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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Also the Noah tournament is my bane. I can reliably clear it (Awoken Lakshmi will thank me later) but my score gets tanked on the Pii floor.

The only options I see for my A. Shiva team is to pull along a Rodin/Awoken Ra friend or sub in my own Awoken Ra (I don't have my own Rodin else he'd be in play). When I try with either I stall out elsewhere or just flat out get wrecked due to lack of damage in time for the enemy. Is this just a matter of "git gud"?

I don't expect to get anything crazy, but a positive score would be nice.

Don't post here much, but I was having the same issues since I don't have rodin or ra. I never thought about pairing with a rodin. Paired Shiva Dragon with one and got in the top thirty percent. I had to stall since the rodin wasn't max skilled, so if I see one up max skilled I can probably improve that. Thanks for the idea.


I used my Batman for Noah Tournament and got 23%. Could do better with better orb luck.



I used my Batman for Noah Tournament and got 23%. Could do better with better orb luck.

Got about the same with yomidra.

Had 2 slip ups (forgot to change to having no skill pop up, also didnt one shot Noah (missed plussed orb) but I was around the same score. May try once more.


How are you guys coordinating coop runs? I still haven't played a coop dungeon yet. Just been clearing what I can solo, but it's pretty annoying getting a random floor with 2 mobs that preempt with 15K+ damage each on back to back runs. Really need that extra HP or start running A.Lucifer. But Shivagon is just so much faster for the easier dungeons. But I'll need to team-up eventually for the harder dungeons like Machine Hera. I can see how coop can make these a breeze though.

I found ShivDra/Rodin pairing is almost as fast and makes the 15k preempts much easier to handle. Still have to heal back up, so Yamato or Uriel are good subs. Rodin's 4+ orb attack buff makes him less useless now. Other ways to handle it are running permanent shields, aka dual Dark Izanami or using light resist leads like Minerva.

I haven't had much luck with coop, mostly because I don't often have time to sit and play for extended periods outside very late at night or weekends. I hope they refine the system further in the stream, there's still a lot of unnecessary problems. Having both players spend stamina instead of just the host really limits how much people are willing to experiment or attempt harder dungeons, especially between unfamiliar partners. And there needs to be some attempt at matchmaking, using secondary sources is frustrating. I'm curious how the removal of room numbers between friends will work as well.

I can't say I'm confident GungHo can or will fix these issues or any others I've had lately. Their development of the actual game itself is haphazard at best, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised this time. My expectations are really low after the last few weeks of barely any news.


I still haven't done a single co-op run either. Just clearing all the alt dungeons and the lower difficulties of the rush and farm the descends for skill ups.

After reading how hard it is to get Dark Shibamaru to drop, I think I will just take it easy and only run the dog dungeon during 1.5x or 2x days without stoning. I have 15 badpy in storage anyway.

BTW 10x descend is back next event.


Don't post here much, but I was having the same issues since I don't have rodin or ra. I never thought about pairing with a rodin. Paired Shiva Dragon with one and got in the top thirty percent. I had to stall since the rodin wasn't max skilled, so if I see one up max skilled I can probably improve that. Thanks for the idea.
Glad to help :)
Here's hoping I can take my own advice.


I still haven't done a single co-op run either. Just clearing all the alt dungeons and the lower difficulties of the rush and farm the descends for skill ups.

After reading how hard it is to get Dark Shibamaru to drop, I think I will just take it easy and only run the dog dungeon during 1.5x or 2x days without stoning. I have 15 badpy in storage anyway.

BTW 10x descend is back next event.

Yeah I read that and was coming here to post it.

Pretty exciting. Going to finish okuni, and valk and hopefully luci.

Would have my first fully plussed team, but it isn't entirely ideal. I kind of want to plus Pandora as well for when her awoken comes out and I could run that.


Hell I'm just glad NA didn't revert back to 2x skill up rates again.

4x rates sounds good. Will consider skilling Grisar or finishing Scarlet. Also hope skill up switch is after Tuesday so I can max an Australis (or two) before they go to green PreDras. Sad I'll miss watching the stream live, have to be up early the next morning.
Hell I'm just glad NA didn't revert back to 2x skill up rates again.

