Everything you need to know about ripping your Playstation One CD-ROMs into images (ISOs), converting them into customized Playstation Portable executables (EBOOTs), and running them on your PSPs! ~ 12-14-2008
For the purposes of this tutorial, I will be ripping and converting discs 1 and 2 of Enix's amazing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. This tutorial can easily be adjusted for simpler single-disc games or multi-disc games with more than Valkyrie Profile's 2 discs.
Don't be concerned with the extreme length of this posting. Much of it is filled with descriptions and definitions of various terms, tools, and resources, and is intended as the ultimate resource for a complete newcomer to the PSOne-playing PSP scene. If you are already comfortable with much of the terminology, and have a good grip on the tools and resources that go along with the PSOne -> PSP conversion process, then you can skip straight to the much-shorter tutorial sections found in the latter-half of this post.
ISO - Shorthand for a variety of CD-ROM image formats, which include .ISO and .BIN files. For the purposes of this tutorial, a PSOne ISO refers to any ripped image of a PSOne CD-ROM, whether it is in fact a .ISO, or an alternate format, such as a .BIN.
EBOOT - All PSP executables come in the form of EBOOT.PBP, simply called EBOOTs for short. For the purposes of this tutorial, a PSOne EBOOT refers to an already-converted, PSP-ready PSOne game.
CFW - Custom firmware, not to be confused with OFW (Sony's official firmware). A more robust definition of custom firmware can be found elsewhere, but for the purposes of playing PSOne games on your PSP, know that you'll need CFW to play your own PSOne conversions. CFW can also play the official PSN releases of PSOne games, just like OFW can.
If you're unwilling to break free from the shackles of Sony's official firmwares, then you'll be limited to the paltry selection offered for download on the Playstation Network (PSN). The upside to this, however, is that the PSN conversions of PSOne classics will also work on your PS3. Your conversions will not.
See the tutorials elsewhere in this thread for details on flashing CFW on your PSP. The better tutorials (created by our very own navanman) are mirrored in my OP, for easy reference.
POPS - The Sony-developed PSOne emulator for the PSP. It's what we all use to play our PSOne games on Sony's handheld, whether we download official conversions from PSN or play our own conversions. By default, the version of POPS that you're currently using is equivalent to the version of your current firmware. For example, if you're running CFW 3.90 M33 or OFW 3.90, then your PSP has POPS 3.90.
NOT ALL VERIONS OF POPS WERE CREATED EQUAL. Most games do NOT work equally well across the board on all versions of POPS. So many small changes are made to POPS from version to version (which is customized to specifically work ONLY with the currently available official PSN conversions) that inevitably, you'll encounter performance issues with your non-official PSOne conversions. See the POPSLoader plugin entry for more information.
DA or DAX - Dark-Alex. The force behind the SE/OE/M33 line of CFWs; the man who reverse-engineered the official PSOne conversion process and created POPStation and the POPSLoader plugin. Basically, the man.
POPStation/MD - A utility for the PC created by DA; the fruits of his POPS reverse-engineering labors. Basically, it is a non-user-friendly command line Windows application that takes a PSOne CD ISO and related files and outputs a PSP-compatible EBOOT (executable).
The updated POPStation MD version takes multiple ISOs and outputs a consolidated multi-disc EBOOT, complete with a disc-swapping feature built in. POPS 3.71 or later is required for multi-disc EBOOTs. Earlier POPS versions hadn't yet incorporated the disc-swapping mechanic.
POPStation (and POPStation MD) can also take properly-created custom icons, backgrounds, and sound bites and generate custom PSOne EBOOTs, which look flashier on the PSP. This tutorial will not cover the creation of custom icons, images, sound bites, or the generation of software manuals. Instead, links are provided to outside resources which offer up many of these for download.
I do not recommend using POPStation or POPStation MD to handle your PSOne to PSP conversions. My preferred application is listed below, under Resources and Downloads. I only mention POPStation here because it is the basis for pretty much every GUI (graphical user interface) PSOne to PSP converter application out there today, and to clarify the role and function of all "POPS"-related terms.
