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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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You'd have more hp and rcv using a norse god + mech than a hindu god + sky.

The premise of using an indian team is the high hp value, so you can soak huge hits and heal back up. I mean sure, maybe situationally you could pull off a sky dragon here or there against certain fights, but in general...they're kind of crappy

yea, i mean it would require a special kind of fight, but it would come down to basically 4.5k hp vs 400 rcv and 500 atk. hard to say which is better, because it depends on the fight. but given how situational it is, i think we can all agree that 4m exp is best used on a different momster


Neo Member
confused by your numbers - mech has roughly 2400 hp more, 300 atk 300 rcv less. Mines lvl 93 at the moment, taking him to 99 =)


how do you guys get through the last floor of master tricolor? I got 1 shotted with my dual ADK team.

I ran the tricolor dungeon for the first time ever this weekend, figured what the hell and I was bored. Here's what I used for master. Had one real close call not paying attention but was easy otherwise:


Green ripper
Blue ripper
Red ripper

Odin friend.


Neo Member
Rust Mechdragon at Expert doesn't want to drop :( Should be able to run it a couple more times tonight but I've lost hope honestly. At least I got a lot of exp (went from rank 55ish to 72 on it...) and two Succubus.


Master Weekend dungeon is pretty amazing especially with 2x coins.

Its give 200K-300K coins.

Its give over 10K exp which is pretty good give over 400 exp per stamina.

So its pretty easy to run a bunch a day since you'll level twice a day.

Best of all its really quick and easy.

I ran

ADK leader
Green Mech Dragon
Fire Mech
ADK helper.

You can go through entire runs without the enemy attacking once. Which is good cause the one time an enemy did attack me, I was ohkoed.

Made over 4 million coins this weekend.
confused by your numbers - mech has roughly 2400 hp more, 300 atk 300 rcv less. Mines lvl 93 at the moment, taking him to 99 =)

was multiplying by 2.25, assuming 2x parvati. but was going from memory, so numbers were slightly off.

also, another potential use for them might be in a 2x zeus team, where getting hit is already pretty deadly, regardless of if you manage to survive the hit.

just brainstorming though, still not worth it unless you have nothing else to level.

btw, i have parvati and wind mech at ~2m exp to max, as well ast 2.5m exp worth of pengdras. which one should i max? :D


:( why did the x1.5% drop rates go away already? I thought they wound run through to the end of the day.

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I just went ahead and did dark mech legend instead. Got close a couple times, was able to take the full brunt of the charged attack with 13k health.
I think i may FINALLY have the first stage of Frozen Soil of Prosell on farm status. All i can say is:


And if thats not enough, i took both my ADK and my wind mech from 65 to max level over the weekend, and got about 40 + eggs for my ADK. Yea, ive been busy.

Heres the team im using to farm Frozen Soil


The Echidna is there only for the boss, i pop it right away, start orb changing, and boss is dead within 3 turns

I decided to max the Wind Mech instead of the Parvati because i use it like 50+ times a day, and the Parvati basically never gets used at all, except for the rare special dungeon. But Parvati is next.


Just bought a 3rd Gen Ipad on Ebay. Whats the easiest way to transfer my PAD ID file from my old Ipad 2?

You can do a full transfer of files through Apple, but I didn't really trust that myself. I use iTools for a weekly backup and it worked fine recovering my PAD file when I did a restore on my current iPad. I would think it would also be able to handle a transfer from one iPad to another. I can post screens for guidance, if you have trouble.


was multiplying by 2.25, assuming 2x parvati. but was going from memory, so numbers were slightly off.

also, another potential use for them might be in a 2x zeus team, where getting hit is already pretty deadly, regardless of if you manage to survive the hit.

just brainstorming though, still not worth it unless you have nothing else to level.

btw, i have parvati and wind mech at ~2m exp to max, as well ast 2.5m exp worth of pengdras. which one should i max? :D

Parvati. The difference is only 300 HP and 100 ATK if you max the Mech instead, assuming 2.25x team and current level 75 on each. Going by Puzzle Dragon X stat charts, btw.

If you have other wood members to build up for your team, that exp might be better used there. 4mil monsters suffer a lot from diminishing returns.


