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Remember Me |OT| You forgot, didn't you?


You get the street fighter moves in chapter 4.


Edit: So it isn't chapter 4.

Might be chapter 3.
From the combat videos I've seen, it seems like the camera has this jittery, shaky cam effect going on. Does anyone with the game find that a problem or an annoyance?


I will say though, once you get to Episode 2 and it's daytime, the graphics look really gorgeous. Also, the memory remix stuff is freakin' amazing.

From the combat videos I've seen, it seems like the camera has this jittery, shaky cam effect going on. Does anyone with the game find that a problem or an annoyance?

Doesn't really bother me. But I will say, in some of the linear corridor/platforming sections, the camera can get a bit twacked out. For example, there is a part where you have to enter and abandoned train and you are climbing up it (the train is crashed and almost hanging). And as I entered the train my camera started to freak out and went up into the ceiling. But this happened for like a split second. I've noticed this a couple other times when entering small corridors. It happens so fast, that it doesn't really bug me. Only thing I can think of.

But in terms of the combat, the camera doesn't bother me at all. I feel like while the camera might be jittery/shaky, but the combat is kind of grounded like Arkham Asylum. You are just dodging and jumping over people, and pulling off your combos. I have yet had it where the camera fought me the direction I was supposed to be looking. And I haven't had any issues yet with attacking enemies.
Did my first memory remix... definitely scared of Nilin now...

Combat feels pretty damn good when you get the timing right. I love how the music changes when you're doing combos. It sounds great when you nail the timing. Very nice touch.

I can see how it would frustrate some people, especially having to break off combos to avoid being hit or getting hit, which breaks your combo.

Can't wait to play more of this tomorrow.


Only got through the opening, wanted to see how it ran on the machine. 60fps with mostly everything on high at 1920x1080... good deal.

Love the art style.
I just finished episode 2 and I must say that I'm really enjoying this game so far. I saw all of the review scores prior to playing, but I did not actually read any reviews. So while I expected to be disappointed, I didn't know much about the specifics of the game. I also didn't really follow this game prior to release. Here are my quick early impressions before I head off to bed.

I found the voice acting kind of bad. Nilin's voice acting is good enough, but most of the other voices in the game are terrible. However, I switched the audio over to French and I'm actually enjoying it a lot more (the game does take place in France anyway, so it fits).

The music is phenomenal! I'm absolutely going to buy this soundtrack.

I really love the art direction; the environments are pretty stunning. I've found myself mashing the screenshot key on Steam.

Combat is decent. It isn't anything amazing, but it's definitely not bad. I don't feel like there has been too much combat at this point though, so maybe that is why I'm not hating it. Also I'm not really ready to judge the Combo Lab yet since I'm pretty early on and still have yet to unlock a lot of it. I do see the potential of it though.

There has been a lot of Uncharted style climbing and wall scaling so far, which I imagine is going to be the norm for most of the game.

The game is much more linear than I imagined. Because I didn't really follow Remember Me prior to launch, I'm not actually sure why I had the impression that it would be like an Assassin's Creed style city to run around in. It's not something I'm holding against the game, but I thought it was worth mentioning in case somebody had the same misconception I did.

I experienced the first Memory Remix segment and thought it was pretty cool idea. I'm excited to see some more of those.

Maybe the fact that I bought the game for $40 through Greenmangaming has allowed me to enjoy it more than if I had paid $60, but I really like what I've played so far. It's sad to think that many people will probably skip this game just due to some of the review scores or the fact that it's release will more than likely get overshadowed by E3 announcements.

Question for people who have played: When Nilin uses overload on an enemy, is she killing them?
I've played through the first 4 chapters and I love the game so far.

Hadn't seen pretty much anything about the game beforehand and I'm glad I didn't. The concept for the game is unique and the execution thus far has been awesome.

It could always go steeply downhill from here, but as of now it's great.
I'm enjoying the game. I really love the art style, the colors, and just the overall aesthetic of the game. I guess it doesn't hurt that I'm a huge sucker for sci-fi and this game is really just nailing all the sweet spots.

I need to play the game more before I comment on the gameplay/level design. So far I love the fighting, and really enjoy the platforming bits. An I am really sucked in by the story. So we'll see how this goes 5 + hours into the game.

Awesome, this is how I expect I'll react to the sci-fi. I think I'm going to love this game.
What's the deal with the PMP points? Do you ever acquire a PMP hand?

I ended up using the GMG discount code to preorder this last night, and only have played through the first Episode/chapter.

Screw the IGN review, and all the other lowball review scores. Someone's jokey comment earlier was that this would be the Bioshock Infinite of video games. From my first couple of hours with the game: I absolutely agree.

Aside from lack of marketing budget and pre-release hype, and not being a shooter sequel from Ken Levine, I don't see why there is such a drastically different reception for Remember Me compared to Infinite.

