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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Did you sell the normal golds? I leveled up my present to 15 (No one told me I need mats to evolve it! Stupid Dragon seeds) and have a ton of normal gold dragons left over.

I did get my Ammy to 89!

Awesome, doing us all a favor since you decided to level her a ton. I'm using her a bunch with all of the added healing.


Made a bunch of pulls trying for Hades and Neptune.

2 x Hades
2 x Persephone
2 x Ares
2 x Minerva
1 x Apollo
1 x Artemis
1 x Ceres
3 x Hermes

Missing Neptune and Venus of the Greek Gods. At this point Neptune can kiss my ass with his fish loving lips. At least I have a Hades to go with my Hera for Zeus on Thursday.

Do I want to know your total pulls :p.

Im tempted to throw some cash in to make more pulls (only bought gems once so far, didnt pan out though) because I could really use a bunch of those Greek gods... but too scared.
My first few pulls of the day:

Mystic dark knight (have 2 already)
Earth golem (could use this in my green team)
Naga (needed a second one)
Pierdra +rcv
Marine rider
Dino rider

Not too happy so far. Area might fit in my red team, but he'd require a lot of exp and an evolve before that. I may do a few more later.


Did you sell the normal golds? I leveled up my present to 15 (No one told me I need mats to evolve it! Stupid Dragon seeds) and have a ton of normal gold dragons left over.

I did get my Ammy to 89!
Yeah, I sold them. Five of them only give Ama 7500 exp. not worth it. I am currently at 1,5m cash though. Damn they give a lot of money - just by completing the dungeon!


Awesome, doing us all a favor since you decided to level her a ton. I'm using her a bunch with all of the added healing.

Great! I won't be stopping until I hit 99. Then all the +1's I find. Shes only +12 atm, but I will get it higher if I can!

My first few pulls of the day:

Mystic dark knight (have 2 already)
Earth golem (could use this in my green team)
Naga (needed a second one)
Pierdra +rcv
Marine rider
Dino rider

UGH. Look like the pulls Bostones and myself make!


Ten pulls:

Cupid (my fifth Cupid pull in PAD. I already have Archangel)
Cupid (again!)
Machine Golem
Mystic Light Knight (dupe)
Mystic Flame Knight (dupe but gave a skill up)
Ice Guardian
Cupid (...)

Another plus is that I've managed 5 skill ups on my second Siren. I'm skilling up my second to go for the following Hera team:

My Awoken Odin, STE (max skill) x 2, Rainbow Keeper, Neptune (was going to be Lilith the Witch of the Night -- I'll hopefully be able to evolve him to Sea Deity Abyss Neptune before Hera) with a friend's Chaos Devil Dragon or Neptune.

My max team cost is 126 so I will be able to afford this team exactly.

Does anyone know if the 2x skill up is just today or the whole week?


Ten pulls:

Cupid (my fifth Cupid pull in PAD. I already have Archangel)
Cupid (again!)
Machine Golem
Mystic Light Knight (dupe)
Mystic Flame Knight (dupe but gave a skill up)
Ice Guardian
Cupid (...)

Another plus is that I've managed 5 skill ups on my second Siren. I'm skilling up my second to go for the following Hera team:

My Awoken Odin, STE (max skill) x 2, Rainbow Keeper, Neptune (was going to be Lilith the Witch of the Night -- I'll hopefully be able to evolve him to Sea Deity Abyss Neptune before Hera) with a friend's Chaos Devil Dragon or Neptune.

My max team cost is 126 so I will be able to afford this team exactly.

Does anyone know if the 2x skill up is just today or the whole week?
2x skill up is through next week (as long as the Easter event is active). Congrats on the Neptune! And so sorry for the Cupids ;( That's awful


Cleared gold dragons to get stone # 10, first pull was Artemis, second pull Gryps Rider.

So, now my green team is Parvati, Artemis, ADK, Mech Asgard, Holy Ceres.

By the way, does anybody ever have PAD hang for a second when they get a text or email? Destroys my combos every time. Android, if it makes a difference. Would appreciate any suggestions on how to get it to ignore background events.


Stuck hard on end of Tomb of the Saints - Expert. Odin doesn't get me enough hp to tank the boss, Resolve doesn't leave me with enough damage to get through the 2nd last boss (I don't have any Ama friends any more). Time to just level/exp for a while?
Wow so I got impatient and went ahead and do this rest of my pulls.