You can do a full transfer of files through Apple, but I didn't really trust that myself. I use iTools for a weekly backup and it worked fine recovering my PAD file when I did a restore on my current iPad. I would think it would also be able to handle a transfer from one iPad to another. I can post screens for guidance, if you have trouble.

Yeah you can use iTools. I've used it to switch my account from my phone to my pad and back several times.


Rust Mechdragon at Expert doesn't want to drop :( Should be able to run it a couple more times tonight but I've lost hope honestly. At least I got a lot of exp (went from rank 55ish to 72 on it...) and two Succubus.

It's the other way round for me... Got 3 Mech Dragons from running expert but not a single succubus, which is the only thing I really wanted :(



FINALLY!! My last ripper. Thank you, Blue Skydragon <3

Also I just RIPPED through Adept with dual ADKs + green and dark subs. It was amazing. The Skydragon went down in two turns.
Been busy this weekend, so I couldn't farm Ocean of Heaven as much as I'd have liked to, but I still managed to farm 20 +1 eggs, 10 Mystic Masks, and 11 King Metal Dragons, in addition to all the fodder mobs that I've been feeding my Blue Odin and Venus. I also got to max-skill my Megalodran with all the Marine Goblins. With the 1.5x drop event, I maxed its skill faster than it took for my 2 Sirens.

Didn't do any rare pulls during the Godfes, but I didn't have much luck with the Pal machine. I pulled over 150 times over the course of this special event, and I didn't get a single Super Dragon.

I'm done for tonight. I'd like to run the Sky Dragon of Water dungeons, but I'm only 6400 exp away from ranking-up and only have 3 stamina left. So, I'll be able to run all 3 tomorrow, after I rank-up and refill my stamina.


For anyone doing the Expert water sky dragon, it hits every 2 rounds for a hair under 3000 (with 50% resist). Floor 9 is Siren + 2 mermaids, floor 5 is blue starter dragon, and Adept is full of Lil' Blue randoms. I just evolved my blue ripper, so this is my farm for the next week.

Stupid rust mechdragon not dropping...


For anyone doing the Expert water sky dragon, it hits every 2 rounds for a hair under 3000 (with 50% resist). Floor 9 is Siren + 2 mermaids, floor 5 is blue starter dragon, and Adept is full of Lil' Blue randoms. I just evolved my blue ripper, so this is my farm for the next week.

Stupid rust mechdragon not dropping...

Oh man. Blue is my last starter that I need! Any advice on the team for Master? Healer/4 rippers and a 50% resist good enough?


[US] Metal Dragon Schedule (15 Stamina) 3/4/2013 PST

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)

A: 12:00 17:00 22:00
B: 8:00 13:00 18:00
C: 9:00 14:00 19:00
D: 10:00 15:00 20:00
E: 11:00 16:00 21:00


@ ParityBit:
Depends if your Healer is able to outheal 4400 dmg every 2 turns with 50% reduction.

I have a small dilemma... I have 2 Alraunes, lvl 24 with +6 heal and +2 dmg and a lvl 4 with +1 heal.
I don't think I will ever need 2 of them, so I want to feed the lvl 24 one to my max skilled lvl 38 +23 siren. But I'm not sure if i should do it...


@ ParityBit:
Depends if your Healer is able to outheal 4400 dmg every 2 turns with 50% reduction.

I have a small dilemma... I have 2 Alraunes, lvl 24 with +6 heal and +2 dmg and a lvl 4 with +1 heal.
I don't think I will ever need 2 of them, so I want to feed the lvl 24 one to my max skilled lvl 38 +23 siren. But I'm not sure if i should do it...

Wouldn't Alraunes be good in a Great Valk team? Or even maybe a Parvati team? Just sayin'...


Thats my problem... I dont know because I dont have a parvati or valkyre.

Who says you never will? That's the thing, really - you can't really know what will come up, what will come from your next pull, so dumping good healers (she's not the best one, I'll grant you that, and there's much better) is really bad. Hell, dumping any rare is a bad thing to do at this point, except for very specific ones: multiple Ammys, for example, is just useless, because she's only good for her leader skill.

You can't predict the future, so you'll never know what will come up. I'll have 3 Siren the Enchanter this week (2 max skilled to boot) and I won't drop my third, because god knows if they could be useful in specific teams (lol I'd love to see that in a Lakshmi team - 3 Sirens + something else would be overkill!) Same with my Parvatis - I have 3 now. I can put an extra one in a Parvati team, but the third? I dunno if it's useful, but I sure as hell won't dump her.