POPSLoader - An M33 CFW plugin (optional extension) created by Dark-Alex to overcome the firmware limitation of only being able to retain one version of POPS (the one built into your OFW or CFW) on your PSP. POPSLoader, when properly configured, allows you to set up just about every major revision of POPS side-by-side on your PSP. Basically, it allows you to select the version of POPS you'd like to run with the specific PSOne EBOOT you're trying to load.
Additionally, POPSLoader recalls your preference, per game, and auto-loads it when next you try to run the PSOne EBOOT. You may override this selection by holding the R shoulder trigger as you next load your PSOne EBOOT. This will take you back to the POPS version prompt and allow you to select another POPS version.
Fully setting up POPSLoader isn't difficult (just tedious), please see my tutorial for configuring POPSLoader for more details.
Resources and Downloads:
ISOBuster - Used to rip your PSOne CDs to images. For our purposes, the freeware version of ISOBuster is more than sufficient.
RS-GUI POPStationMD v3.0 - Used to convert one or more PSOne images to PSP executables. Supports single-disc and multi-disc EBOOTs, as well as EBOOT customization and software manual creation.
Dark-Alex's POPSLoader Plugin - Download the one relevant to your custom firmware. Recommended: 5.00 M33 POPSLoader.
You may need a bunch of libraries and Microsoft .NET Frameworks to run RS-GUI POPStationMD v3.0. Links below:
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
.NET Framework 3.5
cygwin1.dll (Goes in RS-GUI POPStationMD's /data folder)
cygz.dll (Goes in RS-GUI POPStationMD's /data folder)
Primary PSOne on PSP Compatibility List - Contains links to software manuals, if available.
Secondary PSOne on PSP Compatibility List - No longer updated, seemingly. Good resource for older POPS versions, however.
PSX-PSP Manuals - Contains downloads for PSOne software manuals. A software manual is a consolidated set of scans of the original PSOne instruction manual that can be launched from within the Home menu of the actual PSOne EBOOT. Handy, but not necessary.
POPStation Image Packs - A great resource for custom icons, backgrounds, sound bites, etc. for customizing your PSOne EBOOTs.
Note: Upon further experimentation, it seems like not all EBOOTs are created equally. I highly recommend keeping at least one alternative PSOne -> PSP conversion utility on-hand, and not just the application that this tutorial features.
Personally, I recommend: PSX2PSP v1.4.2
Ripping Retail PSOne CDs to Images:
Note: I'm assuming that you've already downloaded all of the tools you'll be needing, and installed those that require installation. I'm also assuming that you're moderately comfortable using your computer's software and hardware. This tutorial will not cover the complete setup and configuration of every tool referenced or used herein.
Additionally, ISOBuster is NOT the only application that you can use to rip your PSOne discs to ISOs. If you are more comfortable with another application, feel free to adapt my tutorial to that app as best you can.
1) Open ISOBuster.
2) Insert the retail disc 1 of Valkyrie Profile into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. ISOBuster should read the CD and automatically populate the screen with the disc's details. If not, simply hit the refresh icon above the main (center) view.
3) On the left-hand frame, you should see a tree folder structure populate. The top-most level should say "CD". Right-click on CD and select from the context menu the second option from the top (Extract CD <Image>) then the last selection from the top of the resulting menu (RAW *.bin, *.iso)
4) You'll be prompted to choose the ISO's format, name the ISO, and select a location. I recommend changing the format to .ISO and naming it VP1.ISO. It will take a few minutes to rip, depending on your computer's and drive's specifications.
5) Once the ISO rip is completed, you'll be prompted to finalize the process by choosing a name and location for the accompanying .CUE file. Just call it VP1.CUE and drop it right next to where you placed VP1.ISO.
6) Repeat steps 2-5 for the retail disc 2 of Valkyrie Profile, replacing instances of VP1.ISO and VP1.CUE with VP2.ISO and VP2.CUE, respectively.
*) Obviously, you need only perform steps 1-6 once if you're ripping a single-disc game. Steps 2-6 would have to be performed four 4 times if you'd like to rip all four Final Fantasy IX discs. Etc.