Venus (second)
Hunting Deity Artemis
Green Odin (second)
Flame Golem

I really shouldn't be unhappy with these but I really wanted a hades. What should I do with a second odin?


Wow so I got impatient and went ahead and do this rest of my pulls.

Venus (second)
Hunting Deity Artemis
Green Odin (second)
Flame Golem

I really shouldn't be unhappy with these but I really wanted a hades. What should I do with a second odin?
Me too :( But those are really good pulls!

I also have two Green Odins and wondering if I should feed one of them to my Ama (want that +RCV!)


Wow so I got impatient and went ahead and do this rest of my pulls.

Venus (second)
Hunting Deity Artemis
Green Odin (second)
Flame Golem

I really shouldn't be unhappy with these but I really wanted a hades. What should I do with a second odin?

I could be wrong, but Odin has pretty damn high stats. Id hang onto him for a time when you have enough points to run him as a sub in a green team. While he may not have the most useful on-use skill, there are certainly worse out there.


2x skill up is through next week (as long as the Easter event is active). Congrats on the Neptune! And so sorry for the Cupids ;( That's awful

Ah, thanks. I have time for more runs of Sea Cave Mercury then.

Thanks for the commiserations on the Cupid fest everyone.

The golems and Dragonette were also dupes but Neptune made up for the rubbish.

Looking at how many pengdras I'll need (15 + 88) I think my hope of getting him fully evolved is very unlikely. I should be able to evolve him once to Sea Deity Neptune though.

ETA: forgot I don't need to fully level up to ultimate evolve. I'll still leave him at SDN because of the team cost.


Stuck hard on end of Tomb of the Saints - Expert. Odin doesn't get me enough hp to tank the boss, Resolve doesn't leave me with enough damage to get through the 2nd last boss (I don't have any Ama friends any more). Time to just level/exp for a while?
The boss hits for 66k unresisted, so you need some combination of health, survivability, and damage that lets you clear floors 1-9 and still be able to fight the boss.

Some winning strategies are:
  • Odin + Dark Resist, only need to tank 6667 damage on the boss
  • Odin + 13.4k HP (Parvati/Artemis + Odin, for instance), don't have to worry about dying
  • Raw damage. Hades only has 375k HP, so an ADK/ADK or Valk team can wipe the floor with him in the 6 turns you're given.
I don't know your current team setups, so either level/exp for a while, or take advantage of the mystic knights + 2x skill-up event to build a max-skilled ADK team (ADK/ADK/CDK/CDK + whatever) and never look back.


ugh..I'm so mad at me for spending 50 bucks on virtually nothing... what will i do with 3 green odins and 3 minerva seriously? i hate that game now :(
Stuck hard on end of Tomb of the Saints - Expert. Odin doesn't get me enough hp to tank the boss, Resolve doesn't leave me with enough damage to get through the 2nd last boss (I don't have any Ama friends any more). Time to just level/exp for a while?

I beat it with a Resolve team my first time around. If only two of them have synced timers an Echidna can give you just enough time to off one of them.


So I can get 2 more stones in order to get another pull for today. But with my luck so far (Dryad and Fairlio), I don't know if I should pull or just use the stones for Stamina on Gold Dragons.

I am in desperate need of a Neptune or something as useful. Right now outside of my cookie-cutter ADK team, I only have Ammy & Odin, which I realize are useful, but aren't exactly good for filling in Subs.

My Ammy Ohk, is lvl 58 so she could definitely use some Gold Dragons. But again, with my luck I'll get no Kings or Highs in any of my runs.


Decided to buy 85 more stones, but only use 14 pulls which would leave me with 32 stones (had 17 to start with) that I'll need to try and max my Ama by running Gold dragons as much as possible today and stones to get through Zeus on Thursday.

4th Hermes
2nd Artemis
2nd Apollo

and finally, the very last pull.


I can finally shut up about Neptune.


Just by looking at everyone's pulls, it seems like there's between a 5% and 15% chance of getting something I want. If it makes you guys feel better, your bad pulls prevented me from pulling today!


So I can get 2 more stones in order to get another pull for today. But with my luck so far (Dryad and Fairlio), I don't know if I should pull or just use the stones for Stamina on Gold Dragons.

I am in desperate need of a Neptune or something as useful. Right now outside of my cookie-cutter ADK team, I only have Ammy & Odin, which I realize are useful, but aren't exactly good for filling in Subs.

My Ammy Ohk, is lvl 58 so she could definitely use some Gold Dragons. But again, with my luck I'll get no Kings or Highs in any of my runs.

