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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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That guys account is just unreal. I can't imagine how much money he's spent on the game. He has everything and every mob is max skilled.

Does Goeman drop from any special dungeons or is he gacha only?
In his YT descriptions he a has a link that leads to a site that tells you how to earn free iTunes cards. It's basically a pyramid scheme and he's at the top. I'm sure he's put over $100K into GungHo's pockets himself. And a lot of those bonus stats probably came from dupe rares pulls during those events when GungHo made every rare pull come with a guaranteed +1. No doubt that player is very skilled, though. He's obviously played enough to get to his super high rank.


5 Emerald Kings in 8 runs. I would say that's pretty good! Really miss the 2x King event though :p

Evolved my other Neotune and am now working on my two Ceres. Wil post pictures when I'm done with them :D

Also have they shifted back from Jewel Dragons? Only Emerald today, which is nice. Would much rather have a whole day of one type of Dragons.


My SMS alert app for jewel/metal dragons is working now via pulling the info from the puzzledragonx site.

If anyone is interested in doing some beta testing, message me with your group and your cell SMS gateway address, for example, Verizon is <number>@vtext.com

If you dont know it, a list of gateways for most carriers can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways

I'm sure there's still bugs in it, hopefully none of which cause crazy spam. :)



Wtf with this Green only monster with no green orbs tech dungeon.

Its insane.

I've had a bunch of unwinable crazy situations already. (Mask in floor one)

I'm guessing you need to have a bunch of dual elements to beat this.

The only green monsters I have a 2x ADK, Wind Mech, GED and Final Evo Starter.
Wtf with this Green only monster with no green orbs tech dungeon.

Its insane.

I've had a bunch of unwinable crazy situations already. (Mask in floor one)

I'm guessing you need to have a bunch of dual elements to beat this.

The only green monsters I have a 2x ADK, Wind Mech, GED and Final Evo Starter.
It didn't even occur to me to use dual-element Wood monsters. The only one I have though is a Wood/Dark Ceres. I just used my mono-green Freyja team with Freyja/ADK/ADK/Cu Chu/Parvati/Artemis. There are 4 monsters that can convert orbs to Wood. The 2 ADKs are max skilled, so I can convert pretty frequently once they're charged. I just make sure to have as many Fire orbs on the board when I activate ADK's skill, then use the Wood orbs sparingly so that I can get multiple attacks in from a single skill activation. I sub in an Earth Knight for the armor break against the high defense mobs. He replaces Parvati when needed. The 2x HP/2x RCV makes it pretty easy to survive while charging skills.

After that dungeon, there's a Water version which only allows Water monsters and has no Water orbs. I guess GungHo is still working on the Fire version, because the Water dungeon is the last Technical dungeon in this version.

I suggest everyone grab an Earth and Aqua Knight for these dungeons. And maybe even all 5 Knights, in case GungHo ever releases these dungeons for the other elements. We get so many Knights and Fighters from farming and Pal pulls, that we might as well put them toward skilling-up a Knight of every element.


It didn't even occur to me to use dual-element Wood monsters. The only one I have though is a Wood/Dark Ceres. I just used my mono-green Freyja team with Freyja/ADK/ADK/Cu Chu/Parvati/Artemis. There are 4 monsters that can convert orbs to Wood. The 2 ADKs are max skilled, so I can convert pretty frequently once they're charged. I just make sure to have as many Fire orbs on the board when I activate ADK's skill, then use the Wood orbs sparingly so that I can get multiple attacks in from a single skill activation. I sub in an Earth Knight for the armor break against the high defense mobs. He replaces Parvati when needed. The 2x HP/2x RCV makes it pretty easy to survive while charging skills.

After that dungeon, there's a Water version which only allows Water monsters and has no Water orbs. I guess GungHo is still working on the Fire version, because the Water dungeon is the last Technical dungeon in this version.

I suggest everyone grab an Earth and Aqua Knight for these dungeons. And maybe even all 5 Knights, in case GungHo ever releases these dungeons for the other elements. We get so many Knights and Fighters from farming and Pal pulls, that we might as well put them toward skilling-up a Knight of every element.

Good idea on the knights.

I'm stuck on floor 4 right now cause I I couldn't defeat the high defense tree monsters.

The next dungeon is going to be really easy if you can get Neptune + healers. Siren leader plus Neptune helper will win all the stages easily. Too bad though I have 0 to blue orb changers. Each level is going to be a long haul.


Just face the biggest bullshit bad luck again Ceres in the last stage of Tower of Windy Wood.

Had a part of

Mech dragon
Green fighter for def down

Partner Artemis.

Used Artemis first turn to get green orbs and took down to less than 3/4 of her health.