Converting PSOne Images to PSP Executables:
Note: RS-GUI POPStationMD is NOT the only application that you can use to convert your PSOne ISOs to PSP EBOOTs. If you are more comfortable with another application, feel free to adapt my tutorial to that app as best you can.
I figured an introduction is in order since we will be utilizing proprietary, non-standard software going forward. Before you start converting your Valkyrie Profile ISOs to a PSP EBOOT, you may want to download EBOOT custom packs first. I'd recommend doing so now. Please refer to the Resources and Downloads section above.
Recommended files to look out for:
DOCUMENT.DAT - The software manual.
ICON0.PNG - A small image used as a static icon, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected.
PIC1.PNG - A full-screen image used as a background, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected.
SND0.AT3 - An Atrac3 sound bite that plays when the PSOne game is selected. Must be less than 500KBs.*
Other files to look out for:
ICON1.PMF - A small movie file that functions as an animated icon, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected. Must be less than 500KBs. Not recommended, as it doesn't play nicely with sound bites, which are easier to make/find and the preferable customization option, IMHO.*
PIC0.PNG - An overlay that can be used to display a small blurb or description about the game, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected. Not recommended, just adds clutter.
BOOT.PNG - Replaces the stock boot message splash screen that displays when a PSOne game is executed and is loading. Not at all necessary. The stock boot message is more than sufficient.
* If you opt to use both an animated icon and a sound bite, then both files combined must be less than 500KBs. This leaves you VERY little room to play with, which is why I recommend using either a sound bite or an animated icon. I recommend a sound bite. They're easier to make (or download) and provide a better level of customization, in my humble opinion.
Note that RS-GUI POPStationMD defaults compression levels to 9, the maximum. Only lower this if you have problems running your converted EBOOTs. POPS was created with the concept of running COMPRESSED PSOne games, so leaving them at maximum compression is safe 95% of the time. In fact, these games will probably run with significantly decreased load times, compared to how they ran on actual PSOne hardware years ago.
Before starting, I recommend arranging your ISO, .PNG, .AT3, and .PMF files in one convenient location.
1) Open RS-GUI POPStationMD. It should default to the Main tab. Click on Settings (tool bar) and make sure that the proper Number of CDs is selected (should default to 2, perfect for Valkyrie Profile), Auto-Preview is Enabled, and Splash Screen is On.
2) Click on Browse to the right of where it says "Select first CD" and queue up VP1.ISO. Repeat with VP2.ISO for "Select second CD."
3) If you feel the need to lower the compression levels, you should adjust them now, per ISO, where it says "Compression Level."
4) Click on Choose to the right of where it says "Game Title" and "Game Code." Search for the name of your game and select it. Pay attention to regions, and if you see multiple selections (such as disc 1 of x, disc 2 of x, etc.), select disc 1. Hit OK to return to the Main view. The Game Title and Game Code should now have populated. Confirm accuracy. (Game Codes are listed on jewel cases, retail discs, or both. It should have populated the Game Code for disc 1).
5) Click on the Extras tab if you'd like to customize your EBOOT, otherwise skip to step 6. Similar to how you selected the ISOs in step 2, click on the relevant Browse buttons and add in an ICON0.PNG, PIC1.PNG, and/or SND0.AT3 (all 3 recommended). You can also add in a PIC1.PNG, ICON1.PMF, and/or BOOT.PNG at this point (not recommended). The Auto-Preview should update on-the-fly and demonstrate what your PSP's screen will look like when you select the game. It does not preview the sound bite, unfortunately. When you're satisfied, click back to the Main tab.
6) Verify the details, click on Browse under "Output Directory" to select a save-to location, and click on Make to start the conversion process. Sit tight as all of the ISOs are consolidated into a single EBOOT and the custom images and/or sounds are applied to it.
7) You should see a command line window pop up as the conversion continues. Keep an eye on it, but don't touch anything until it finishes and prompts you to hit any key to close. Once you do, focus will shift back to the RS-GUI POPStationMD window, with a message popping up telling you that (hopefully) the conversion yielded a valid EBOOT.PBP file.
8) Repeat steps 2-7 for any other games you'd like converted.
