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PSP price revealed? 33.000yen


GAF's Pleasant Genius
cybamerc said:
But how will they communicate this to the public?

Yes, but there are also plenty of ways to get legal content on them. The possibilities are somewhat more limited when it comes to movies.

Easy answer: big Sony Connect PR announcement ;).


Will start substantiating his hate
DarienA said:
My point was that $300 is not alot of money for a portable multi-function media product. $300 could be considered alot of money for a portable game machine, but as Sony is pushing the PSP, that's not all it is...
That's what I mean about real value versus perceived value. $300 may be a fair price for something as advanced as the PSP but in the end it depends on how the consumer views those features. Do they think the multimedia capabilities justify the high price.
cybamerc said:
But are people more likely to pay $300 for a portable games player or a home console? With the new generation of console systems on the horizon PSP may not look so tempting.

Good point. It works the other way around, as well. Can PSP take sales away from Xenon if the latter launches in 2005? They're both likely to get attention from the gamer who places top-notch graphics as a high priority. So it's a bit more of a direct competition than what we've had in the past with the Gameboy line.


Will start substantiating his hate
kpop100 said:
Is that what you want to hear :)
My argument is not that PSP will fail. I think it has a decent chance of success even with the high price in mind. But the argument that $300 isn't a high price because the PSP has a lot of features is a flawed one.


As already mentioned, part of the iPod's appeal is that once you invest in it, you really don't have to spend another $30-50 to buy new media for it. That $300-500 is an investment that really doesn't require much more money. Now the PSP, on the other hand...

I think Apple with iTunes would disagree with you. Its not just about letting you play your CDs on the go, its about selling you more stuff. Its always about selling you more stuff.

OK, simplify things. PSP $300+$100 for a memory stick = $400 for iPod.

They aren't the same thing so can't be compared so simplistically, but what the hell.

As was said previously, all the iPod proves is that 'people' are willing to spend large amounts of money on 'stuff', if that stuff does what they want it to do. You can't mix the specifics of the device and its usage up with the PSP - just take the 'willingness to purchase' element

Games are big business, therefore its a reasonable bet to think that people might spend lots on that too. Well at least Sony thinks so.


And even i am moderately surprised
"They already mentioned it at GDC Europe and the Austin Game Developer Conference: PSP being able to play music and video from the Memory Stick module is something that will happen."

why would they do that if they are going to release movies on the UMD?
surely this would be cutting that markets throat and Sony Legal will drop on it like a ton of bricks.

Pay for downloads to Mem stick ? yes
Crunch your own movies from a DVD onto a stick via some software ? Absolutely zero chance unfortunately.

I'm sure Kutaragi is well up for this sort of move, but as i mentioned before, the Sony internal police simply won't take kindly to that.

also, why is the Ipod being used as a bench mark to compare against?????


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
cybamerc said:
My argument is not that PSP will fail. I think it has a decent chance of success even with the high price in mind. But the argument that $300 isn't a high price because the PSP has a lot of features is a flawed one.

No more flawed than your own argument. Sony is at least stepping in to this with the Playstation and Portable name on the unit, that still carries some of the load. DCharlie because it was the first device that came to mind in a thread yesterday I think(Coco mentioned it)... most folks here don't now about the portable media player devices floating around.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
One point that I'm not sure anyone covered. PSP price in Japan is 33000 Yen with tax included. Without tax, it's something like 28000 Yen ($255 US). There's very little doubt that it'll be selling for $250 or something like that when it comes over here, IMO, as you have to pay taxes extra here.

But the iPod will play mp3s AND comes with a 20GB battery already
Yes, the iPod plays MP3 and so does almost every frickin' electronic device in the existence nowadays. Sure, iPod does it with style and quality, but that functionality isn't exactly something very exquisite. At the very least PSP offers some functionality and high-end engineering that you cannot find anywhere else, so from the technology standpoint I can't see how anyone could be complaining.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
cybamerc said:
But are people more likely to pay $300 for a portable games player or a home console? With the new generation of console systems on the horizon PSP may not look so tempting.

You assume PSP is targeted towards actual videogamers only. It is not. It's a new category of videogamer the one that Sony is (also) aiming at with the PSP: the videogamer that would like to play games, but cannot cos is out of the house for most of the day (say at university or at work). A LOT of ppl I know got a PS2 or an Xbox but don't play them cos "fuck man, I don't have time to sit there and play Halo". What this people would like to have is a home console experience made mobile. That's what the PSP offers. PS2 quality games, music and video in your pocket.