Well, I only pulled 3 kings out of 11 runs earlier. Odds are so bad on gold kings compared to all the others, which is just sad since there are 7 levels per run and a 2x appearance rate. Not sure if I am going to try again later.

Really, screw light teams. I pulled a Genie and 2x Apollo and they are just going to rot until light pengdras show up. Even then I will probably never evolve those pengdras since the gold dragons are so rare.
Just by looking at everyone's pulls, it seems like there's between a 5% and 15% chance of getting something I want. If it makes you guys feel better, your bad pulls prevented me from pulling today!
My thoughts exactly. These pulls seem terrible, especially since I only have 7 stones. I think I'm just gonna horde what stones I can get and wait for the next troll fest.

On a bright note I spent a stone and was able to run the gold dungeon about 4-5 times and finally evolved my ADK. YAY!!!!!


Just by looking at everyone's pulls, it seems like there's between a 5% and 15% chance of getting something I want. If it makes you guys feel better, your bad pulls prevented me from pulling today!

Going to be the one sane man in the lunatic asylum, eh?

I think I'm done pulling for a long while. The lure of that Neptune up above doesn't help! Really going to consider waiting until either new monsters are tossed into the mix again or the odds are higher that 3x, like during the anniversary godfest. Too many dupes.


Had 8 Sapphire Kings horded, but can't even evolve the Neptune. I'm one blue keeper short. Will have to run that on Tuesday and get him evolved and then busty evolved to Dark before running Two Heroes.


Same for my Orochi, I got 35 Pengdra I can't use because of 1 single stupid Keeper.

I just finished my Gold runs. I did 4 refills and like 4 runs per refill, so lets say 18 runs total. I ended up with 13 Kings. Not that great, but it will do.

Hopefully more luck next time. Still going to need a shitload more if I want that Zeus to get a high level. I'm not going to expect any power-up bonuses.

Killing those dragons is actually really time consuming when you want to get through it quickly.


Well, I only pulled 3 kings out of 11 runs earlier. Odds are so bad on gold kings compared to all the others, which is just sad since there are 7 levels per run and a 2x appearance rate. Not sure if I am going to try again later.

Really, screw light teams. I pulled a Genie and 2x Apollo and they are just going to rot until light pengdras show up. Even then I will probably never evolve those pengdras since the gold dragons are so rare.
I don't understand the rationale behind gold dragons being as rare as they are and metal dragons being as common as they are. If it's because gold dragons earn more gold, then just reduce their sell value but give them to us more frequently. Once pengdras are in, I mean.


Should I level my orochi for Zeus? Or is my echnida 5* lvl 37 sufficient for stalling?

I asked the one who wrote the guide, Vamp Lord/Hera/Hera/Echidna/CDK guide, and interestingly he said Orochi is the better choice, when evolved. Even better than my 4 skilled Echidna. Which I found interesting but I'll take his word for it.

So if you have Orochi I'd suggest leveling him instead.


I asked the one who wrote the guide, Vamp Lord/Hera/Hera/Echidna/CDK guide, and interestingly he said Orochi is the better choice, when evolved. Even better than my 4 skilled Echidna. Which I found interesting but I'll take his word for it.

So if you have Orochi I'd suggest leveling him instead.
Well, 5 turns every 25 vs 3 turns every 10 (potentially), so the benefit depends entirely on how long the fight goes and what kind of skills Zeus does at certain HP marks. For straight up damage reduction, Echidna is always going to win for any fight that goes longer than 10 rounds, but if it's a tech dungeon (which Zeus is) and he activates certain skills at low HP, then having a slightly longer window to kill him is probably preferable.

Since I don't know Zeus' behavior, the closest comparison I can make is Valkyrie. She heals to full at low health, right? Throwing a 5-turn delay on her from about 10% health might give you enough time to kill her before she heals, whereas a 3-turn delay might not be enough. In a case like that, the Orochi delay is preferable to the normally-superior Echidna delay.


I don't understand the rationale behind gold dragons being as rare as they are and metal dragons being as common as they are. If it's because gold dragons earn more gold, then just reduce their sell value but give them to us more frequently. Once pengdras are in, I mean.

Yeah, it almost seems like some weird holdover from when light monsters were stronger than the others. With all the changes and additions, it doesn't seem necessary anymore. I don't think the sell value is even that great since you can earn similar amounts of gold running the weekend dungeons.


