default. I don't want it to be.