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Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find

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red meat = mammal meat.

The sugar they are talking about is not just in red meat, but mammal derived products such as butter,milk, etc.

That's interesting.

There are a few different definitions that I'm finding.

From Google:

"meat that is red when raw, for example beef or lamb."

From Wiki:

"Red meat in traditional culinary terminology is meat which is red when raw and not white when cooked. Red meat also includes the meat of most adult mammals."

Pork was advertised as "The Other White Meat" maybe that's what's confusing me.
As soon as I saw the gif start, I thought it was perfect. But as I stared and let it reach the punchline, I couldn't help my laughter even though I knew it was coming. Sogood.gif (did someone post that yet?)


Why are some people getting mad at the scientists for finding out that red meat can cause cancer wtf?


First it was saturated fat and cholesterol, then it was nitrates, then it was TMAO, now it's Neu5Gc. Someone is always looking for a reason why epidemiology shows that red meat consumption slightly increases the risk of the of mortality. But there are many studies that show that it isn't red meat per se that increases the risk of mortality, but it's processed red meat. I can, perhaps, buy that. But it is epidemiology, with confounding variables that can't be taken into account no matter how much adjustment happens and sketchy methodologies for obtaining data on consumption such as recall questionarries that have been proven to be highly flawed. And even if it's true that red meat increases the risk of mortality (I know, the proposed mechanism increases the risk of tumor progression, but I only care about overall mortality), then that increased risk is quite small. Much, much smaller than the probability that smoking will increase mortality. Much lower than the risk of being morbidly obese will increase mortality. Much lower than the risk that diabetes will increase mortality. I think it is worth it to eat unprocessed red meat, which is delicious and highly satisfying per calorie, and possibly have of a slightly increased risk of developing cancer. Until a long-term randomized trial shows that red meat substantially increases the risk of dying (and not just a statistically significant difference, but a large effect size as well), I will continue enjoying red med, molecular studies be damned.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Beef had a good run :(

I really liked beef but have been sure to not over-consume it over the years as I got more aware of the adverse effects. This may be the death nail
(death knell :p )
for beef in my diet but I fear relapses and withdrawals :(


I like how this thread turned into a global warming denier level of discourse lol.

I mostly avoid red meat, and yeah.. it's for health reasons. Don't care what my bro-science buddies tell me. I get plenty of protein and if the science that says red meat is bad is wrong, I haven't really lost much.
Analysts are saying eating insects will be a common meat replacement in the future. Reports like this may speed things up a bit.
So sugar is poison, fish is full of mercury, chicken is full of antibiotics and other garbage, and red meat will give you cancer.

Sounds like the ideal human diet should be consuming entirely vegan with maybe insects added in based on recent science.


So sugar is poison, fish is full of mercury, chicken is full of antibiotics and other garbage, and red meat will give you cancer.

Sounds like the ideal human diet should be consuming entirely vegan with maybe insects added in based on recent science.

But then to much carbs without enough protein will damage your joints and soy will raise your estrogen levels.
We're all fucked bassicaly.


So sugar is poison, fish is full of mercury, chicken is full of antibiotics and other garbage, and red meat will give you cancer.

Sounds like the ideal human diet should be consuming entirely vegan with maybe insects added in based on recent science.

You can choose to eat clean, organic ingredients instead of the cheapest crap.


Mouse studies only? This is miles from conclusive, folks. Everything in moderation, of course. Caloric restriction is your best bet, but even then it is genetic predisposition, in combination with environmental factors (including diet), that will determine whether or not an individual will develop a life threatening cancer.

Metabolism (conversion of sugar to ATP) is the primary origin of oxygen radicals and the natural decay of potassium in our own cells is what exposes us to the vast majority of ionizing radiation that damages our DNA in a daily basis. We are our own worst enemies, biologically speaking.


Will wait for a skeptics take on this before I rush to any conclusions first. That said it doesn't bother me at all since I'm a vegetarian anyway. :p


Study may in fact be conclusive but if the effects were that damaging, Europeans should be dead by 30 instead of living some of the longest lives.
Well, it's a good thing I love fish, then!

I sometimes eat steaks and burgers and things like that. But it's usually once a month. Because I like how fish tastes better.


Yes and eating meat has been amazingly helpful to us as a species. But evolution doesn't really care if we die of cancer when we are over 50. As long as we produce a fuck ton of offspring it's all good at a species level. This is about improving our quality of life as individuals. Totally different thing.

So what your telling me is that it's our evolutionary duty to eat red meat for the coming generations, and by not eating red meat you are fucking with the future of the human race.

We must eat meat


Junior Member
Fuck, how about finding a way to condition the human body to accept the special sugar (Neu5Gc)? And how about the people in earlier civilizations that abused meat? Did they have cancer in droves too?
aka this is bullshit
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