:lol missed your post thats awesome fwiw my # is 24 now; forgot to change it initiallyk0ji-wd said:Ramen Intro Video WIP:
If u guys score any decent goals when i'm not there save/upload them, it'd really help me out.
Still need profile pics from Cornballer, Menelaus.
I didn't realize I'd needed some closeup shots of the VPs, but if u guys wanna grab another one that'd be cool, otherwise I'll use the full body shots. Also, I'm going to eventually need some celebration videos but i'll figure that out later.
this shit gettin' outta control!
Sorry to hear that.Menelaus said:Sorry about last night dudes, I was playing pretty poorly. My gramps is in the hospital, kept getting calls and was generally distracted.
Menelaus said:Sorry about last night dudes, I was playing pretty poorly. My gramps is in the hospital, kept getting calls and was generally distracted.
Ok, I'll git 'er done today.k0ji-wd said:cornballer u can hold the right stick -> to zoom in tighter
Magicked said:So I've changed my guy around just a little bit since my last pictures. Primarily, I've added an afro. k0ji, can I upload new pictures or will that screw you up?
Magicked said:So I've changed my guy around just a little bit since my last pictures. Primarily, I've added an afro. k0ji, can I upload new pictures or will that screw you up?
AstroLad said:are we gonna be able to get some folks together for games between now and 930 or so?
AstroLad said:Let's play tonight. I'll be around 7-10ish.
Yup I had more fun playing CB than I thought I could. One thing I'd like when I'm playing CB is for the wings to call out when they are open. My CB has 80-90 long passing (depending on if I make him a sweeper) and I know as a wing I'm sometimes wide open on the counter, so if someone says right or left after a steal I can bomb it down there with some accuracy and speed.Cornballer said:I should be able to play a bit tonight after work. That was a ton of fun with an almost full crew last night. I thought we'd be disorganized, but it actually worked out pretty well.
AndresON777 said:I can see why you guys play this a lot it's addictive. I'll try to play better and bring my A game
AstroLad said:Yup I had more fun playing CB than I thought I could. One thing I'd like when I'm playing CB is for the wings to call out when they are open. My CB has 80-90 long passing (depending on if I make him a sweeper) and I know as a wing I'm sometimes wide open on the counter, so if someone says right or left after a steal I can bomb it down there with some accuracy and speed.
It'd be cool to try this out. I'm curious how much lag there is in party chat and whether or not that would throw off the timing on something like this.AstroLad said:Yup I had more fun playing CB than I thought I could. One thing I'd like when I'm playing CB is for the wings to call out when they are open. My CB has 80-90 long passing (depending on if I make him a sweeper) and I know as a wing I'm sometimes wide open on the counter, so if someone says right or left after a steal I can bomb it down there with some accuracy and speed.
Wing back is fun, but you can definitely get caught up field if you're not paying attention - this happened to me a bunch of times last night. Just a matter of not overexposing ourselves and making sure someone's back to cover (e.g. if I go forward then the LB should be careful about not leaving and a d-mid should shade towards the defensive side) or if someone else decides to bomb forward then I need to stay disciplined and stick with the defense.AstroLad said:The big danger would be having two (or more) people from the back pushing up every time. Honestly think it should be either the LB or RB and that's it so that way we have 3 people back and are able to recover from any minor positional mistakes or just bad animations a defender might get caught in, especially against those 5'1 90-rated forwards that every other team seems to have. I know Corny likes to creep up so that would mean the LB needs to stay back more so we in the middle don't have to cover entire halves of the field and we can split more into thirds.
This helps a lot. Being a soccer noob, I have my finger on RB for about 90% of the game.AstroLad said:Last thing is to hold RB just to get into position when not involved in play at all. Helps to keep a real line.
I just keep an eye on the radar and line up with the rest of the back line or whoever I'm supposed to be marking.Menelaus said:Or just watch the radar.
You should take Astro and QVT's VPs with you because they both could use a haircut.k0ji-wd said:Just got home, sleep+salon appointment+Sat breakfast with gf = I will be good to play in about 8 hours
I've been using that recently and it works pretty well except when I'm on the far touchline and everything is pretty tiny.Should try playing on co-op cam, that's what I use, works great.