Hotsuma said:
I'm at this part of the installation.
"Once finished, u will have msipl.bin on root. If you already have a pandora
ms, you don't have to do this step (ipl doesn't changes lol), otherwise,
use c+d msinst to install ipl on ms; or use dd command from unix, or any
hex-edit program to write on sector 16 on the physical drive."
I have the msipl.bin file on the memory stick. I have no clue what so ever what the rest of that paragraph means though.
Heh, sorry, forgot about that bit.
To get that little file, download . The msinst program is in the .zip, as well as the mspformat program you need to initially format the memory card. That said, it appears that you skipped a little step in the beginning involving mspformat, and the process requires a tad of explanation, so..
1. Extract the .ZIP file
2. Use the built-in format tool (in the PSP Settings in the XMB) to format the memory stick
3. Connect the PSP to your computer in USB Mode
4. Open a command prompt, and switch to the mspformat folder you extracted in Step 1
5. Type "mspformat X" where X is the drive of your PSP. Do not include the colon. For example, my PSP is connected at O:, so I type "mspformat O".
6. You should see a prompt like this:
>>> C:\psp\pandora\mspformat>mspformat.exe O
>>> You are about to format the drive O.
>>> All data will be lost. Do you want to continue? [Y]
Type 'y'.
>>> y
and you should see
>>> Drive succesfully formatted, and partition moved.
7. Disconnect from USB mode, then remove and re-insert your memory stick. Reconnect in USB mode.
8. From here, follow the readme given in the Despertar del Cementario v4 .ZIP, being sure to backup the EEPROM of the battery if you with to turn it back to normal afterwards (it's an option in the actual program that makes the battery, done by pressing Triangle), until you get to the bit about msinst.
9. Copy "msipl.bin" into the folder called "msinst" that was extracted from the ZIP file in Step 1
10. In the Command Prompt, switch into the "msinst" folder... wherever you put it.
11. Type "msinst X msipl.bin" where X is the drive of your PSP. Do not include the colon. For example, my PSP is connected at O:, so I type "msinst O msipl.bin".
You should see a prompt like this. I guarantee that your stuff will be slightly different; it depends on how your computer is set up, what sort of memory stick you have, and so on. As long as you get the "Are You Sure? [Y]" prompt, you know that the msipl.bin file is OK.
>>> C:\psp\pandora\msinst>msinst O msipl.bin
>>> PSP MS IPL Installer
>>> Load IPL code msipl.bin
>>> 241664 bytes(59 block) readed
>>> Target DRIVE is 7
>>> Check partation Sector
>>> boot status 0x80
>>> start head 0x05
>>> start sec/cyl 0x0004
>>> partation type 0x06
>>> last head 0x0F
>>> last sec/cyl 0xB7E0
>>> abs sector 0x00000810
>>> ttl sector 0x000767F0
>>> signature 0xAA55
>>> Check BPB Sector
>>> signature AA55
>>> Check free reserved sector:OK
>>> Write ABS Sector 0x10 to 0x1E7
>>> Are You Sure ?[Y]
Type 'y'.
>>> y
and you should see
>>> Write MS BOOT CODE
From here you have a Magic Memory Stick (MMS), and you can follow the remainder of the Despertar del Cementario readme. As it says, to downgrade (technically not downgrading, but the term works) a PSP, remove the UMD, memory stick, and battery from the PSP, and insert the MMS and Pandora battery. It should start up automatically, and as it says in the menu, press X to install 3.80 m33.