I can't think of any 2 speed defender that has ACOG in the first place.
Shows you that I dont have a fucking clue, haha.
I can't think of any 2 speed defender that has ACOG in the first place.
But it was inconsistent before. Now it can reliably be used for its purpose, which is to confuse defenders and conceal attackers/cause distractions
I mostly play on PS4 and never had this happened to me.
You can enable an overlay that shows you the fps and latency you game is running with in the game options.
Never had any FPS drops on PS4, and I mean never. It was always 100% solid with exception of the win screen.Anyone ever experience really bad lag where it's like the game runs at 20fps or so when playing online? Happened to me once last night, just wondering if that happens from time to time.
Playing on PS4.
Never had any FPS drops on PS4, and I mean never. It was always 100% solid with exception of the win screen.
Always played with the FPS overlay too.
"We have removed the red filter that make defenders vision uncomfortable when they run outside the building. We think the red warning in the middle of the screen should be clear enough feedback that you are doing something dangerous."
We have removed the red filter that make defenders vision uncomfortable when they run outside the building. We think the red warning in the middle of the screen should be clear enough feedback that you are doing something dangerous.
1337What is happening with this game?
What is happening with this game?
If I was in charge, that filter outside would have additional warning-signs plastered all over the screen so you can't see shit when you're outside as a defender.If I was Rainbow Six Man, that filter outside would be more aggressive and there wouldn't be any red text.
There would be a lot less text on the screen generally, in fact. I'm a big fan of minimal, natural interfaces. For me they can really help maximize immersion. It's part of why I like Tactical Realism so much.
Tactical Realism is what the real pros play.
That's huge. I once lost a 1v1 because the opponent was hiding in a dead body.Glazs blood splatters are now more correctly displayed
Blood spatters are now correctly displayed when using the thermal scope. They used to not display in red when they displayed above the yellow bodies.
Additionally, dead enemies do not display as highlighted any more.
I'm down for (the first part of) that too. (Removing all standard elements seems like overkill.)If I was in charge, that filter outside would have additional warning-signs plastered all over the screen so you can't see shit when you're outside as a defender.
+all standard hud elements would disappear outside.
Gunplay is important—one of the most important parts of the game.I'm very triggered by the smoke that is basically a gray wall from both sides and the lighting changes, both seem to be taking the game more in a "i aim better i win" type of direction instead of a battle of wits.
Exactly, the defenders job is to defend the objective, not run outside and play rambo.
I don't have too many hours on Jackal yet, so my opinion is subject to change but I would say it's usually beneficial to scan. It makes people nervous. Only reason not to scan is if you have red footsteps in which case it's often best to just push. Scanning just gives them that extra second to turn on you. But even then it's situational. Yellow seems to be such a long timeframe that they could have run just about anywhere so I don't see a downside to scanning.Anyone else use Jackal's ability purely to check if there are roamers around in the area rather than pinging them?
Because if I ping then the roamer would most certainly end up being on the move (which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who ends up seeing the other first between you two), however if I only use it to look for footsteps then they don't get alerted to it and don't know that I'm actually tracking them but without pinging them. You can say I use his ability at times as a replacement for droning as I can check if anyone's around without actually bringing up the and checking every corner of the area I want to enter.
Infact I rarely ever ping someone unless I want to wall bang someone inside the objective.
Yea it makes them nervous and move about, but there's a 50-50 chance that when they start moving they will end up seeing you before you see them as it depends on where they are and where they move.I don't have too many hours on Jackal yet, so my opinion is subject to change but I would say it's usually beneficial to scan. It makes people nervous. Only reason not to scan is if you have red footsteps in which case it's often best to just push. Scanning just gives them that extra second to turn on you. But even then it's situational. Yellow seems to be such a long timeframe that they could have run just about anywhere so I don't see a downside to scanning.
Where are you seeing this new smoke effect? Can't see it any of the links.
Could someone filter that link out? I'm on my phone and I've already reached my datacap + pics are turned off on gaf for me. I don't want to spend 10 minutes opening every single link, thanks.Post 18567 has the picture for me.
Could someone filter that link out? I'm on my phone and I've already reached my datacap + pics are turned off on gaf for me. I don't want to spend 10 minutes opening every single link, thanks.
You're looking at it from the perspective of what Jackal does with his pings. What I'm talking about is to use he footsteps as pretty much a replacement for drones, this way eventhough you are moving slowly while ADS you don't spend precious time droning or alerting enemies.Sure, but your intel of pings, especially once they're every 5 seconds instead of 10 come the patch is better than their intel of "well he's by some of my footsteps". If they back up you can quickly and safely secure chunks of the map. And if they happen to have unidentified operators it can be helpful. Even though Caveira is uniquely suited to ducking all your pings, if you do happen to ID her after your team fails to drone her, it's a big win in my book. And, stupid as it may sound, sometimes there's a big mass of footsteps, and sometimes it's just one operator, sometimes it's multiple. But scanning it makes it so that you can't scan the same operator again. But you can switch, so if you can't scan the footstep tangle a second time, congrats, it's untangled and they just all belong to somebody that was running around way too much.
It seems to me that following footsteps without scanning them will lead to a lot of ADS walking to keep sound down without a lot of payoff. I could be wrong. Maybe you will sneak up on people more than I would expect. As I said, I generally don't do it unless I realize their footsteps lead them to a dead end. Whether to scan footsteps and whether to push someone you have pinged is a tough judgment call that is hard to talk about generically. I probably do scan a bit too much and could benefit from quietly tracking down footsteps on occasion. It really depends on what map, where on the map, and what other kind of intel you have.
Also if you got a buddy on the far side, the scan and pincer move is always a favorite. You pre-fire/distraction fire towards the ping while the backside slow walks for the easy flank. Pushing into lobby through loan office and getting a scan by vault stairs in Bank is a good one for that as people push into the skylight stairs area. It's pretty common to snag a ping in either open area or tellers. Just in general that's one of my favorite entries with Jackal. You can quickly tell if someone is doing the cheesy loan office corner camp. You can take out the lobby camera from outside, which is a must kill camera which a Twitch drone can't get. It's insane how often people leave it up, it tells you so damn much. Even if you're not planning any push through lobby so long as that camera is up the defenders can pretty much ignore that whole area and just peek the camera every once in a while.
Anyway, I went off on a tangent there. But once in lobby if you don't have any footsteps you can quickly and fairly safely check the office hall for footsteps, you can run up the lobby stairs and clear upstairs for footsteps.
I'm still really liking Jackal, his AR is top tier, with a super fast reload. He's a very dynamic operator that demands tons of map knowledge to effectively play. He's perfectly viable when your team doesn't have ESL droning and call out skills. Which is basically 100% of the time in ranked even if you're running a full team, at least in my experience.
Lol, what the hell is that smoke effect? Walked out of MS Paint.
Here it is:
It could still be server side and not look like 3 opaque billboard textures intersected together.
Anyways how do I get into the TTS? I thought it'd be like Overwatch where anyone can boot up TTS and start playing but seems like you gotta download a new client separately everytime.
I see TTS in my library but can't download it as I don't get an option to.It is set up as a different game on uplay (should be on your "Games" screen and you have to download it separately from the main client. I think that is the same as the Blizzard PTR clients work.