Yeah, me too. Oh well.Well, that sucks it's random. I was wanting to finish skilling up my ADK.
Was really hoping for a Super King Gokd from the Pal machine. Would have helped leveling my Ama a lot
Yeah, me too. Oh well.Well, that sucks it's random. I was wanting to finish skilling up my ADK.
Decided that I'd give the Castle of Satan in the Abyss levels a shot and see if I got lucky. 0/4 but it was not a complete loss, I did get 2 King Metal Dragons and 2 Mythlits. lol
I'm really stressing out about how to use stamina. Need to focus on leveling for next week.
What an upsetting morning. Since I am working on my dark team, I saw the new fest thing and thought what the hell, did 2 pulls.
Got Susano, and Mystic Red Knight. Sigh.
Then, 13 PAL pulls: 1 King Sapphire Dragon, rest crap (did get 3 +1 monsters though).
Oh well. So, since the rumor is that 2 Heroes is coming soon, I was reading advice/strats on it... and I dont think I can do it ;[. Seems like you need 12000+ HP with 2 different resist leaders for like, 75% resist water and 50% dark.
Maybe you'll get "lucky" and pull a drawn joker during godfest. That would fill one of the leader requirements, and it is a dark event.Been trying to come up with some strategies as well. The oft-posted strategies...I can't do either.
Need to find a 3rd strategy. Need the communities help when the dungeon shows up to see what works.
Maybe you'll get "lucky" and pull a drawn joker during godfest. That would fill one of the leader requirements, and it is a dark event.
hahahahahahah hahahaha oooo haha.
good one dude, good one.
Would really want to tackle 2Heroes. Zeus is def a no-go. Going to try Hera with the following
Light Demon
Light Demon
Need something for the last spot. Don't need Echilada since I'll be using Viper. Maybe the Light skydragon if I can level him up a bit.
Those Skydragons need plenty of exp to be sufficient. Its not really important what you use though, you'll probably make it with resolve, the only issue is that it will take a couple of hours.
I'm not sure what your HP/attack totals are - what are you going to do about the randomized first couple of mobs? If they're on the same turn timer, you need to be able to kill one of them before they go off.ヘラ降臨!
So now, according to the Facebook group, this is correct (for the tech dungeon). It seems people mistook the dungeon they got their knights in at first, but this has now been confirmed. It also fits with my data - mystic dark on the third stage.Wow... so people seem to be saying that each level of the CoSA and CoSITA have a level that each variety of knight will spawn on. If this is truely the case that's awesome. I should be able to farm the crap out of these and hopefully come up with the Phoenix and Fenrir knight I so desperately need.
Here's the list in case you're wondering.
Castle of Satan (魔王の城dungeons:
Castle Gate (城門- Mystic Light Knight
The Witches' Ball (魔女達の舞踏会- Mystic Stone Knight
Cage of the Beast (魔獣の檻- Mystic Ice Knight
The King's Protectors (王を守る者- Mystic Flame Knight
King of Darkness (暗闇の王- Mystic Dark Knight
Castle of Satan in the Abyss (深淵の魔王城dungeons:
Cursed Jewels (呪われし宝石達- Mystic Ice Knight
Bloody Scales over Soft Skin (柔肌と血染めの鱗- Mystic Flame Knight
Guardian of the Doorway (扉の守護獣- Mystic Dark Knight
Dragon Puppets (傀儡の龍- Mystic Light Knight
Return of the Dark King (甦りし暗黒の王- Mystic Stone Knight
This was taken from another forum and is translated from a asian wiki so take with a grain of salt. Are the knights 100% drop if they appear?
So now, according to the Facebook group, this is correct (for the tech dungeon). It seems people mistook the dungeon they got their knights in at first, but this has now been confirmed. It also fits with my data - mystic dark on the third stage.
Sorry for the confusion folks!
It's official! We get the ANCIENT dragons starting Monday! Just confirmed by GungHos official Facebook page!
WTB increased stamina refresh rate please. lol
Instead of rolling for a greek god, spend it on six stam refills!