Next turn I just match orbs to get more red orbs for ADK.

Easily going to win. Full health (19K+), two ADK skills charged 6+ fire orbs.

She does the one possible move that can beat me. They seals the 2 ADK and Artemis.

HP now down to 9K and not more orb switchers for 6 turns. Insta death.


Hey guys, I've gotten into this game in the last week 1/2 or so. I still don't really know what I'm doing power-up wise. I got a couple pengdras, and am not sure what I should do with them.

I got 5 crystals for that 10 day consecutive log in thing and the machine gave me a level 30 ivory dragon, pretty damn awesome.


So, I got to the last level of the Castle of Satan - Expert.

Any advice?? I had my ammy, 4 rippers and an Odin. I got one shotted. This was my first time in there.

Thanks :)
That's not how it works. Once you reach lvl 20 you can send a present to someone containing a random starter monster and you get one yourself. You can't trade or send monsters to others besides this.
Bummer. Thanks for the info. Was hoping you could send one of your pulls.


So, I got to the last level of the Castle of Satan - Expert.

Any advice?? I had my ammy, 4 rippers and an Odin. I got one shotted. This was my first time in there.

Thanks :)

Tomb of the Saint - Expert? Or Castle of Satan in the Abyss?

Hades hits for 66,666. Simplest way is resolve. Use your Amaterasu and take a Viper Orochi friend. You can do Odin and dark Resist, too, if you'd rather match health yourself.

Or you can blitz with ADK or similar style offense, but it's more risky, might need an Echidna delay.
16 ADK's up right now on my friends list. 16. for shame people, for shame.

Made good progress over the weekend, finally look out my mono green team and ran through 2 dungeons.

Still waiting for that Light Skydragon to drop...


Neo Member
So, I got to the last level of the Castle of Satan - Expert.

Any advice?? I had my ammy, 4 rippers and an Odin. I got one shotted. This was my first time in there.

Thanks :)

Yah... Hades is a tough one... I got through it with ADK team and a Nega sub.. A few people said that you can win with Odin and CDD helper... That will reduce 66666 damage Hades does to you into manageable 6666 per 7 or so round... Just that the battle will take a while.

ps.. thanks to your ammy, I was able to get both Green Sky Dragon and Light Sky Dragon... Keep up the good work :D
So, I got to the last level of the Castle of Satan - Expert.

Any advice?? I had my ammy, 4 rippers and an Odin. I got one shotted. This was my first time in there.

Thanks :)

You might be able to YOLO your way through Hades with Isis, especially with strong light sub and an Echidna backup.
Woah! Most of the Technical dungeons have a 1.5x drop rate today! Everything except for Hill of Iris's Rainbow, that is. GungHo obviously knows that's the best tech dungeon for farming, since it drops Dub Mythlits. Oh well. Not gonna complain. The rest is already a pleasant surprise. So, I guess Monday is officially Pengdra day. Happy hunting!

Edit: What the hell? My game is showing that I already cleared all the Sky Dragon of Darkness dungeons, but I've never even played them before. Maybe it's a bug that GungHo will fix in a bit.

Edit 2: Definitely not complaining. Started my Dark Sky run on Master and got the boss drop on the first try. Didn't even have to do Expert or Adept. I'll gladly give up the clear stone for that luck. But if GungHo fixes it, I'll go ahead and clear Expert and Adept for the stone.

Edit 3: Just saying Freyja + Artemis is so damn good! I entered the Master Sky dungeon, once again(happened with Wood Sky also) forgetting it was no RCV. With 30K HP I was able to get all the way to the boss with minimal damage and was able to tank a full 4 hits from it before I popped Parvati's skill and fully healed in one combo. The heal wasn't even necessary, since I killed the boss that turn, but it was insurance in case I botched the combo. Super easy and didn't feel threatened at any single point even with the no RCV. The 4x ATK multiplier makes such a huge difference over the dual Parvati team I tried a few times.
Woah! Most of the Technical dungeons have a 1.5x drop rate today! Everything except for Hill of Iris's Rainbow, that is. GungHo obviously knows that's the best tech dungeon for farming, since it drops Dub Mythlits. Oh well. Not gonna complain. The rest is already a pleasant surprise. So, I guess Monday is officially Pengdra day. Happy hunting!

I did a double take as well. Loving that it'll be ruby dragons all day too. Red team is gonna get fed.


It's also ruby dragon day. I prefer having a single color jewel dragon per day, honestly.

Any advice for taking down the dark sky on master? If the wiki is right, the boss hits for 6570 every round (3285 after 50% resist). Is that pretty much an Ama-only dungeon or is there some other way?
It's also ruby dragon day. I prefer having a single color jewel dragon per day, honestly.