Will start substantiating his hate
Catchpenny said:
Good point. It works the other way around, as well. Can PSP take sales away from Xenon if the latter launches in 2005?
Oh absolutely. And not just Xbox 2. Do you think most ppl are willing to pay $300 for a PSP next year and then another $300+ for a PS3 in 2006. My guess is no. Sony will really have to work hard trying to reach a completely new audience with PSP.


mrklaw said:
I think Apple with iTunes would disagree with you. Its not just about letting you play your CDs on the go, its about selling you more stuff. Its always about selling you more stuff.

OK, simplify things. PSP $300+$100 for a memory stick = $400 for iPod.

They aren't the same thing so can't be compared so simplistically, but what the hell.

As was said previously, all the iPod proves is that 'people' are willing to spend large amounts of money on 'stuff', if that stuff does what they want it to do. You can't mix the specifics of the device and its usage up with the PSP - just take the 'willingness to purchase' element

Games are big business, therefore its a reasonable bet to think that people might spend lots on that too. Well at least Sony thinks so.
Yea, but are iPod owners forced to buy songs via iTunes? No, they can use their own mp3s and what have you.

What about PSP owners? We'll have to see.

I'm not saying there isn't a market for the PSP, there is. I'm not saying the PSP won't sell well, it will. But I don't like the iPod analogy becuase, at least for me, it doesn't work. It's a different market and shouldn't be used here.

I bought my iPod knowing that the $400 I was spending was, for the most part, it. Meanwhile, if I grab a PSP, after a few games, I've already doubled my investment in the system.


Crunch your own movies from a DVD onto a stick via some software ? Absolutely zero chance unfortunately

I'll take that bet. If not Sony, then within 6 months from a 3rd party. I bet the PSP will just play MPEG4 files on the stick anyway.

Sony are being very agressive on this front lately. You could argue that LocationFree TV allows you to watch free TV anywhere in the world if you are so inclined (I have the base station at a friends house in America - I can watch Joey before its out in the UK...)

Their ATRAC insistence might be annoying, but they let you copy to their walkmen with connect easily enough.

I'm sure they'll do the pay per download thing too, but wouldn't write off simple transfer too.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Marconelly said:
One point that I'm not sure anyone covered. PSP price in Japan is 33000 Yen with tax included. Without tax, it's something like 28000 Yen ($255 US). There's very little doubt that it'll be selling for $250 or something like that when it comes over here, IMO, as you have to pay taxes extra here.

With tax included? Missed that part....

Insertia said:
GBA has no problem selling in spite of the hardware not being very tempting. :)

It's dirt cheap.


cybamerc said:
But are people more likely to pay $300 for a portable games player or a home console? With the new generation of console systems on the horizon PSP may not look so tempting.

GBA has no problem selling in spite of the hardware not being very tempting. :)


mrklaw said:
I think Apple with iTunes would disagree with you. Its not just about letting you play your CDs on the go, its about selling you more stuff. Its always about selling you more stuff.

Apple does not make any significant profit from iTunes. They consider iTunes as a way of selling more iPods, not the other way around.


Unconfirmed Member
Can anyone explain to me how comparing iPod and PSP is relevant in any way at all?
One being a harddrive MP3 player and the other being a games-focussed multimedia device...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
Can anyone explain to me how comparing iPod and PSP is relevant in any way at all?
One being a harddrive MP3 player and the other being a games-focussed multimedia device...

Yes let's continue to ask the same question over and over again instead of simply reading the thread and getting your answer. Kudos to you! ;)

For the record put me down for a bet $249.99 launch price in the US.


And even i am moderately surprised
i think the point here is the PSP being less expensive than an ipod doesn't magically make the PSP cheap! $300 is still a lot of cash (or $249) ESPECIALLY when a rival gaming unit has just been announced at $149.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DCharlie said:
i think the point here is the PSP being less expensive than an ipod doesn't magically make the PSP cheap! $300 is still a lot of cash (or $249) ESPECIALLY when a rival gaming unit has just been announced at $149.

...who said $300 was cheap?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
i think the point here is the PSP being less expensive than an ipod doesn't magically make the PSP cheap! $300 is still a lot of cash (or $249) ESPECIALLY when a rival gaming unit has just been announced at $149.
Yes, but the rival also has the gaming unit selling at the price of $80. So what? I mean, Sony could have easily made a hardware even less powerful than DS, pack it into some cheap crappy plastic and start selling it for $100. Would you really want to buy that, though? Would anyone for that matter? They are a technology company, if they don't push some boundaries, it not only would ruin their image, they would disappoint their core fanbase who expects slick looking, overengineered, cutting edge things from them.