For what it's worth I got my mystic flame knight in the one listed above. /shrug. I was playing on my alt account and had that 1 encounter in 4 runs.
Edit: the whiskey dungeons have tricolor ones? Does that mean someone could roll the dice with Anubis leaders an hope for x10 chains? lol
I'm absolutely praying I get lucky enough to pick up Anubis so I can fool around with him in those tricolor dungeons. It will probably end with me failing epically but, I'd love to give it a go. Side benefit would be he'd make a good sub on my fledgling dark team. lol
Can some who knows Japanese tell what the leader skills are for the new Vritra and Indra?
Looks like Vritra is going to stay a semi useless God.
Pretty much on point, although I think your tricolors are off. The dark whiskey dungeon is light/fire/grass only for example.OK so these Whiskey dragons...
Each dungeon is tri-color only, but the tri-colors are normal for RED, BLUE, GREEN (RGB no dark or light),
but the dark and light dungeons are weird, light dungeon does not have light orbs, dark dungeon does not have dark orbs. (or is that backwards...)
So dual resist seems to be the way to go, with the legendary parts of the dungeons requiring some really unique teams due to off color high ATK monsters appearing.
Light and Dark seem pretty crazy, not looking forward to those.
Am I off base with trying to handle these like the mechdragon technicals? Dual resist + High ATK monsters+ max siren?
Pretty much on point, although I think your tricolors are off. The dark whiskey dungeon is light/fire/grass only for example.
I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but each of the Whiskeydragons has a 999 turn gimmick buff that they almost always cast on turn 1. Dark's prevents you from using skills on him.
I'm absolutely praying I get lucky enough to pick up Anubis so I can fool around with him in those tricolor dungeons. It will probably end with me failing epically but, I'd love to give it a go. Side benefit would be he'd make a good sub on my fledgling dark team. lol
Gotta get that poison/gravity out quickly manPretty much on point, although I think your tricolors are off. The dark whiskey dungeon is light/fire/grass only for example.
I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but each of the Whiskeydragons has a 999 turn gimmick buff that they almost always cast on turn 1. Dark's prevents you from using skills on him.
I only keep evo mats that I need. The only ones I keep multiple spares of are the Rainbow mats, i.e., Keeper, Mythlit, Dub-Mythlit, Mystic Mask. But I'll still fuse some of those away if I get too many, which is often the case with Mythlits since I get so many while farming Pengdras.Whelp, I know where all my Stamina is going today.
I may have to buy more boxes. How many Divine masks do you guys keep? After the 2x event, I think I have like 5+ of each. For each color. I have 225 boxes, and 222 are full already.
Pretty much on point, although I think your tricolors are off. The dark whiskey dungeon is light/fire/grass only for example.
I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but each of the Whiskeydragons has a 999 turn gimmick buff that they almost always cast on turn 1. Dark's prevents you from using skills on him.
Active skills that target him only, so orb changing and self healing still works. I have no idea what the other whiskeys do; I wasn't really high enough in level to fight them.Is that skill preventing active's, Leaders or both?
If it is both, then WTF??? Active's I could probably deal with, it would just suck and I would have to pray for heart orbs, leaders = death.
Also the dungeons drop enhance material that, at max level (around 3500 exp to get there) provide 18k EXP to same-element monsters. I've been grinding Dark Whiskey the past two weeks for this very reason (also why I'm the most familiar with him out of all the whiskeys)
Also, Isis is gong to be in high demand the next month because the Whiskeys are tricolor.
Well, Horus and Ra are completely useless because of the fact that they're tricolor. Prepare to see some idiots on PG go into the dungeons with Team Horus over the next month.I would guess most of the Egyptians are going to be pretty good, SO easy to do major combos in tri-color. I'll probably even put Anubis up and let you guys have some fun.
Well, Horus and Ra are completely useless because of the fact that they're tricolor. Prepare to see some idiots on PG go into the dungeons with Team Horus over the next month.
So I had this happen just now:
It was "... in the abyss" - "Guardian of the Doorway" .