Any advice for taking down the dark sky on master? If the wiki is right, the boss hits for 6570 every round (3285 after 50% resist). Is that pretty much an Ama-only dungeon or is there some other way?
See my 3rd edit above. I ran a Freyja+Artemis mono green team, and it was cake. Was able to tank 4 hits from the boss with my 30K team HP. My team is all maxed-out though, but it should still be doable with a lower level team. Resist+Ama would be a lot safer if you can't beat it without an auto-healer though.


See my 3rd edit above. I ran a Freyja+Artemis mono green team, and it was cake. Was able to tank 4 hits from the boss with my 30K team HP. My team is all maxed-out though, but it should still be doable with a lower level team. Resist+Ama would be a lot safer if you can't beat it without an auto-healer though.
My mono-green team is unfortunately pretty minimal, I'd only have ~27k HP and 3x ATK if I paired my Parvati with an Artemis. And I only have one green orb changer, an ADK at skill 1 (not for lack of trying).

Gonna try Alraune + Odin when my stamina hits 50, though.


Wow, Sky Dragon of Darkness hits hard! With hades as resist he manages to deal 5 more damage then yaris Amaterasu can heal! Got the drop on the first master run, but I will have to farm it for the succubus... This is the one farmable drop that is still escaping me!:(
On other news I pushed my Artemis to mid 40s and have my susano at 49, and materials ready to evolve.
Does anyone have tips for the boss of Tower of the sky? I was killed 2 times on the stages before after not getting any hearts 4 rounds in a row...


Wow, Sky Dragon of Darkness hits hard! With hades as resist he manages to deal 5 more damage then yaris Amaterasu can heal! Got the drop on the first master run, but I will have to farm it for the succubus... This is the one farmable drop that is still escaping me!:(
On other news I pushed my Artemis to mid 40s and have my susano at 49, and materials ready to evolve.
Does anyone have tips for the boss of Tower of the sky? I was killed 2 times on the stages before after not getting any hearts 4 rounds in a row...

Venus? I did it dual Parvati, but it was close. That 8k per round is tough. Are you taking an Artemis/Freyja team? What subs? That Susano should be pretty helpful with his skill, even if he's not evolved. Will cover times when you get no heart drops. If you are struggling on the carbuncles, you might not be able to get past Venus herself. General advice is to charge skills and burst down whichever carbuncle is weakest to green. Then charge skills back up for Venus and hope you can wear her down before she does you in.


Yeah, with a Artemis/ Freya Team. Subs: 49 susano, 15 awoken Odin, 55 max skill Adk +20, 31 skill 4 Adk.
I also have a 41 fortoytops, lvl 30 Ceres, lvl 16 GED.
The other option is brute forcing with Odin and Amaterasu...


Well, I'm not sure where you are having trouble with that team. Mine was noticeably weaker, but maybe I got lucky. Hmm. I would try dropping Odin and putting in Fortoytops. His orb change will help generate hearts to heal and will pair really well with Artemis' for massive green burst damage.

Odin/Amaterasu would be a good option, too. Might need that Amaterasu to be pretty high level to recover the carbuncle damage if they hit on the same turn.


x1.5% drop on all tech dungeons (including blue) EXCEPT Hill of Iris (Thanks Jasper for the info!)
Dark sky dragon starts today!

[US] Ruby Dragon Schedule (20 Stamina) 3/25/2013 PDT

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)

A: 10:00 15:00 20:00
B: 11:00 16:00 21:00
C: 12:00 17:00 22:00
D: 08:00 13:00 18:00
E: 09:00 14:00 19:00


Finished sky dragon of dark on master. This dungeon was definitely more of a challenge than light and more in line with wood difficulty. With 50% resist the boss hits for 3k each round and progressively gets stronger adding 5 additional points of damage per round. The trash seemed to have a bit more hp this time around (not sure if that was in my head). Had a few rounds clearing the trash where I tanked multiple rounds of hits. My team had over 11k HP, helped a lot. I'd suggest a 50% resist, strong Ammy healer to heal through the trash, the 3k boss hits and have over 10k HP and you'll be fine.

Here was the team I took and drops:



I chickened out and did it with Odin/Ama and Dark Subs. I had the carbuncles on the same timer, but was able to outheal it with a single heart match. Now for Ocean of heaven!


ps.. thanks to your ammy, I was able to get both Green Sky Dragon and Light Sky Dragon... Keep up the good work :D

I am glad she helped you! I was at PAX east all weekend, so my P&D time was minimal! (Man am I exhausted!). I think I am going to take a break from trying to kill the King of the Underworld so I can try the dark dungeon.

So, is the new dark dungeon (on master), is it doable with a ripper team/Ammy/Black resist?