4x rates sounds good. Will consider skilling Grisar or finishing Scarlet. Also hope skill up switch is after Tuesday so I can max an Australis (or two) before they go to green PreDras. Sad I'll miss watching the stream live, have to be up early the next morning.
Didn't even know JP already getting 4x skillups. Makes still not getting 3x feel even worse. Speaking of Australis, I maxed my first with Green Masks, but didn't know if I should bother with my second. Is she considered really good to have 2 of? The rows don't seem as useful as Eschamali's OEs, but the active is still good.

Also regarding the colored PreDras, are they guaranteed skillups? Because it seems like a risky feed if not. 500mp may be the better deal.


I'm not really familiar with any team that uses one Australis, let alone two, but I guess I'm being optimistic about my green teams in JP because lately I'm trying to play things I don't use in NA already. It's gotten boring and honestly kind of confusing going back and forth between the two and trying to remember what my goals for each account are. I should probably hand one account off, but all the people I knew personally that played PAD quit long ago.
Cool. Selling PreDras for MP!

I exhausted all my Green Masks on Australis 1 anyway, but may have considered farming up more today if some super team used 2. But it would be a big investment because Wood is the only color for which I don't even have a single +297.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Desc. Challenge cleared,
Scarlet took me a couple attempts because of some stupid mistakes. I also always need at least one run to get accustomed to the orb needs and damage potential of Sara.

Sara going in hard on floor 1 w/ level subs lol

Also managed got one Surtr copy for Pandora down the line.
Like other aspects of life, those moments of "if I only did this" are what I remember more. That cool 9-combo skyfall that I needed to hit or I wiped is but a blip. Forgetting to account for a preemptive is haunting.

I am up to 3.

heh yeah, the mistakes are the always in the memories you keep - i blame the increased stamina refresh rate for acting more reckless lately xD


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Yeah...thats exactly the reason why Vishnu is so good on a Bastet team.


heh yeah, the mistakes are the always in the memories you keep - i blame the increased stamina refresh rate for acting more reckless lately xD
PAD is all about mistakes.
At the moment mine is to have 1 skill level too few for Lilith :(.
Atleast we are getting 2.5x skill ups, so plan is to grind some Succubus, get 1 skill up and then do Ranking Dungeon again.

Btw: I dont like Insect dungeon at all. My clear rate is about 60%. So many times A.Haku has failed me and 4 times I got 4 combos from A.Haku board and 0 times extra combos from skyfall. So wont bother doing that dungeon now. Maybe when it comes again and my A.Shiva team is ready.

Gratz for Challenge clear.


Does anyone have an idea how to beat Machine Hera? I dont have RaDragon, but i DO have a Hypermaxed Yomidragon team. Is it possible to beat her with a dual YomiDra Hyper team within ... 5 stones?


booooooooooo no gold egg Aizen card.

Too bad sub pool for god killer awakening is crap right now, Ichigo would be like the perfect god killer rainbow team leader.


Soul Society arc, so Aizen will come with the collab next time. And Ichigo doesn't need Godkiller subs with the damage he can put out. DKali active with time enhance, can orb convert for a heavier dark board, lots of RCV potential. Yeah, he's good.

Does anyone have an idea how to beat Machine Hera? I dont have RaDragon, but i DO have a Hypermaxed Yomidragon team. Is it possible to beat her with a dual YomiDra Hyper team within ... 5 stones?

Solo? No way, especially with the preempts and dark absorbs. Well, not without cheesing it with dark resist subs and lots of luck. Coop should be doable, but YomiDra might have damage issues on a few floors. Haven't run it yet myself, don't need her right now and going to need a partner.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
So this just happened. I was trying out a 100%SBR Sara setup and ended up clearing EEC for the first time ever. Sara just destroying enemies left and right xD Obviously i had luck because the wrong Hera-Encounter would have ended my run early. Still...nice surprise.

PS. I didnt know you could solo the Coop dungeons - thats pretty cool.

PAD is all about mistakes.
At the moment mine is to have 1 skill level too few for Lilith :(.

