So I've been enjoying my 3DS XL since I got it on launch, but I think I'm done with it for awhile. Time to give the OLED beauty some love. Anyways . . . I've been eyeing the MGS 3. Not sure if I should just buy that game or just get the collection for $15 more (not really dying to play MGS2 as I played most of it a few years ago, but I did enjoy it).
If only Pure worked on US Vita.
Did you know that in Near, there's a way to see a person's update location with Google Maps?
It's so bizarre seeing you without a moe girl avatar.
Do I continue playing Klonoa on my Vita, or do I use it to watch the Final Fantasy announcements with the Nico Nico app? Decision 2012.
Skyzard said:*I think it has a bit to do with how awesome the icons can look with a nice background.
Sorry CecilMcW00t, EU here, but you'll be glad to know the pure track packs still work.
Still needs 2097(XL) and 3:SE at least (fusion would be a pretty neat bonus). I was saying in the SL thread...tweet Yoshida...the titles are difficult as they had licensed music..but now he might have a bit of a soft spot since (I think) he closed down SL.
Now I know why I'm having an issue with r2/l2.....I hope we get to adjust the zone at some point.
Now I know why I'm having an issue with r2/l2.....I hope we get to adjust the zone at some point.
Is that screenshot official? That is pretty terrible yeah, would love to adjust it myself.
I felt that it was a decent bit bigger? Like 50%+ going down.
I felt that it was a decent bit bigger? Like 50%+ going down. Still..needs more customisation. I'm sure it will come, seeing as they went above and beyond with the psp stuff in 1.80 (luckily). Still haven't played around with any psp games since the updates, its been all ps1.
Wow! The moment WipEout Pure works on US Vita, please let me know!
So, I'm at PAX this weekend and at the Sony booth, they had quite a few Vitas set-up. They have the following games available to play:
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sly Cooper, Jet Set Radio, Little King's Story, Smart As, Sine Mora, Dokuro, Retro City Rampage, When Vikings Attack, Persona 4: Golden, Guacamelee, Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation, and a couple devoted to Apps only which included: Wake Up Club, Frobisher Says, Treasure Park, and... something else. I think there were a couple other Vitas too, but I'm forgetting what's on them. I'm hoping that this means these will all be in the States soon (wasn't sure what the status was on Dokuro, Wake Up Club, and Treasure Park in particular)
Sly Cooper felt slow/sluggish to me and I only played for a minute before losing interest. Jet Set Radio felt good on the Vita and I'll definitely pick it up. I wanted to play more with Wake Up Club and Treasure Park, but the Vita's weren't connected to service so I couldn't even do much with it. Persona 4 was pretty, but was a terrible game to demo in a way since the four minutes I played was all text before I had to take off.
Assassin's Creed seemed to be most popular; hoping to check it and a bunch of the others out tomorrow.
EDIT: Slowly remembering: Ragnarok Odyssey and Little Big Planet Racing were there too
EDIT: Slowly remembering: Ragnarok Odyssey and Little Big Planet Racing were there too
Little big planet racing?
So, I'm at PAX this weekend and at the Sony booth, they had quite a few Vitas set-up. They have the following games available to play:
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sly Cooper, Jet Set Radio, Little King's Story, Smart As, Sine Mora, Dokuro, Retro City Rampage, When Vikings Attack, Persona 4: Golden, Guacamelee, Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation, and a couple devoted to Apps only which included: Wake Up Club, Frobisher Says, Treasure Park, and... something else. I think there were a couple other Vitas too, but I'm forgetting what's on them. I'm hoping that this means these will all be in the States soon (wasn't sure what the status was on Dokuro, Wake Up Club, and Treasure Park in particular)
Sly Cooper felt slow/sluggish to me and I only played for a minute before losing interest. Jet Set Radio felt good on the Vita and I'll definitely pick it up. I wanted to play more with Wake Up Club and Treasure Park, but the Vita's weren't connected to service so I couldn't even do much with it. Persona 4 was pretty, but was a terrible game to demo in a way since the four minutes I played was all text before I had to take off.
Assassin's Creed seemed to be most popular; hoping to check it and a bunch of the others out tomorrow.
EDIT: Slowly remembering: Ragnarok Odyssey and Little Big Planet Racing were there too
Picked up Grandia. I just hope we can get the rest of the Final Fantasy's out in the open because frankly, I've played FFVII to absurdity and really don't want to buy it again.
If I have to in order to complete my collection I will...probably, but other than that I won't.
That's so rude of you just saying that you bought a vita and don't give us your PSN so we can add you as a friend.
Er-So is there anyway to change the rear touchpad to where L2/R2 are more consistant? It seems impossible to get Jill/Carlos to target barrels with the rear touch-pad being R2 to me. :/ Do I need to touch the corners? Center? Tap? Because if tap that kinda breaks Bio3's R2/lock-on-to-exploding barrels lock-on aiming.
Both of the lists are outdated, but there's a Google Docs page(no link, sorry) and this old thread.pieatorium should be it
edit: is there a post whhith peoples psn's?
I'm still trying to figure out where the "pressure point" is. It's kind of frustrating.Er-So is there anyway to change the rear touchpad to where L2/R2 are more consistant? It seems impossible to get Jill/Carlos to target barrels with the rear touch-pad being R2 to me. :/ Do I need to touch the corners? Center? Tap? Because if tap that kinda breaks Bio3's R2/lock-on-to-exploding barrels lock-on aiming.
If you plan on getting PSN games, the 4GB card won't last you long at all. As for good games, I personally enjoy Gravity Rush and Ragnarok Odyssey should be pretty good, plus there's a few others out that I'm sure will catch your eye. And then there's the Japan-only(currently) games, such as Project Diva f, Atelier Totori(chances are this will come over sometime), Ys...I preordered Persona 4 Solid Gold, though I don't have a Vita yet. What are some good games to get for it besides Persona 4? Also, will I need to get a better memory stick than 4GB? I'm thinking of getting the Assassins Creed bundle when it comes out, and maybe get some games on PSN like Corpse Party.
Er-So is there anyway to change the rear touchpad to where L2/R2 are more consistant? It seems impossible to get Jill/Carlos to target barrels with the rear touch-pad being R2 to me. :/ Do I need to touch the corners? Center? Tap? Because if tap that kinda breaks Bio3's R2/lock-on-to-exploding barrels lock-on aiming.
I preordered Persona 4 Solid Gold, though I don't have a Vita yet. What are some good games to get for it besides Persona 4? Also, will I need to get a better memory stick than 4GB? I'm thinking of getting the Assassins Creed bundle when it comes out, and maybe get some games on PSN like Corpse Party.
Haha, people are already trying to sell their Persona 4 Sold Gold preorders for $170 on Amazon. is still taking preorders.
Alright I'm expecting a 32gb memory card tomorrow and I already backed up all my content from my 16gb to my ps3, can someone point me to a step by step guide on how to transfer PSN name and content from one memory stick to another and how to completely erase a memory stick when switching over? Thanks in advance.
Well count me into the Vita stable, finally picked one up after reading this thread. It gets here Tuesday!! Quick question though..screen protector yes or no?? I picked up Uncharted and Mk on the cheap so I am ready to go. Now to find a cheap memory card.
The secret battles are just to unlock a trophy (which is unlocked right at the beginning). Is a nod to the original games, which also had "secret fights".In MK what are those "secret battles" for?
I'm encountered two of these and lost the fights in like 2 seconds.
BTW why in Mortal Kombat spelled with a K?