For anyone wondering about the Sky Dragon of Water... the dungeon is basically the same as Flame, same difficulty. Not sure if it was in my head but the boss seemed to hit a bit harder and have a few more HP. Went with a no resist ADK team and didn't have much issue.

I have my Blue Ripper up if anyone wants the 50% resist.


Thanks guys. I'll read more on ITools.

This is what I did to get account from ipad to iphone. Use iTools to copy and replace data files 48 and 56. One is account info and the other monster box. Everything loaded up fine after a long verification process. All stones and monsters intact.

I would make sure you close the program completely and not be in the middle of a dungeon before making the transfer. Once you make the transfer and verify it's up and running, delete the app on your old device. I wouldnt advise running the apps simultaneously with the same account.

Be sure to backup the game files as well before attempting just in case something goes wrong.


Yeah but the Alraune has the same problem as an Amaterasu. Her active skill just sucks... But you convinced me to hold on both, maybe i will need them down the line.


Thanks for the info Caerith and J0dy77.

I'll farm it just to grab the Sky Dragon. Not for utility but it's impossible to resist collecting it up. At the very least I'll do all difficulties to get the stone.

Hopefully it will take less tries than the red Sky Dragon which stubbonly refused to drop for me until I'd run Master 15 times. At least the exp and money was reasonable despite the 50 stamina cost.

I spent the weekend powerlevelling on Tower of Giants to raise my team cost and stamina pool and grabbing pengdras to level up my Parvati and Dragon Knights. Sorry any gaffers on my friends list if you found my leaders useless! I only got her to lvl 28 but plan on evolving her and my knights to ADK as soon as possible. Then I'll level my red team further.

Now I have the red Sky Dragon is there any point farming Sky Dragon for another Naga? I have one I'm levelling up now but I was wondering if two would be useful in some situations?

Monsters I have are:

Red: Shiva the Destroyer, Shiva, max skill Gigas, Phoenix Knight, Mystic Flame Knight x 2, Echidna, Meteor Volcano Dragon, Kagutschi, Firedragon Tyrannos, Drall, second unlevelled Titan, red Sky Dragon.

Green: Parvati, Dragon Knight x 2 (one nearly at ADK), MSK, Green Odin, Marine Rider x 2, Alraune, Sylph, Toytops, Dragonette

Blue: Lakshmi, max skill Siren, Beast Rider, Fenrir Knight, Icedragon Plesios, Aurora Dragon, Red Ice Leviathan, Undine, two more unlevelled Mermaids.

Dark: Vampire Lord, Dark Dragon Knight x 2 (one nearly CDK), Lilith Witch of the Night, Gryps Rider, Pierdrawn, Chaos Devil Dragon, Annihilate Mech Hadar, Wooden Dark Tiamat, Succubus

Light: Valkyrie x 2, Verche Knight of The Sky, Verche, Lightning Holy Dragon, Archangel, Angelion, Genie

I've been really scattershot so far levelling my monsters and I'm trying to get more focused now I have some team compositions in mind.


@ ParityBit:
Depends if your Healer is able to outheal 4400 dmg every 2 turns with 50% reduction.

well I got crushed on like the second level. I had my level 48 Ammy Ohk, 4 rippers and a blue/black Neptune.

All 4 were on the same timer and I couldn't kill any fast enough, nor out heal the damage.


well I got crushed on like the second level. I had my level 48 Ammy Ohk, 4 rippers and a blue/black Neptune.

All 4 were on the same timer and I couldn't kill any fast enough, nor out heal the damage.
I used the following to clear Master: Siren leader, ADK, Wind Mech, CDD, Rainbow Keeper and Neptune (water/dark) friend leader.

I had no problem, but those little Devils hit really hard with their 1 turn timer. These need to be taken out first, because they will wreck you. My Siren couldn't quite heal back all the damage the Skydragon did, but I just used her skill once in a while to regain everything. I probably shouldn't have taken my CDD and should have taken either CDK (for orb change) or, the best option, GED which I don't have fully evolved yet. If you have trouble exchange it for Echidna.

