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PS5 is outselling Xbox Series Consoles at a rate of about 4 to 1 the last 15 months


How so? It’s barely more powerful then the ps5 and just as expensive, with zero new features on it’s controller and no vr. Expensive ssd expansion, in terms of hardware alone, the ps5 beats it hands down. What they should have done is make it as powerful as the ps5 but £100 cheaper.
What they should have done is made better games that you can only play on Xbox.


I have noticed the strange phenomenon that Xbox customers have a really warped sense of their position as consumers. They don't seem to realize that as fans, they are suppose to spend money on their hobby. Somehow they believed that being a fan means being given freebies. And that it is Microsoft's job to keep Xbox going by keep running it at a loss.
GamePass costs $240 every year to rent games and, unlike GameFly, they choose the games for you.


Phil Spencer has undermined the potential success of Xbox. If they had acquired Bethesda and Activision and made all the games exclusive to Xbox consoles ONLY that would have incentivized sales from fans of those studios and their games. People go where the games are. Eliminating day one exclusives on gamepass and PC would also have helped the console base and lead to more sales of both games and hardware. Phil is an utter moron and has done everything he possibly can to make Xbox even more or a failure under his now ten year watch. Any other leader would have done all of the things I listed to play hardball and convince people to buy the hardware and games thus building the ecosystem. It would have been a risk worth taking as opposed to all the stupid things they have done otherwise that have all but killed the brand. How this man is still around and making Xbox look more pathetic than ever is beyond me. Putting their games on their biggest competitors console and just looking desperate and weak. Embarrassing.
Nope all the franchises would have died with Xbox because the quality would drop with the sales because of a low return on investment.

Microsoft is doing what is best.


A lot of new ips, free online mp, single player focus over MP and no remaster/remake of 3 years old games ?

PS5 Sony is way worse then PS3 Sony, the only resemblance IS the arrogance.
Huh? They had more multiplayer games back then(warhawk, mag, every game having tacked on online) but single player definitely became a thing with PS3.


What time is it?
A lot of new ips, free online mp, single player focus over MP and no remaster/remake of 3 years old games ?

PS5 Sony is way worse then PS3 Sony, the only resemblance IS the arrogance.

The snowball started rolling with the PS2 (God of War), PS3 codified it, and PS4/PS5 just rode the momentum. It has nothing to do with arrogance and more to do with measurement of success for any given piece of software. It's not my cup of tea but it's hard to argue against the success they've had. Remasters and remakes aren't exactly a new concept either.
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