Personally, I think it looks fine. It does look a little too much like a Resistance: Burning Skies expansion. However, I think Resistance: BS was a tad under-rated. The graphics in Resistance: BS were fine and at times actually good especially when compared to other portable games. I mean it looks better then the vast majority of PS2/Xbox 1 shooters. The guns/weapons were actually more fun then any shooter not named Resistance. The story was about average for the genre. What really hurt Burning Skies were little things that could easily be fixed in Black Ops Declassified (Tinny sounds, Horrible compression in the cut scenes, being able to jump while running).So i was just randomly browsing YouTube because i am pretty bored and can't be arsed to play on a game.
Anyway i stumbled upon the Black Ops Declassified video which now is almost at 300,000 views and there are actually people saying it looks good!
I plan on getting Black Ops Declassified, not because I think it'll be amazing, but because I know it will be a serviceable FPS approaching the quality of a console FPS and is something that i can play on a portable where the bulk of my gaming is occurring these days. I'm sure it'll get 5's and 6's for reviews, partly because of the negative hype it has even though it will probably deserve 7's.