Marconelly said:
One point that I'm not sure anyone covered. PSP price in Japan is 33000 Yen with tax included. Without tax, it's something like 28000 Yen ($255 US). There's very little doubt that it'll be selling for $250 or something like that when it comes over here, IMO, as you have to pay taxes extra here.

But tax in Japan is only 5%, which means your calculation is more than 3000 yen out.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
"They already mentioned it at GDC Europe and the Austin Game Developer Conference: PSP being able to play music and video from the Memory Stick module is something that will happen."

why would they do that if they are going to release movies on the UMD?
surely this would be cutting that markets throat and Sony Legal will drop on it like a ton of bricks.

Pay for downloads to Mem stick ? yes
Crunch your own movies from a DVD onto a stick via some software ? Absolutely zero chance unfortunately.

How can they prevent SonicStage from letting users do this ?

You will be able to buy songs and movies from Sony Connect, but I see quick hacks allowing you to upload user made movies (compressed with the right codec and using the file format PSP espects [which will likely be used for Sony Connect video content in general]) unless Sony offer this capability right out of the box.

Sony does sell VCRs and last I checked the PlayStation 2 reads DVD-R, DVD-RW ;).


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Bob White said:
It's starting to look like ps3 will be 350-400. Sony would be fucking INSANE to pull some shit like that.

You people now attempting to correlate the PSP's pricing with the PS3's pricing are getting WAY ahead of yourselves.

Bob White

What indicated that price point?

300 bucks for a damned portable system, that's what made me think this. Who honestly believes that sony would charge the same price for psp and ps3? We all know ps3 will cost more than psp.

Alright, fuck it. ps3 = 250 psp = 250


And even i am moderately surprised
"How can they prevent SonicStage from letting users do this ?
You will be able to buy songs and movies from Sony Connect, but I see quick hacks allowing you to upload user made movies (compressed with the right codec and using the file format PSP espects [which will likely be used for Sony Connect video content in general]) unless Sony offer this capability right out of the box."

doesn't this back up the arguement? Sony will want you to BUY the content for download - i'm not disputing that. I'm disputing the fact that they'll let you just rip your dvds and upload them. You are talking about hacks to let you do it - that's fine, but that's not Sony supporting that practice is it? and i'd be VERY surprised if they didn't add some sort of protection to prevent people doing this. Although, if you are implying that Sonys software department aren't up to that job, then...

"Double the price of the DS. Hmm."



Panajev2001a said:
You will be able to buy songs and movies from Sony Connect, but I see quick hacks allowing you to upload user made movies (compressed with the right codec and using the file format PSP espects [which will likely be used for Sony Connect video content in general]) unless Sony offer this capability right out of the box.
Presumably you're not familiar with Digital Rights Management? There's a lot of ways to stop you making your own files for the PSP to read. Sure they can probably all be circumvented over time, but it could take a non-trivial length of time if they use heavy encryption.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
"How can they prevent SonicStage from letting users do this ?
You will be able to buy songs and movies from Sony Connect, but I see quick hacks allowing you to upload user made movies (compressed with the right codec and using the file format PSP espects [which will likely be used for Sony Connect video content in general]) unless Sony offer this capability right out of the box."

doesn't this back up the arguement? Sony will want you to BUY the content for download - i'm not disputing that. I'm disputing the fact that they'll let you just rip your dvds and upload them. You are talking about hacks to let you do it - that's fine, but that's not Sony supporting that practice is it? and i'd be VERY surprised if they didn't add some sort of protection to prevent people doing this. Although, if you are implying that Sonys software department aren't up to that job, then...

Right now I can upload to my NetMD player anything I want: sure what I own comes from CDs we bought or from iTunes or Sony Connect, but there is no real check anywhere so I am sure people have shit on their portable music players that is not legal.

Again, I point you to the DVD-R and DVD-RW support in the PlayStation 2.

The can protect UMD movies from being ripped and posted all over the net and for Joe User copying a DVD and re-encoding it so that it fits and plays well on PSP will not be a trivial task and given that the PSP userbase starts from 0 (being a new system) it will take quite a bit before techniques such as that one become more well known... besides I predict HK people will have UMD burners in less than 6-8 months.

The protection they could put would be a custom video format based on MPEG4 AVC so that only PSP can read it, but that can be bypassed as well.

As far as music is concerned, why develop for PSP only a special file-format based on ATRAC3+ and add complexity, unneeded complexity to Sonic Stage ?

Plus there are fair uses: say that I recorded with my Sony cameraa video of my family or of this heroic German Shepherd


and I want to play it on my PSP... or say that I want to put my CDs on the PSP just as I do with my NetMD player.

Sony will allow that.

