Musan, how many +297 monsters do you have? I only have +262 total in my monster collection with +62 Rose Valkyrie as the highest.
The ratio I've seen thrown around is 7:3 Bane
Musan, how many +297 monsters do you have? I only have +262 total in my monster collection with +62 Rose Valkyrie as the highest.
The ratio I've seen thrown around is 7:3 Baneeathstroke. I was able to finish skilling up Ra way before Deathstroke, although I never got another skillup on my Bane.
The ratio I've seen thrown around is 7:3 Baneeathstroke. I was able to finish skilling up Ra way before Deathstroke, although I never got another skillup on my Bane.
We adding Haku bros?
Mine is only +1, but she IS max level (will be max awakened once I get the rest of the evo mats).
Yeah, anyone with a max byakko feel free to add away. I've been cleaning house of late. My list isn't 100 Horus/Valk anymore.
Can't be part of this cadre to my dismay!We adding Haku bros?
Mine is only +1, but she IS max level (will be max awakened once I get the rest of the evo mats).
I'm clearing this shit out, too. I DO like to keep a few around, but non-max level/skill Valks are almost worthless to me currently. No offense to those not there yet, but I have enough options and people who want me on their list as well to feel comfortable clearing people like that out.
I DO keep anyone with @GAF, though. Unless they've been inactive for too long...But otherwise, I keep them.
Yeah, I cleared out anyone who hadn't played in a week (surprisingly few people) and kept anyone Gaf and dumped all the Lucifers and lower level Horus that I never used.
One thing I loved in Tower of Saviors was that they showed you how many times you used a particular friend on your list. Being able to sort by that would help so much.
You know, as much as I love my Luci, I find that I don't use him as much as I thought I would. He's a great sub to have (since he's got nice stats and a stupid good active), but I only run his a lead if I can't build anything else. I honestly prefer Asty/Asty over Luci/Luci since I <3 counter teams so much.
I'll add you two, though I do got to start pruning my friends lists for more Kushinada/Bastet friends sooner or later. Should be easy though, I have a lot of valks to clear.
I used a dub-Luci team against Hera. I did end up using 4 stones though so maybe that wasn't the optimal set-up...
You think I could pull off an UmiYama team with my roster?
Added you guys. I don't have Haku up, but I do have a +1, Lv. 99. I have pretty much every combo lead in the game, except for Kirin--who I've basically given up on getting--and Ra.
I'm jealous of you Haku bros. I've got Karin, the forgotten step-child in the Chinese God family. I've got her almost maxed, but I've never used her. I guess she'll be useful against fire bosses or something. Maybe I'll try to farm Goemon with her.
If we got a stupid Gold Dragon Dungeon, I could level up my Light Meta, and retire valk to sub duty.
Dying for another crack at poring tower, though. Need to max my 2nd baby valk. Also, I could have sworn I read something about Mastering getting awakening skills.
I finally got a Kirin in November, max'd her up and everything, but I found I rarely use her, since dungeons I would use her in I just use Haku anyways. I was more drawn to Kushinada, who can counter the 1st floor missing orb color problem Kirin and Haku faces.
Also, With a Horus, you can run a Kirin friend and just play it like a Kirin team.
Haku has lower dmg, higher attivability and you can use 2-3 dark members (haku included)... Metal dragon are common..That thinking seems backwards. For me, it'd be like, why use Haku when you have Kirin?
You have all the pieces a for byakko, kirin, 4/2/2 dark here i made this today finally to keep track of things.
what are some good teams i can use. mainly i want to try and do descends and most of events that are on my reach.
i think i have a decent haku team, but what else can i do?
i want to at least take on takeminata and hera-is.
I am having the hardest time with Nebradisk. I can't even beat round 1 of Legendary.
This is stupid. =(
I've tried a few teams, actually. Hera-Ur, Queen Hera, and Bastet teams were my last attempts. Those wolves and the Wicked Lady just f me up.What are you running?
I've tried a few teams, actually. Hera-Ur, Queen Hera, and Bastet teams were my last attempts. Those wolves and the Wicked Lady just f me up.
I've tried a few teams, actually. Hera-Ur, Queen Hera, and Bastet teams were my last attempts. Those wolves and the Wicked Lady just f me up.
I cleared legendary with 2 dark resist leaders (Go Chaos Devil Dragon!) and 2 Rainbow Keepers. Take out the Werewolves first and then the Lady. Even if she binds your leads, you should have enough life to take two hits. I did not have a monster to one shot Nebradisk, so I used my Rainbow Keepers to tank a hit or two, if necessary.I am having the hardest time with Nebradisk. I can't even beat round 1 of Legendary.
This is stupid. =(
so here i made this today finally to keep track of things.
what are some good teams i can use. mainly i want to try and do descends and most of events that are on my reach.
i think i have a decent haku team, but what else can i do?
i want to at least take on takeminata and hera-is.
I completely missed my super dragon timer due to work, so I guess all I can do is farm dublits. :/
What's best for Take dungeon? Just taking my underleveled Robin with a Kushi friend and comboing away?
On Android, is it possible to transfer linked google accounts? I created an account on a friend's device but I want to transfer it to my device without using his account, is that possible?
One stone legend with monored yet todayTake done. It wasn't as easy as I thought. Even in a tricolor dungeon, I can't reliably 8+ combo. I have no idea how people do that...