Running Your Newly-Converted PSOne EBOOTs:
1) Connect a USB cable to your PSP and enable USB mode (or pop the memory stick out and load it onto your computer's USB card reader). Create a folder to store the newly converted EBOOT under the GAME folder. The folder names should be kept relatively short (within 2 dozen or so characters), otherwise the game will NOT execute and spit out an error instead. An example:
2) If you've located and downloaded (or created) a software manual (DOCUMENT.DAT), it too must be placed in the same folder as the EBOOT. Neither the EBOOT nor the software manual may be renamed.
3) Return to your PSP's XMB, navigate to Game then Memory Stick, and you should see your PSOne game listed there. Select it with the D-Pad and enjoy the customized icon/background/sound bite/etc. for a few seconds, then hit X to execute it.
4) At this point, if you have the POPSLoader plugin properly set up (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED), you should be prompted with a POPS version you'd like to load the game with. Utilize one of the compatibility resources listed above to select the best fit. Select Original from flash to use the POPS version built into your CFW. If you select a version of POPS that does not run well with the game, exit out of the game and hold R while reloading. You'll be prompted to select a new POPS version. If you do not hold R, then POPSLoader will auto-load your last selection when booting up the game going, forward.
At any time while playing your PSOne game, you can pause the game and access the main POPS menu by hitting the Home button. From here you can toggle various settings (such as disc load speed, volume and black levels, toggle controls, screen size, aspect ratio, etc.), swap discs, quit to the XMB, and, if available, access the software manual.
If you see that everything runs fine, then you can go ahead and delete the ISOs (and .CUEs) and other files that you probably still have on your PC. I would, however, retain a backup copy of the EBOOT and DOCUMENT.DAT file.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope that this tutorial was of use to you; that you found it helpful. If you have any questions or concerns about the tutorial or recommendations as to how it could be improved, please reply here or send me a PM. I will try to address them as quickly as possible. DO NOT PM me for ISOs or EBOOTs of commercial games. Those will be deleted without a response. A couple of notes, below:
Please be aware that it IS possible to convert each game disc into an individual EBOOT. The process is a bit more complicated for a variety of reasons. These include problems with games that do not allow you to save before swapping discs, or the inherent complications arising from making sure that a save file from one disc's EBOOT is recognized by the next disc's EBOOT. Etc.
I figure that with high-capacity memory sticks becoming more and more affordable, fewer people would go through the hassle of creating one single-disc EBOOT per game disc, instead of a consolidated multi-disc EBOOT for the entire game. All of the multi-disc games I've converted so far work just fine as one giant EBOOT, though I've heard that some may not. However, if demand is great enough, I can revise my tutorial to include those alternate instructions, or create a new tutorial, as needed.
A final note on .ISOs vs. .BINs images. For the most part, they are identical and interchangeable. The only exception is with PSOne games that contain redbook (CD) audio for their music. Most games do NOT use redbook audio. That's an expensive (from a storage perspective) fad that mostly died with the Turbographx-16 CD-ROM. However, for an easy test, pop the disc into a CD player and hit play. If you get recognizable in-game music... redbook audio. I have yet to rip and convert a game with redbook audio, but it is my understanding that if you attempt to convert a .BIN, then the resulting EBOOT will NOT contain any music. I am told that you will need to rip the game to a .ISO file, and will need the accompanying .CUE file as well (which is usually pretty useless, I believe).
Neither NeoGAF nor I condone the illegal downloading or sharing of commercial video games, programs, or applications. We have a zero-tolerance policy as to piracy in general, and I am providing these tutorials and references as a resource to help you, the community, facilitate the transfer of your favorite Playstation One console classics to your Playstation Portable, in light of the fact that Sony's own PSN releases are extremely sparse and limited.
The tools, applications, resources, and processes discussed in this post are provided as-is, with no guarantees. Though it bears mentioning that no tool, application, resource, or process listed in this post should cause damage to your PC, PSP, or PSOne discs, neither NeoGAF nor I are responsible should anything go wrong. You are responsible for your own actions, and if you feel in any way uncomfortable utilizing the tools, applications, resources, and processes in this post, then simply refrain from doing so. If the game you are trying to rip and convert is currently available for purchase and download on PSN, then you are encouraged to procure the game from that source.