Atleast we are getting 2.5x skill ups, so plan is to grind some Succubus, get 1 skill up and then do Ranking Dungeon again.

Btw: I dont like Insect dungeon at all. My clear rate is about 60%. So many times A.Haku has failed me and 4 times I got 4 combos from A.Haku board and 0 times extra combos from skyfall. So wont bother doing that dungeon now. Maybe when it comes again and my A.Shiva team is ready.

Gratz for Challenge clear.
Thanks, the current Ranking dungeon is quite nice for Verdandi - only needed one attempt to get into the Top 10...dont know if i will stay there but thats already better compared to the Cauchemar crap ranking lol. I used Ra instead of Lilith and ended up getting -5000 penalty...so if i get kicked out of the Top 10% i will retry it with Lilith.

Weird that you are having issues with the Insect dungeons...maybe you need more fingers on your team but then again if Haku is orb trolling you that wont help either. I think you could cruise through the stage easier with your Verdandi team.

If you had Bastet i would say go ahead and max skill Vishnu asap, but on Verdandi his skill isnt that essential and you are probably busy enough working on your Dark team.


Soul Society arc, so Aizen will come with the collab next time. And Ichigo doesn't need Godkiller subs with the damage he can put out. DKali active with time enhance, can orb convert for a heavier dark board, lots of RCV potential. Yeah, he's good.

Solo? No way, especially with the preempts and dark absorbs. Well, not without cheesing it with dark resist subs and lots of luck. Coop should be doable, but YomiDra might have damage issues on a few floors. Haven't run it yet myself, don't need her right now and going to need a partner.

I know it would be suicide to solo it, thats why I said dual yomidra team!
Maybe we can find some time to do this razterik? Problem could be the time zone as i'm from europe...
I know it would be suicide to solo it, thats why I said dual yomidra team!
Maybe we can find some time to do this razterik? Problem could be the time zone as i'm from europe...

Wish I had a team that could even stone for Mech Hera. I'd probably spend 10 or 15 stones, even if that's not the smartest thing to do. Seems like she would trivialize farming co-op.


Yeah I have all the mats to evolve Machine Hera, and then I realized that I can't clear it even if I throw some stones at it. That 40M hp with multiple element absorb is just brutal.

10 stones seems reasonable even with my hypered team if I get unlucky...

My problem with the dungeon is that even if I am willing to throw stones at it, Hera could just delay all my skills by 3 turns every other round, which makes the dungeon impossible to beat....


I know it would be suicide to solo it, thats why I said dual yomidra team!
Maybe we can find some time to do this razterik? Problem could be the time zone as i'm from europe...

Hah! I totally missed that single word. Whoops.

My time schedule is pretty flexible on most weekends, but I'm really busy during weekdays. I was waiting for farmable dark resist latents and a max skill Akechi before making a serious attempt. I have also been looking at trying a blue team instead.

10x farming is going to be my main goal this weekend, but maybe we can squeeze it in? I should probably host so I can stone when I make embarrassing mistakes, heh.


Is it a reasonable goal to try and Max skill Vishnu this event? Dude needs 10 skillups and I've only managed three so far. Given how sporadically the 2x skill up is showing it's tough to catch at the right time.


Don't know if its possible this weekend, i heard we get kagetsuchi on one of those days!
Like you first said, Getting Mecha Hera is not top priority


So first 10x descend i can participate in since i have a decent team now... do u farm on legend or mythical? Plan on going nuts this wkend to max my haku team then work on my ra team.
Always Mythical if possible due to the higher drop rates. Most of the "good" +egg dungeons are among the easier descendeds in the game so it might not be an awful struggle.
4x skill ups almost makes the skillup system not seem like complete garbage. Probably should have done some King runs last night since Eschmali is still one skill up from max, but it's hard for me to get motivated enough to even push buttons for guerillas nowadays. Really hope they have something good to show off tomorrow.


Is it a reasonable goal to try and Max skill Vishnu this event? Dude needs 10 skillups and I've only managed three so far. Given how sporadically the 2x skill up is showing it's tough to catch at the right time.