Neptune really is the best friend leader as the poison helps SO much- I didn't get the dragon though


The 4.4k is from the boss...
With a 4 ripper team you have to charge the skills during the first turn, then sweep to the midboss, recharge your skills and sweep to the sky dragon.


The 4.4k is from the boss...
With a 4 ripper team you have to charge the skills during the first turn, then sweep to the midboss, recharge your skills and sweep to the sky dragon.

Will the nuke from a single ripper wipe a whole level of minions? Also, how do I know exactly how much my healer WILL be able to heal per round?


Yeah but the Alraune has the same problem as an Amaterasu. Her active skill just sucks... But you convinced me to hold on both, maybe i will need them down the line.

Alraune has a shitty active skill, but she's a healer, while Amaterasu is a god. Alraune can thus be used in a Parvati team or a Great Valk team. :) Amaterasu could be used in a Verche team I guess? I dunno.

Now I have another question.

Parvati's skill has a hidden +HP component, right? So she does 1.5x ATK, RCV and HP? Does the same apply to Lakshmi? Her skill is written +1.5x ATK and HP.. does it also increase RCV?

Will the nuke from a single ripper wipe a whole level of minions? Also, how do I know exactly how much my healer WILL be able to heal per round?

Yes it will. It's what I did this morning - 4 rippers (blue one as leader for resist) and made sure I didn't bring my red one (so blue + green + black + white + another monster, prolly should've taken Echidna but took ADK for more damage) and an auto-healer friend (I used a max skill Siren there) and I was under zero threat throughout the entire thing. The most annoying fight is the first one, because you should keep one enemy up and charge up your rippers, because when the little demons show up, it's game over. I had a few shots where 4 mobs were on the same timer, so if it wasn't for a ripper I'd be dead meat.
Will the nuke from a single ripper wipe a whole level of minions? Also, how do I know exactly how much my healer WILL be able to heal per round?

a) I think a nuke will destroy everything on Master. Only way it won't is if its off color.

b) Siren : 3x RCV per turn. Ammy : 5x RCV per turn


Yes it will. It's what I did this morning - 4 rippers (blue one as leader for resist) and made sure I didn't bring my red one (so blue + green + black + white + another monster, prolly should've taken Echidna but took ADK for more damage) and an auto-healer friend (I used a max skill Siren there) and I was under zero threat throughout the entire thing. The most annoying fight is the first one, because you should keep one enemy up and charge up your rippers, because when the little demons show up, it's game over. I had a few shots where 4 mobs were on the same timer, so if it wasn't for a ripper I'd be dead meat.

a) I think a nuke will destroy everything on Master. Only way it won't is if its off color.

b) Siren : 3x RCV per turn. Ammy : 5x RCV per turn

OK, so is it RCV of the whole group? Or just the Ammy? My Ammy has a 405.

Also, I only have 4 rippers, one of which is a Red. I am lacking the blue (part of the reason I need this dungeon so bad)


Now I have another question.

Parvati's skill has a hidden +HP component, right? So she does 1.5x ATK, RCV and HP? Does the same apply to Lakshmi? Her skill is written +1.5x ATK and HP.. does it also increase RCV?

I forgot about the god part, thank you!:)

To answer your question:

Shiva, Lakshmi and Parvati have the triple 1.5 skill!

It's the RCV of the Healer, so 405 RCV results in 2025 healed after each match.
Thats the reason why EVERY +rcv should go to your amaterasu!


I forgot about the god part, thank you!:)

To answer your question:

Shiva, Lakshmi and Parvati have the triple 1.5 skill!

It's the RCV of the Healer, so 405 RCV results in 2025 healed after each match.
Thats the reason why EVERY +rcv should go to your amaterasu!

Does Freyr also have triple 1.5? That's what I'm wondering, because unevolved, it's the exact skill name as Shiva. If it is, then evolved, Freyr is even better than Shiva, because it's 2x, not 1.5...

And the more and more I play with stuff, the more I think all your +RCV should go into Siren, not Ammy.

Siren is highly useful as a party member, especially if her skill is maxed. At maxed, you can fully heal yourself every 5 turns, which is crazy useful. Ammy is a lot less useful, and good in resolve situations, but that's about it. She's a great auto-healer, don't get me wrong, but should I have the chance, I'd rather have a slightly less powerful auto-heal and a killer skill than a powerful auto-heal and a shit skill.