For the purposes of this tutorial, I will be ripping and converting discs 1 and 2 of Enix's amazing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. This tutorial can easily be adjusted for simpler single-disc games or multi-disc games with more than Valkyrie Profile's 2 discs.
Don't be concerned with the extreme length of this posting. Much of it is filled with descriptions and definitions of various terms, tools, and resources, and is intended as the ultimate resource for a complete newcomer to the PSOne-playing PSP scene. If you are already comfortable with much of the terminology, and have a good grip on the tools and resources that go along with the PSOne -> PSP conversion process, then you can skip straight to the much-shorter tutorial sections found in the latter-half of this post.
ISO - Shorthand for a variety of CD-ROM image formats, which include .ISO and .BIN files. For the purposes of this tutorial, a PSOne ISO refers to any ripped image of a PSOne CD-ROM, whether it is in fact a .ISO, or an alternate format, such as a .BIN.
EBOOT - All PSP executables come in the form of EBOOT.PBP, simply called EBOOTs for short. For the purposes of this tutorial, a PSOne EBOOT refers to an already-converted, PSP-ready PSOne game.
CFW - Custom firmware, not to be confused with OFW (Sony's official firmware). A more robust definition of custom firmware can be found elsewhere, but for the purposes of playing PSOne games on your PSP, know that you'll need CFW to play your own PSOne conversions. CFW can also play the official PSN releases of PSOne games, just like OFW can.
If you're unwilling to break free from the shackles of Sony's official firmwares, then you'll be limited to the paltry selection offered for download on the Playstation Network (PSN). The upside to this, however, is that the PSN conversions of PSOne classics will also work on your PS3. Your conversions will not.
See the tutorials elsewhere in this thread for details on flashing CFW on your PSP. The better tutorials (created by our very own navanman) are mirrored in my OP, for easy reference.
POPS - The Sony-developed PSOne emulator for the PSP. It's what we all use to play our PSOne games on Sony's handheld, whether we download official conversions from PSN or play our own conversions. By default, the version of POPS that you're currently using is equivalent to the version of your current firmware. For example, if you're running CFW 3.90 M33 or OFW 3.90, then your PSP has POPS 3.90.
NOT ALL VERIONS OF POPS WERE CREATED EQUAL. Most games do NOT work equally well across the board on all versions of POPS. So many small changes are made to POPS from version to version (which is customized to specifically work ONLY with the currently available official PSN conversions) that inevitably, you'll encounter performance issues with your non-official PSOne conversions. See the POPSLoader plugin entry for more information.
DA or DAX - Dark-Alex. The force behind the SE/OE/M33 line of CFWs; the man who reverse-engineered the official PSOne conversion process and created POPStation and the POPSLoader plugin. Basically, the man.
POPStation/MD - A utility for the PC created by DA; the fruits of his POPS reverse-engineering labors. Basically, it is a non-user-friendly command line Windows application that takes a PSOne CD ISO and related files and outputs a PSP-compatible EBOOT (executable).
The updated POPStation MD version takes multiple ISOs and outputs a consolidated multi-disc EBOOT, complete with a disc-swapping feature built in. POPS 3.71 or later is required for multi-disc EBOOTs. Earlier POPS versions hadn't yet incorporated the disc-swapping mechanic.
POPStation (and POPStation MD) can also take properly-created custom icons, backgrounds, and sound bites and generate custom PSOne EBOOTs, which look flashier on the PSP. This tutorial will not cover the creation of custom icons, images, sound bites, or the generation of software manuals. Instead, links are provided to outside resources which offer up many of these for download.
I do not recommend using POPStation or POPStation MD to handle your PSOne to PSP conversions. My preferred application is listed below, under Resources and Downloads. I only mention POPStation here because it is the basis for pretty much every GUI (graphical user interface) PSOne to PSP converter application out there today, and to clarify the role and function of all "POPS"-related terms.
