• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Rate how familiar you are with the poster above you!

5/10 Piecake seems familiar

1/10 I've seen you a bit today. But I'm usually on the gaming side so if your not in the resolutiongate threads I probably missed your Gaf contributions.

Nice to meet you.

2/10. Your icon looks vaguely familiar.

glad to see I'm vaguely recognized haha

I used to only frequent off topic but I've been on the gaming side a lot more. Not posting too much over there though


South Park avatar...weird name... 3.14/10
WTH, someone recognizes me (no matter how remotely)? By the way, for anyone wondering, my username is pronounce Jay-koh-mocha not Jah-koh-mocha. It's not a really interesting story on why, the first half is just one of my nicknames from when I was younger (as my full name is Jacob, no one actually called me that though) and Mocha is one of my dogs from when I was a kid. It's a stupid nickname, but I've used it since I was little.

3/10. Feel like I've seen your username before (maybe in Smash Bros threads), but don't recognize your avatar at all.
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