OK, so is it RCV of the whole group? Or just the Ammy? My Ammy has a 405.

Also, I only have 4 rippers, one of which is a Red. I am lacking the blue (part of the reason I need this dungeon so bad)

Do you have any friends with a blue rippers as leaders?

You could have your Ammy as leader and use a friend as 50% resist. Then fill team with your two rippers, a rainbow keeper to pad out your HP and add a max skilled Siren if you have one for extra security.

Then, as the others said, charge the three rippers - yours and the friend leader - in round one. Use them to clear all rounds to round 5. Don't save the skill -- just wipe away. Charge rippers up again in mid-boss, then use them to clear all the rounds up to round 9. At the Sky Dragon sometimes I needed Siren's skill to create heal orbs to make sure my HP was topped up. It would be too dicey for my HP level otherwise.

That's the exact approach I used on the red Sky Dragon, except I sometimes used my own ripper as my leader and a friends healer. I'm hoping the same method will be equally as effective with the blue Sky Dragon.


Does Freyr also have triple 1.5? That's what I'm wondering, because unevolved, it's the exact skill name as Shiva. If it is, then evolved, Freyr is even better than Shiva, because it's 2x, not 1.5...

And the more and more I play with stuff, the more I think all your +RCV should go into Siren, not Ammy.

Siren is highly useful as a party member, especially if her skill is maxed. At maxed, you can fully heal yourself every 5 turns, which is crazy useful. Ammy is a lot less useful, and good in resolve situations, but that's about it. She's a great auto-healer, don't get me wrong, but should I have the chance, I'd rather have a slightly less powerful auto-heal and a killer skill than a powerful auto-heal and a shit skill.

Freyr is from the Norse God cycle and has only an attack and rcv increase. Shiva and friends are the Indian Gods.
You may be right with your Siren assumption and I put all RCV eggs on my Siren as well, but i dont have the luxury to choose, because I dont have an Amaterasu...
But a very high +RCV Ama is just nuts...


I despise waiting for stamina in this game and I refuse to pay for stamina until i'm higher leveled.

Once you hit level 100 stamina becomes a real issue. It's taking way too long for me to refill and level consistently. I used to be able to do the expert weekly get 9k exp and be close to leveling quickly, refresh stam and start again with 50 base stamina give or take. Now I've got 67 and have a much harder time refreshing making it a lot less stamina to use overall.


I would like to point out, that only the evolved form of Shiva, Lakshmi and Parvati has the triple 1.5x stats. Not the first forms, so evolve them asap if you're using them


I would like to point out, that only the evolved form of Shiva, Lakshmi and Parvati has the triple 1.5x stats. Not the first forms, so evolve them asap if you're using them

Ah! Good to know. I was wondering why my Parvati teams were kinda crap.. It's because they're unevolved!

Freyr is from the Norse God cycle and has only an attack and rcv increase. Shiva and friends are the Indian Gods.
You may be right with your Siren assumption and I put all RCV eggs on my Siren as well, but i dont have the luxury to choose, because I dont have an Amaterasu...
But a very high +RCV Ama is just nuts...

Sucks about Freyr then. I was thinking about building a red team around his evolved form, but then maybe not. I have 2 Shivas anyway, so I'll evolve those instead!

And while a high +RCV Ammy is indeed nuts, she's more gimmicky. It makes a lot of dungeons completely brainless, but by the time she's at that point, it's no longer useful, really, because you'll wipe the floor with those dungeons anyway. It's great when you're still early though, as it makes every dungeon stupidly easy.
I would like to point out, that only the evolved form of Shiva, Lakshmi and Parvati has the triple 1.5x stats. Not the first forms, so evolve them asap if you're using them

oh shiiiii that's super helpful. Wondering why I wasn't seeing the HP increase. Need another mystic mask though. boo


Yaris and Xelios Ama make the Sky Dragon dungeons on Master a real joke. I just go in with a dmg reducer and a dark team and kill everything. Mech dragons expert was done with a 2x dark leader and a full dark team.


Yaris and Xelios Ama make the Sky Dragon dungeons on Master a real joke. I just go in with a dmg reducer and a dark team and kill everything. Mech dragons expert was done with a 2x dark leader and a full dark team.

I admit, Xel's Ammy was the first thing I looked for when the helper leader list appeared.
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