POPSLoader - An M33 CFW plugin (optional extension) created by Dark-Alex to overcome the firmware limitation of only being able to retain one version of POPS (the one built into your OFW or CFW) on your PSP. POPSLoader, when properly configured, allows you to set up just about every major revision of POPS side-by-side on your PSP. Basically, it allows you to select the version of POPS you'd like to run with the specific PSOne EBOOT you're trying to load.
Additionally, POPSLoader recalls your preference, per game, and auto-loads it when next you try to run the PSOne EBOOT. You may override this selection by holding the R shoulder trigger as you next load your PSOne EBOOT. This will take you back to the POPS version prompt and allow you to select another POPS version.
Fully setting up POPSLoader isn't difficult (just tedious), please see my tutorial for configuring POPSLoader for more details.
Resources and Downloads:
ISOBuster - Used to rip your PSOne CDs to images. For our purposes, the freeware version of ISOBuster is more than sufficient.
RS-GUI POPStationMD v3.0 - Used to convert one or more PSOne images to PSP executables. Supports single-disc and multi-disc EBOOTs, as well as EBOOT customization and software manual creation.
Dark-Alex's POPSLoader Plugin - Download the one relevant to your custom firmware. Recommended: 5.00 M33 POPSLoader.
You may need a bunch of libraries and Microsoft .NET Frameworks to run RS-GUI POPStationMD v3.0. Links below:
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
.NET Framework 3.5
cygwin1.dll (Goes in RS-GUI POPStationMD's /data folder)
cygz.dll (Goes in RS-GUI POPStationMD's /data folder)
Primary PSOne on PSP Compatibility List - Contains links to software manuals, if available.
Secondary PSOne on PSP Compatibility List - No longer updated, seemingly. Good resource for older POPS versions, however.
PSX-PSP Manuals - Contains downloads for PSOne software manuals. A software manual is a consolidated set of scans of the original PSOne instruction manual that can be launched from within the Home menu of the actual PSOne EBOOT. Handy, but not necessary.
POPStation Image Packs - A great resource for custom icons, backgrounds, sound bites, etc. for customizing your PSOne EBOOTs.
Note: Upon further experimentation, it seems like not all EBOOTs are created equally. I highly recommend keeping at least one alternative PSOne -> PSP conversion utility on-hand, and not just the application that this tutorial features.
Personally, I recommend: PSX2PSP v1.4.2
Ripping Retail PSOne CDs to Images:
Note: I'm assuming that you've already downloaded all of the tools you'll be needing, and installed those that require installation. I'm also assuming that you're moderately comfortable using your computer's software and hardware. This tutorial will not cover the complete setup and configuration of every tool referenced or used herein.
Additionally, ISOBuster is NOT the only application that you can use to rip your PSOne discs to ISOs. If you are more comfortable with another application, feel free to adapt my tutorial to that app as best you can.
1) Open ISOBuster.
2) Insert the retail disc 1 of Valkyrie Profile into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. ISOBuster should read the CD and automatically populate the screen with the disc's details. If not, simply hit the refresh icon above the main (center) view.
3) On the left-hand frame, you should see a tree folder structure populate. The top-most level should say "CD". Right-click on CD and select from the context menu the second option from the top (Extract CD <Image>) then the last selection from the top of the resulting menu (RAW *.bin, *.iso)
4) You'll be prompted to choose the ISO's format, name the ISO, and select a location. I recommend changing the format to .ISO and naming it VP1.ISO. It will take a few minutes to rip, depending on your computer's and drive's specifications.
5) Once the ISO rip is completed, you'll be prompted to finalize the process by choosing a name and location for the accompanying .CUE file. Just call it VP1.CUE and drop it right next to where you placed VP1.ISO.
6) Repeat steps 2-5 for the retail disc 2 of Valkyrie Profile, replacing instances of VP1.ISO and VP1.CUE with VP2.ISO and VP2.CUE, respectively.
*) Obviously, you need only perform steps 1-6 once if you're ripping a single-disc game. Steps 2-6 would have to be performed four 4 times if you'd like to rip all four Final Fantasy IX discs. Etc.
Converting PSOne Images to PSP Executables:
Note: RS-GUI POPStationMD is NOT the only application that you can use to convert your PSOne ISOs to PSP EBOOTs. If you are more comfortable with another application, feel free to adapt my tutorial to that app as best you can.