Zeus is a Special Case. You use the 3 gravitys, use echidna/ orochi and then you burn him down. Every single turn after that, you have to use one stone because he onehits you.
since it was easter egg and between gift an whatnot i racked roughyl 300 euros i decided to give it a spin to the slot machine and bought 60 stone and piled those with my own thinking "christ how many god imma gonna get!" :drool:
boy dat shit..
3x naga (pity... i already have echidna in last form)...
ares (good but hp too low to fit in my team)
titan (...)
undine (sigh)
mermaid (this i need... would have preferred to have an evolved form but beggars can't be choosers, rite?)
3x mystic stone knight (LOLOLOLOLOL)
1 apollo (not bad)
1 genie
1 mystic light knight (rlly??)
1 tiamat (nice but...)
1 basilisk (shit since i already have a max level basilisk waiting for evolution material into tiamat.. so it pretty much void the previous roll)
vampire (could be nice i guess, but my dark side is kinda weak lately)

and i spent a lot of my pal point.. and i got JUST poring thingie AND carbuncle of various colour..

I mean, ok, i'm unlucky but DEM RARE PULL..


Personally I would definitely prefer an Echidna with a couple skillups over an Orochi for Zeus. For a dark team the Chimeras are harder than Zeus himself, they have 850k health, Zeus has 1.2m after triple gravity but he's light so double damage. Using an echidna on chimeras and then after a couple stones use her again on Zeus seems better.


Yeah that was what I was thinking, you likely only get to use Orichi once in the entire dungeon.

Also wondering if I should bother maxing a CDK, I don't intend to use him after Zeus. I don't think its worth the effort, I'd save a couple of stones sure but bleh.


14 Rare pulls....

Red Golem
Mystic Fire Knight
Toytops x 2
Titan x 2
Mystic Light Knight
Dark MK Golem (Dupe)

Well I think I did pretty darn well with my rare pulls today. I was hoping for alot better obviously. Out of 14 pulls I had 3 gold eggs and 1 silver. Which seems kind of low but out of the 3 gods I got, 2 were on my MUST HAVE list the others I wanted were Venus, Anubis, Persephone, and Hades. Alot of the stuff on that list Ill end up keeping so it was great overall. I guess I can look forward to the next time we have a greek god event. I'd be happier about Beserk but 2 heroes is on Tues. I guess it just means I'll be running it less. Artemis is awesome since now I can join the Mono-Green club of which I have a great setup if I can get Chu Chu on Tues.

One question. Should I try and level up and evolve Neptune so I can replace Shiva on my Hera team? Either way I'll be leveling him up and stuff I just would be a little less urgent about it.


Neo Member
[US] Puzzle Dragons X Database 31 March Update::

Happy Easter! Technical Dungeons are updated up to "Tower of Windy Woods". Rest of them will be finished in these days. I need to take a long break before I double check the values from all other JP databases. If you see any mistake, please pm or email me.

Thanks Sam ( pndchina ) for the datamine and UPC for the translation of skill descriptions.

- If you have interest to help the community and update the Rare Egg Machine loot table or event time table, please pm me.
- In case kelvin and quang are busy, if you are a time traveler who want to help update the metal dragon schedule, please pm me.





I am so happy. Got a King in pretty much every run. Even got 2 in one! Yes!!

Holy shoot congrats!

On another note, I'm ready for a valkyrie team for Hera. Though, I realize I don't have any orochi friends and I have a princess valkyrie friend... boo, could've upgraded my ammy or verche or lightning dragon D:


Holy shoot congrats!

On another note, I'm ready for a valkyrie team for Hera. Though, I realize I don't have any orochi friends and I have a princess valkyrie friend... boo, could've upgraded my ammy or verche or lightning dragon D:
I can put up a Viper Orochi when you need it :) I have a lvl 6 and a lvl 31 Demon Viper Orochi
Holy shoot congrats!

On another note, I'm ready for a valkyrie team for Hera. Though, I realize I don't have any orochi friends and I have a princess valkyrie friend... boo, could've upgraded my ammy or verche or lightning dragon D:
I have a low level orochi. I'll probably be switching between him and Great Valk (lvl 48) for Hera because I'm not sure if Odin/Ammy with three rainbow keepers can handle the early rounds.


I also have Orochis that people can use. I don't really think I have any of the proper team comps for Hera or two heros sadly. :/

I did manage to pull a Persephone and an Ares today out of my free stones. Rest was junk of course.

I see I really need to add Mich as a friend! Congrats on the max level.
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