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Questions for all you gamer d00ds... Come one, come all.


Hollywood Square
Heya. I haven't even visited this side of the forum in months and have pretty much kept myself out of the loop on videogames (on purpose for the most part). So, I have a few questions...

1. Is Nintendo GameCube effectively dead?

I went past the GameCrazy the other day, and the GameCube support is virtually nonexistant from third parties I hear. The way the clerk was talking about games coming out, it sounds like the GameCube is the N64 that year when the Dreamcast came out and the only games released were by Nintendo or some random EA offerings. I haven't heard anything about their next-gen system, so I don't know if they're still supporting GameCube or not, but it's pretty sad if this is how the GameCube ends. I still play it!

2. Nintendo DS is N64 or better graphics-wise?

Same store had some promotional material for the DS. I didn't know it was coming out so fast. There weren't any real defined specs for graphics, though. I played the system at E3 and as those who attended know, there wasn't much in the way of real games to play besides some fancy demos and ports. And to me, it looked like the N64 with two screens and a better framerate. What's the word on the system?

3. Anyone know who is in the voice cast for Halo 2?

I saw the long and short commercial on Comedy Central yesterday. It rocks. Totally psyched and I hope Bungie doesn't let me down. I just fear a Perfect Dark-like scenario all over again in terms of hype and anticipation of a follow up. Back to the commercial, though. The voice acting rocked, but I didn't know who was doing the voice work. One of the alien bad guys sounded like Malcom McDowell. Can anyone confirm or deny?

4. What's the deal with Half-Life 2?

Cause I have no clue.


The Silver Steam package includes CS:Source, HL2, HL: Source and DoD:Source. Those of us that pre-ordered thru steam can already play CS:Source and HL2 is already preloaded onto my system, and will be "unlocked" on Nov 16th. Very well worth it.


Willco said:
1. Is Nintendo GameCube effectively dead?
Not dead, but it sure ain't doing cartwheels. Something happened a while back and many third parties, instead of making a multiconsole game for all three systems are making games for just the other two. EA, Activision and a few others are still making Cube games, but they almost always sell the least. And the system exclusives from third parties in Japan are dropping like flies.
I'm still getting plenty of use out of mine, though. And Nintendo is still making games for it.

Willco said:
4. What's the deal with Half-Life 2?
It'll rock.


Willco said:
2. Nintendo DS is N64 or better graphics-wise?

Same store had some promotional material for the DS. I didn't know it was coming out so fast. There weren't any real defined specs for graphics, though. I played the system at E3 and as those who attended know, there wasn't much in the way of real games to play besides some fancy demos and ports. And to me, it looked like the N64 with two screens and a better framerate. What's the word on the system?

From what I recall, programming on the DS is very "clean" and it's easy to get N64-style graphics (and perhaps better as the developers gain experience), but with a good framerate and not too much in the way of graphical problems. There's no filtering, but I guess it's offset by the small size of the screen VS a television.


1. Its not dead by any means. You are right that a lot of the titles are 1st party, but its always been that way with Nintendo. Veiwtiful Joe 2 and Resident Evil 4 are both examples of some good 3rd party stuff. As you mentioned EA is still fully supporting Nintendo as well. There is a flood of really good 1st party titles coming soon as well like Mario Tennis, DK Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime 2, Mario Party 6, Fire Emblem and Starfox (looking better).

2. Looking better with each new story we get about it. As far as graphics go, its a pumped up N64. Mario 64 DS will release on launch day and it looks better then the N64 version by far. Metroid Prime hunters is another example of a great looking DS title. Nintendo Japan looks to have great lineup of titles that we will be getting here in the US soon after launch that includes Advance Wars, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Yoshi, Kirby Touch!, Bomberman and Princess Peach.

3. No clue on this, but I agree the commercial voice is bad ass.

4. Getting rave reviews across the board and breaking new ground with the Steam delivery system.


1: Yeah, it is starting to look a little bit Dreamcast-y, but in my opinion it's only dead if you stop playing it and see nothing on release schedules that interests you.

2: I'm wondering too. In movie clips it looks to be somewhere in between PSX and N64. I'm expecting things to look better on a real DS.

4: My PC can't run it, and I'm mortified at not being able to play it. That's the situation :(


1. Is Nintendo GameCube effectively dead?

Mostly dead, not not all dead. It still has some good games coming like the Metroid Echoes, Starfox, Fire Emblem, and the next Zelda. After Zelda it's probably going to be all dead, though.

2. Nintendo DS is N64 or better graphics-wise?

No, but supposedly it comes close. Seems to run Mario 64 well enough, and I think Rayman DS is going to be a port of Rayman 2 (which was one of the better looking N64 games). It's more pixellated than N64, which had smoother/blurrier graphics, but I don't think that's a big deal considering the size and resolution of DS' screens.

3. Anyone know who is in the voice cast for Halo 2?

No clue, sorry.


Hollywood Square
Thanks for most of the answers. If anyone knows anything about the Halo 2 voice cast, that'd pretty much close the book.


Bandicoot said:
You are right that a lot of the titles are 1st party, but its always been that way with Nintendo.
Don't even begin to kid yourself. You know that's not even remotely true.


aku:jiki said:
Don't even begin to kid yourself. You know that's not even remotely true.

I'd say so for their last 2 consoles (GC & N64) perhaps a little more support on the GC but definitely nothing compared to the third support that PS2 & Xbox gets.


Hollywood Square
Well, that sucks if it's pretty much dead to anyone outside of hardcore gamers. I've always liked Nintendo games, so it kind of stinks to see 'em kill two systems in a row. The next couple of years will be really interesting.


jenov4 said:
I'd say so for their last 2 consoles (GC & N64) perhaps a little more support on the GC but definitely nothing compared to the third support that PS2 & Xbox gets.

true, but he said always. If anything nes and snes had massive 3rd party support.
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