I figured an introduction is in order since we will be utilizing proprietary, non-standard software going forward. Before you start converting your Valkyrie Profile ISOs to a PSP EBOOT, you may want to download EBOOT custom packs first. I'd recommend doing so now. Please refer to the Resources and Downloads section above.
Recommended files to look out for:
DOCUMENT.DAT - The software manual.
ICON0.PNG - A small image used as a static icon, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected.
PIC1.PNG - A full-screen image used as a background, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected.
SND0.AT3 - An Atrac3 sound bite that plays when the PSOne game is selected. Must be less than 500KBs.*
Other files to look out for:
ICON1.PMF - A small movie file that functions as an animated icon, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected. Must be less than 500KBs. Not recommended, as it doesn't play nicely with sound bites, which are easier to make/find and the preferable customization option, IMHO.*
PIC0.PNG - An overlay that can be used to display a small blurb or description about the game, displayed in the XMB when the PSOne game is selected. Not recommended, just adds clutter.
BOOT.PNG - Replaces the stock boot message splash screen that displays when a PSOne game is executed and is loading. Not at all necessary. The stock boot message is more than sufficient.
* If you opt to use both an animated icon and a sound bite, then both files combined must be less than 500KBs. This leaves you VERY little room to play with, which is why I recommend using either a sound bite or an animated icon. I recommend a sound bite. They're easier to make (or download) and provide a better level of customization, in my humble opinion.
Note that RS-GUI POPStationMD defaults compression levels to 9, the maximum. Only lower this if you have problems running your converted EBOOTs. POPS was created with the concept of running COMPRESSED PSOne games, so leaving them at maximum compression is safe 95% of the time. In fact, these games will probably run with significantly decreased load times, compared to how they ran on actual PSOne hardware years ago.
Before starting, I recommend arranging your ISO, .PNG, .AT3, and .PMF files in one convenient location.
1) Open RS-GUI POPStationMD. It should default to the Main tab. Click on Settings (tool bar) and make sure that the proper Number of CDs is selected (should default to 2, perfect for Valkyrie Profile), Auto-Preview is Enabled, and Splash Screen is On.
2) Click on Browse to the right of where it says "Select first CD" and queue up VP1.ISO. Repeat with VP2.ISO for "Select second CD."
3) If you feel the need to lower the compression levels, you should adjust them now, per ISO, where it says "Compression Level."
4) Click on Choose to the right of where it says "Game Title" and "Game Code." Search for the name of your game and select it. Pay attention to regions, and if you see multiple selections (such as disc 1 of x, disc 2 of x, etc.), select disc 1. Hit OK to return to the Main view. The Game Title and Game Code should now have populated. Confirm accuracy. (Game Codes are listed on jewel cases, retail discs, or both. It should have populated the Game Code for disc 1).
5) Click on the Extras tab if you'd like to customize your EBOOT, otherwise skip to step 6. Similar to how you selected the ISOs in step 2, click on the relevant Browse buttons and add in an ICON0.PNG, PIC1.PNG, and/or SND0.AT3 (all 3 recommended). You can also add in a PIC1.PNG, ICON1.PMF, and/or BOOT.PNG at this point (not recommended). The Auto-Preview should update on-the-fly and demonstrate what your PSP's screen will look like when you select the game. It does not preview the sound bite, unfortunately. When you're satisfied, click back to the Main tab.
6) Verify the details, click on Browse under "Output Directory" to select a save-to location, and click on Make to start the conversion process. Sit tight as all of the ISOs are consolidated into a single EBOOT and the custom images and/or sounds are applied to it.
7) You should see a command line window pop up as the conversion continues. Keep an eye on it, but don't touch anything until it finishes and prompts you to hit any key to close. Once you do, focus will shift back to the RS-GUI POPStationMD window, with a message popping up telling you that (hopefully) the conversion yielded a valid EBOOT.PBP file.
8) Repeat steps 2-7 for any other games you'd like converted.