He Hits for bit more then 3000 every turn after reduction. So divide it through 5 and you have the amount of RCV your Amaterasu has to have.


Ripped through the Skydragon of Darkness AND got him to drop. Feels amazing man!

Used my brand new water/dark Neptune and Yaari's Amaterasu Ohkami as leaders :D

Managed to max lvl my Ceres, but need a Mythlit to evolve her. Now working on my second Ceres.

So Ruby Dragons today. REALLY happy to see that we're back to one type of metal dragons per day instead of Jewel.

My schedule for the rest of my PAD day: Beat Dark Skydragon Expert (already cleared Adept when it was out the first time) and then farm Pengdras :D Perhaps a little bit of Ruby dragons if my stamina allows it.


He Hits for bit more then 3000 every turn after reduction. So divide it through 5 and you have the amount of RCV your Amaterasu has to have.

Crap, so mine can only heal 2675.

And I have one friend who has an Ammy up that is on my select-able list has a 2890.

I can not select Yari's right now for some reason.


I can never tell if mine is high enough or not! (73 + 10 rcv)

See my post above. With 50% resist and a rainbow keeper you might make it through. Just bring a siren instead of another ADK, it will take a little longer but you'll have no risk. I put my CDK up if you or anyone else needs one.

Has anyone had luck with farming the Mystic Light Knight on the sky dragon of light dungeon? I've been running it pretty frequently and have only had it spawn once. I really want a MDK and hope the spawn rate isn't low for light/dark. The main colors seemed to spawn pretty frequently for me.


Crap, so mine can only heal 2675.

And I have one friend who has an Ammy up that is on my select-able list has a 2890.

I can not select Yari's right now for some reason.

If you have a max skill Siren bring this:

Highest Light ATK
2nd High Light ATK
3rd High Light ATK
Siren Mas Skill
2890 Ama Friend

You should be fine with that. Might take a little time on the boss


Amaterasu wasnt healing enough for me but with 10k hp i was only losing about 100 hp per turn. had his health down to 1/3 remaining when i used shower of healing and started all over again. if you have a high Ama on your list you can still do this with rippers and dark resist.

I always have to bring 3 rippers. First stage charge, rip stages 2-4, 5th stage charge, rip stages 6-8, 9 is easy and then its just the boss. Those devils are pretty damn tough and if more than 3 I cant seem to beat em. Rippers are the only strat that works for me. Usually can do master runs in 20 min. No Griffin, no Unicorn, and no Cerberus so far though.


I'll try to refresh the Amaterasu. So she did not heal enough then? I think it was 3280 to be exact. If its not enough then I'll drop some Skydragons on her. I stopped leveling her because I thought you'd eventually hit a point where you simply can't complete things with the setup anymore.

Started dumping +RCV on her again though!

I just noticed I cleared the first stage of the Dark Skydragon prior to today. So I guess I started this game when that one first came around, pretty cool.

Glad people are voicing their opinion on the Puzzle Dragons forum regarding GungHo's lack of high-end dungeons such as Zeus and Two-Heroes. Only way we'll see a change.


I'll try to refresh the Amaterasu. So she did not heal enough then? I think it was 3280 to be exact. If its not enough then I'll drop some Skydragons on her. I stopped leveling her because I thought you'd eventually hit a point where you simply can't complete things with the setup anymore.

Started dumping +RCV on her again though!

I just noticed I cleared the first stage of the Dark Skydragon prior to today. So I guess I started this game when that one first came around, pretty cool.

Glad people are voicing their opinion on the Puzzle Dragons forum regarding GungHo's lack of high-end dungeons such as Zeus and Two-Heroes. Only way we'll see a change.

Thanks! You just popped back on my list! Lets see how this goes. 50 Stamina ...


Damn bad day for 1.5 tech dungeons.

Finished a bunch of tech dungeons over the weekend and got a ton of pengdras waiting for dragon plants to evolve.

Man how great would it be if they have dragon plants dungeon more than one day.


Ah man... and my lack of dragon plant farming last Thursday comes back to bite me in the ass. I have 12 red pengdras ready to go but only 5 dragon plants left and I could use a boat load of ruby dragons but just don't have the room to fit all this stuff. Nice to see the increased drop for tech dungeons show up. Hopefully the increased drop rate on the tech dungeons sticks around for Mondays. Monday will officially become pengdra farming day if so!

I had a question for you guys who've been farming the Ocean of Heaven levels on the weekends. I ran them maybe 7 times yesterday and in those runs I came up with 6+ eggs, 2 Mystic Masks, and 3 King Metal Dragons. Is this a typical haul or was I just crazy lucky? If this is even close to typical I'm going to make a point of farming this way more often on increased drop days.
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