Double the price of the DS. Hmm.

So say that the DS technology is worth $149... in your estimation how much is the PSP worth ;) ?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Everyone's dogged insistence to compare the PSP only to the iPod isn't helping anyone's argument. Decent digital cameras, digital music players, PDAs, etc. all run in a range of $200-$400 on average with some trending lower and higher, of course. Anyone that has any familiarity with portable electronic devices BESIDES Nintendo handhelds knows this. And if you want to look at Sony's own pricing practices for portable electronics, PSP is coming in on the low side of what you'd see from them.

I realize that doesn't make it any less out of reach for some of you but it doesn't change the fact that $300 portable electronic can and do sell.

It's not like $150 or $80 is pocket change for everyone in the world either.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Jonnyram said:
Presumably you're not familiar with Digital Rights Management? There's a lot of ways to stop you making your own files for the PSP to read. Sure they can probably all be circumvented over time, but it could take a non-trivial length of time if they use heavy encryption.

We know music will be allowed: it is allowed on NetMD and I do not see the PSP being any different.

You will just not be able to check music out of the PSP or other content unless it was recorded on the PSP.

I think Sony has a portable movie player and I think that allows custom content.

Once again give me a good justification of DVD-R or DVD-RW on PlayStation 2 that does not relate to custom recorded content.

If I create a movie on my camera, why should I be banned from seeing it on PSP ?


Panajev2001a said:
We know music will be allowed: it is allowed on NetMD and I do not see the PSP being any different.
It has to convert it to ATRAC first, unfortunately. And I think they only introduced it after a ton of pressure (I have a NetMD too)

Once again give me a good justification of DVD-R or DVD-RW on PlayStation 2 that does not relate to custom recorded content.
Well DVD-R and -RW are not proprietary sony formats, so there's not a lot they can do. We have no idea whether recordable UMDs will be made available to home users, and there is a high chance they may use MagicGate on their memory cards to prevent people from just uploading any old crap. Odds on the PSP will not playback MP3 directly. It will need at least ATRAC conversion, and they'll probably come up with some software a little bit more secure than OpenMG Jukebox, in my opinion.

If I create a movie on my camera, why should I be banned from seeing it on PSP ?
If it's not a supported feature, why should you be able to do it? There isn't a legality issue, but it needs support to work. Unfortunately, if they support that, they open up the floodgates to piracy of other media.


And even i am moderately surprised
"So say that the DS technology is worth $149... in your estimation how much is the PSP worth ;) ?"

parents who have the choice between buying the DS or the PSP for little jonny don't care!


Insertia said:
GBA has no problem selling in spite of the hardware not being very tempting. :)

Actually, from what I recall the NES addition GBASP was/is very tempting hardware.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
"So say that the DS technology is worth $149... in your estimation how much is the PSP worth ;) ?"

parents who have the choice between buying the DS or the PSP for little jonny don't care!

They will because little Johnny will say: hey I want the hottest gadgets too like that rich DCharlie there who does nto come back even though he was only making food :p.

Let the games do the talking, people will do the buying :).


And even i am moderately surprised
"They will because little Johnny will say: hey I want the hottest gadgets too like that rich DCharlie there who does nto come back even though he was only making food :p."

ha ha - i got , um, side tracked.

"Let the games do the talking, people will do the buying ."

for people with cash, i think this will be the case. But a unit twice the price of another is going to put a lot of people off....

and which self respecting kid isn't going to beg for a DS so they can draw willies and tits on it and send it to all their school friends?!?

Rude drawings >>>>>>>>>>>> Ridge Racer et al.


DarienA said:
For those saying it's too much for a handheld... as Coco mentioned in a thread yesterday... any of you own an Ipod?

$299 is too much for a handheld. I will probably get mine if EB has a trade in offer. I'll trade my Xbox and X number of games in for the PSP. And, no, I don't have an iPod, due to its high price.
TTP said:
It's a new category of videogamer the one that Sony is (also) aiming at with the PSP: the videogamer that would like to play games, but cannot cos is out of the house for most of the day (say at university or at work).

This market does not exist!
Wait so PSP is aimed at chic gamers? How many HANDHELDS AREF CUKING USELEESS AND DESTRYOGIN THE INDUSTRY!@!#!!! topics pop up a month? Not to gauge reality by you bastards, but I'd say that mindset is pretty common. Handhelds sell to people who don't care that much about games. Will people geek out over it just because it's Sony and it's shiny? Of course, but that is a completely different croud than iPod users or even current PS2 owners.

Anyways, there's no way it's $300. I'd say $250, but I also expect DS at $100-130.
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