Running Your Newly-Converted PSOne EBOOTs:
1) Connect a USB cable to your PSP and enable USB mode (or pop the memory stick out and load it onto your computer's USB card reader). Create a folder to store the newly converted EBOOT under the GAME folder. The folder names should be kept relatively short (within 2 dozen or so characters), otherwise the game will NOT execute and spit out an error instead. An example:
2) If you've located and downloaded (or created) a software manual (DOCUMENT.DAT), it too must be placed in the same folder as the EBOOT. Neither the EBOOT nor the software manual may be renamed.
3) Return to your PSP's XMB, navigate to Game then Memory Stick, and you should see your PSOne game listed there. Select it with the D-Pad and enjoy the customized icon/background/sound bite/etc. for a few seconds, then hit X to execute it.
4) At this point, if you have the POPSLoader plugin properly set up (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED), you should be prompted with a POPS version you'd like to load the game with. Utilize one of the compatibility resources listed above to select the best fit. Select Original from flash to use the POPS version built into your CFW. If you select a version of POPS that does not run well with the game, exit out of the game and hold R while reloading. You'll be prompted to select a new POPS version. If you do not hold R, then POPSLoader will auto-load your last selection when booting up the game going, forward.
At any time while playing your PSOne game, you can pause the game and access the main POPS menu by hitting the Home button. From here you can toggle various settings (such as disc load speed, volume and black levels, toggle controls, screen size, aspect ratio, etc.), swap discs, quit to the XMB, and, if available, access the software manual.
If you see that everything runs fine, then you can go ahead and delete the ISOs (and .CUEs) and other files that you probably still have on your PC. I would, however, retain a backup copy of the EBOOT and DOCUMENT.DAT file.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope that this tutorial was of use to you; that you found it helpful. If you have any questions or concerns about the tutorial or recommendations as to how it could be improved, please reply here or send me a PM. I will try to address them as quickly as possible. DO NOT PM me for ISOs or EBOOTs of commercial games. Those will be deleted without a response. A couple of notes, below:
Please be aware that it IS possible to convert each game disc into an individual EBOOT. The process is a bit more complicated for a variety of reasons. These include problems with games that do not allow you to save before swapping discs, or the inherent complications arising from making sure that a save file from one disc's EBOOT is recognized by the next disc's EBOOT. Etc.
I figure that with high-capacity memory sticks becoming more and more affordable, fewer people would go through the hassle of creating one single-disc EBOOT per game disc, instead of a consolidated multi-disc EBOOT for the entire game. All of the multi-disc games I've converted so far work just fine as one giant EBOOT, though I've heard that some may not. However, if demand is great enough, I can revise my tutorial to include those alternate instructions, or create a new tutorial, as needed.
A final note on .ISOs vs. .BINs images. For the most part, they are identical and interchangeable. The only exception is with PSOne games that contain redbook (CD) audio for their music. Most games do NOT use redbook audio. That's an expensive (from a storage perspective) fad that mostly died with the Turbographx-16 CD-ROM. However, for an easy test, pop the disc into a CD player and hit play. If you get recognizable in-game music... redbook audio. I have yet to rip and convert a game with redbook audio, but it is my understanding that if you attempt to convert a .BIN, then the resulting EBOOT will NOT contain any music. I am told that you will need to rip the game to a .ISO file, and will need the accompanying .CUE file as well (which is usually pretty useless, I believe).
Neither NeoGAF nor I condone the illegal downloading or sharing of commercial video games, programs, or applications. We have a zero-tolerance policy as to piracy in general, and I am providing these tutorials and references as a resource to help you, the community, facilitate the transfer of your favorite Playstation One console classics to your Playstation Portable, in light of the fact that Sony's own PSN releases are extremely sparse and limited.
The tools, applications, resources, and processes discussed in this post are provided as-is, with no guarantees. Though it bears mentioning that no tool, application, resource, or process listed in this post should cause damage to your PC, PSP, or PSOne discs, neither NeoGAF nor I are responsible should anything go wrong. You are responsible for your own actions, and if you feel in any way uncomfortable utilizing the tools, applications, resources, and processes in this post, then simply refrain from doing so. If the game you are trying to rip and convert is currently available for purchase and download on PSN, then you are encouraged to procure the game from that source.