Save them in your box if possible until 2x. 10 skill ups is a lot and time consuming though so don't fret if you don't get all of them.


If you had Bastet i would say go ahead and max skill Vishnu asap, but on Verdandi his skill isnt that essential and you are probably busy enough working on your Dark team.

Yup dark & water need more pluses. Ill test Ranking dungeon with Verdandi + Bane.
Edit: Fuck it. 3 tries, 3 times orb trolled and need to use skills first floor and so on. No way Iam using Verd to this shit.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Yup dark & water need more pluses. Ill test Ranking dungeon with Verdandi + Bane.
Edit: Fuck it. 3 tries, 3 times orb trolled and need to use skills first floor and so on. No way Iam using Verd to this shit.

Okay thats sucks sry to hear...orb trolling can screw up the best runs. There is still enough time for Ranking dungeon attempts so its okay.

Which water team will be your focus now...Lakshmi ? Once i work on my water subs i will give Lakshmi a fair shot. Cant wait for Andromeda UUEVO :-D
Yup dark & water need more pluses. Ill test Ranking dungeon with Verdandi + Bane.
Edit: Fuck it. 3 tries, 3 times orb trolled and need to use skills first floor and so on. No way Iam using Verd to this shit.
I used Yomidra with bane to deal with the predras, got me 5.7%. All orb change subs. You might have better luck with that?


Okay thats sucks sry to hear...orb trolling can screw up the best runs. There is still enough time for Ranking dungeon attempts so its okay.

Which water team will be your focus now...Lakshmi ? Once i work on my water subs i will give Lakshmi a fair shot. Cant wait for Andromeda UUEVO :-D

Definetly Lakshmi (max skilled btw):). Too bad that I got Andromeda so late, couldnt run skill ups.
This will be my team. I got A.Orochi also if I need that skill delay.
Got Snow Globe ready for Andro but will wait success rate ups. First to plus Dark team, then to Water team.
I used Yomidra with bane to deal with the predras, got me 5.7%. All orb change subs. You might have better luck with that?

Yup will try later with Bane again. I dont like that I need to stall 1 turn for Lilith.


Is it a reasonable goal to try and Max skill Vishnu this event? Dude needs 10 skillups and I've only managed three so far. Given how sporadically the 2x skill up is showing it's tough to catch at the right time.
Do you need Vishnu immediately? The dungeon is in coin rotation often and can line up with a 2.5x or wishful thinking 3x skillup phase. Also, if we do get 10x descends this upcoming event along with Kanetsugu and with Hera-Sowilo already in the descend challenge, that may be something else to consider using your stamina on.
Just realized they put 2x EXP on the JP Experience of a Lifetime that just went up this morning

Edit: also there's like a hojillion flights of Gold dragons running. There's one up for Group A right now and it's 4am in Japan


Do you need Vishnu immediately? The dungeon is in coin rotation often and can line up with a 2.5x or wishful thinking 3x skillup phase. Also, if we do get 10x descends this upcoming event along with Kanetsugu and with Hera-Sowilo already in the descend challenge, that may be something else to consider using your stamina on.
Probably not. He's a big part of my Bastet team though and it's convenient. Between that and the green sprite dungeon in coins I can max skill my whole Bastet team.


Just realized they put 2x EXP on the JP Experience of a Lifetime that just went up this morning

Edit: also there's like a hojillion flights of Gold dragons running. There's one up for Group A right now and it's 4am in Japan

What does that second paragraph even mean lol... flightsss


Event info is out.

Half cost coin dungeons.

10x descends
3x normals

Exp dungeon
Gift of the Holy beasts
12 stones

Light and shadow sprite

Great event overall. Going to stone hard for plus eggs, and hopefully finish skilling sun wokung and bikini Pandora. (Not going to skill regular because I am planning on awakening her, but bikini has good uses for luci and awoken so it seems worthwhile.


New event listed.

Quadrennial Celebration Event

[Duration]: 2/19 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 3/1 (Tue), 11:59 PM (PST)

Happy Four Year Anniversary to Puzzle & Dragons! Since Puzzle & Dragons was first released in Japan, the journey thus far has been filled with exciting new developments and steady growth. In honor of this momentous occasion, this event is lined with great content in store for you!

