the androgyne said:
I've got a PSP-1000 (OFW 5.55) that hasn't been hacked at all, but now is that time. Is this guide on
pspslimhacks the way to go? I've never even been to that site before, so the fact that it's called psp "slim" hacks has me questioning whether my ol' fatty will survive!
I would advise you don't follow that specific hack, as your PSP's OFW is low enough that you can get more homebrew than that solution allows, whether it's temporary or permanent CFW.
That one you linked to is really for people who upgraded their PSPs and are stuck on the 6.31 and 6.35 OFW and now want to run homebrew. It doesn't run all homebrew yet, and won't play ripped PSone eboots. You can get a lot more out of your PSP than that, so don't upgrade to run that exploit.
Which begs the question: what
do you want out of your PSP-1000? Do you want temporary CFW, ala HEN, which a lot of people are using on their PSP go right now, or would you prefer to have a complete and more permanent CFW solution on your PSP?
The temporary CFW requires you to run an exploit on OFW every time you want to run homebrew. The advantage is that you have a clean OFW installed.
The more permanent CFW enables your PSP to run unsigned code whenever. Just boot it up and run your homebrew. Of course, this isn't official firmware so you may have trouble running the latest games on your system.
Last week I opted for a permanent CFW on my PSP-1000 (but then I have a PSP Go too, so I use my CFW'd 1000 as my UMD ripper), and I was able to downgrade my unit from OFW 6.20
without a Pandora battery to 5.03 OFW, and then put 5.50 GEN D3 on it using the eggsploit TIFF security hole.
I should emphasise that this specific solution only works on certain PSPs (but if you have a 1000, you should be good), so don't go rushing to try this on any old unit, especially not a PSP Go; you will brick it!
Before you start this tutorial, you should upgrade to
OFW 6.20. You'll be able to find that easily through Google. I should remind you that following the next two tutorials exactly as they're shown in the video will install a more permanent CFW on your PSP. In otherwords, you won't have to run an exploit every time you want to play homebrew.
After installing CFW, I don't know how you'd upgrade back to OFW, but I believe it's as simple as running the 6.20 OFW update again. You may want to check on upgrading from 5.50 GEN D3 to OFW 6.20 before proceeding, though, just in case you find that permanent CFW isn't for you and you wish to use HEN with OFW.
Here's the tutorial to downgrade without a Pandora battery:
Once you have OFW 5.03, you can update to CFW 5.50 GEN D3 by following this tutorial:
If you don't want permanent CFW then another GAF'er can help you with getting one of the many HEN exploits running on your system. Considering you have OFW 5.55 you may be able to get something even better than the 6.20 version of HEN running, so in that instance hold off on upgrading until someone else advises you on what to do. I know next to nothing about HEN.