This event will feature a 10x chance of +Eggs in descended dungeons as well as other dungeons and rewards!

① Daily Login Bonuses

[Duration]: 2/19 (Fri), 4:00 AM - 3/2 (Mon), 3:59 AM (PST)

2/19 - 3/1: 1 free Magic Stone delivered daily (12 Total)
*Bonuses will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PST) the following day.
*To receive Login Bonuses, players must have available space in their in-game mail.

② Cakes and Presents

Blow out your candles, it’s time for gift dungeons! This event features two gift dungeons that offer rewards that can help you rank up and evolve those hard to evolve monsters.

2/19 - 2/26: Experience of a Lifetime
2/27 - 3/1: Gift from the Holy Beasts

③ Cherishing the Memories

[Duration]: 2/19 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 3/6 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PST)

Starting with the anniversary celebration, Thoth & Sopdet Descended! (5x4 Board) will debut as a Coin Dungeon. The new board restriction may prove to be difficult, but replaying the dungeon will be easier because for the first time, the coin purchase cost in Coin Dungeons will be halved! Don’t expect the bonuses to stop there. All Coin Dungeons will also have 1.5x Drop Rates alongside the deducted coin cost!

Thoth & Sopdet Descended! will feature rare Latent TAMADRA (Light Dmg. Red.) invades! For details on the Coin Dungeon lineup and announcement, stay tuned for an upcoming notice!

Thoth & Sopdet Descended! (5x4 Board) (FIRST TIME!)

④ Newfound Maturity

The Challenge Dungeon arrives and ready for all those willing to test their mettle! This event also features three Special Dungeons great for skilling up your monsters! Challenge Dungeon details will be posted close to the dungeon, so stay tuned!

2/19 - 3/1: Challenge Dungeons!
2/19 - 2/21: Cold Steel
2/25 - 2/27: Light Sprite
2/28 - 3/1: Shadow Sprite

⑤ 10x chance of +Eggs in Descended Dungeons

[Duration]: 2/19 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 3/1 (Tue), 11:59 PM (PST)

The perfect opportunity to maximize the stats of your team!

See here for the upcoming dungeon schedule containing Descended Dungeons info: http://puzzleanddragons.us/events/

*10x chance for +Eggs will also apply to the limited time Descended Carnival dungeons, Descended Challenge dungeons, as well as the Descended Dungeons that are purchased from the Coin Dungeons menu.

*10x chance for +Eggs does not apply to Multiplayer Dungeons.

⑥ Legendary Dungeon Bonus

[Duration]: 2/19 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 3/1 (Tue), 11:59 PM (PST)

Challenge daunting Technical Dungeons while unlocking Latent Awakenings.
Select Technical Dungeons include:

Legendary Mountain Path
Legendary Hills
Legendary Skyway
Legendary Snowy Valley

⑦ Normal Dungeon +Egg Bonus

[Duration]: 2/19 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 3/2 (Wed), 11:59 AM (PST)

3x chance for +Eggs to appear in Normal Dungeons during the event!
*Bonus extends until 3/2 (Wed), 11:59 AM (PST).

⑧ Fusion Bonuses

[Duration]: 2/19 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 3/1 (Tue), 11:59 PM (PST)

2.5x chance for both Skill Ups and 'GREAT!' or 'SUPER!!' EXP Gain will be available during the event!


We also have a Director's Carnival going on. That should go through the next Godfest right? Assuming it does, the next Godfest should be awesome for certain teams. I know for me, it'll have Akechi, Claire and Eschamali all at Godfest rates. That'll be a great REM for me.

EDIT: Wait, the G-Fest always comes after the Carnival. Oh well, still a pretty decent set of cards there. Will probably throw a roll at it and then save the rest for a Fest with both Eschamali and Akechi.
Great event for me! Hoping to get a couple 297s for my Saria team and to max skill my new DQ. Might have to buy a small pack, but it should be worth it.


What's the drop rate for jewels in the mythical Rare Monster Infestation and what's the point of running it if it's so low? ::grumble:: ::grumble:: ::grumble::
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