Both have incredibly realized and detailed universes/settings that are simply amazing to look at and a joy to wander around in as a video game environment. The lack of exploration aside from a few hidden collectibles in various corners does hurt, but it's not like Infinite had much "meaningful" exploration either - it feels around the same level of emptiness and lack of interaction for both games. The linearity may feel much more pronounced, but with the amount of detail in the environments, it's obvious why it was designed this way.

I got some vibes of Final Fantasy XIII from walking forward through a level but being surrounded by very nice looking backgrounds. I am constantly stopping and just twirling my camera in every angle to soak in everything I can, and have thought that some of this would not feel out of place from a mainline FF game either. Especially at the beginning of Episode 2, where I am currently stopped because it just looks so amazing. I've noticed some pictures right around where I am, so I know others have had the same reaction.

in case you haven't grasped it yet: this game is beautiful. Some individual things may not look that great, like some peoples's faces and stuff, but taken overall, the art design and environments are truly stellar. I absolutely positively LOVE the holographic displays everywhere. That is a design feature I can wholly get behind for more games, especially when it makes so much sense in a setting like this. This is a game that wants you to take your time in navigating its world. Stop and smell the digital roses, because the game is really about experiencing this universe in a way only video games can.

Which brings me to the combat, the meat of the gameplay other than walking around and climbing stuff. It's okay so far, but again, like Infinite, it seems almost too-gamey and almost separate from what really makes the game unique and interesting, ie. the universe and story. It's a weaker version of Batman Arkham games, but without an actual Counter move, it feels much more stilted as you are just attacking, getting hit, or jump dodging out of the way. There is no rhythm or flow to the combat which is ironic because of the way the music is manipulated by your attacks. Or at least, by this early stage, I haven't figured it all out yet. The Combo Lab is a little confusing at first, but starts to make sense as you fiddle with it. Would have been slightly more interesting if they were fully customizable combos, as just changing various attributes of your attacks feels a little too simple.

Infinite definitely wins in the combat department because of the sandbox battles and the options at your disposal, and also the nature of a FPS compared to a third person action game may float different boats.

But really, aside from that, and possibly differences in quality of characters in the story and the story itself, it just feels like it'd be a huge waste for the masses to overlook this game because of some initial unfavorable reviews. I guess I just don't understand it. Sure the voice acting and dialogue may not have that "every line spoken in this game is sacred and has some important meaning"-quality to it, but I don't think that, lack of exploration, and slightly clunky combat are enough to justify the critical reception so far. Or, I guess I just think it is silly and something else is going on, or maybe I'm a huge sucker for well-developed sci-fi worlds that are just amazing to look at and delve into. It feels like a Hollywood summer blockbuster that Just happens to be a game.

I almost forgot to mention the soundtrack, which is awesome. Very well done, and fits the game perfectly and adds a lot to the mood. This game must not be passed by to fall into obscurity. If you've got a nice gaming computer, I highly suggest taking advantage of that green man gaming deal and buying this on Steam if you can. I'm only a few hours in and I am so happy that I decided to disregard the initial poor reviews and just get the game.

I'm going to be streaming this today at www.twitch.tv/pepperono. Maybe it will convince you to pick it up. I will end by just saying that if you are hankering for another great experience like Bioshock Infinite, this is the third-person action adventure game that may be very interesting for you, especially if you are a big sci-fi geek. After watching Star Trek and Oblivion the past few weeks, I am certainly in the mood for more.
I watched Slasher's stream last night. Hard mode was definitely kicking his ass but it didn't seem to require Ninja Gaiden perfection, just getting to know the combo system and it doesn't give you much time to dodge when an enemy winds up for an attack.

I SO want to play this game right now, but I'm in the middle of packing for a move. :(
Going to pick up my copy in about an hour. Can't wait! The impressions are what I figured. One those games that reviews poorly, but most people end up enjoying.
Does anyone have any info on the EU release? It's preloaded on Steam but now i'm reading that it's not unlocked here for a few more days?! :(

Dammit, i wanted to play it tonight not wait for the stupid weekend.


So guys, is this another Advent Rising type of scenario? A stand out looking game that was greeted with mediocre to middleton reviews, but ended up being a lost gem. Can't help but wonder, as that is kind of the vibe I keep getting.
I said this last night watching Slasher play, but it bears repeating:

I don't want to live in a world where Army of Two gets a sequel and this doesn't.
So guys, is this another Advent Rising type of scenario? A stand out looking game that was greeted with mediocre to middleton reviews, but ended up being a lost gem. Can't help but wonder, as that is kind of the vibe I keep getting.

I'm getting serious BG&E vibes/flashbacks.

Which can only mean a good thing. But not for sales. Hopefully they'll make profit on the project.


I got my copy pretty early here in the UK, not out until Friday so Thanks 2game.com

Not that far into it really, the intro was cool.
slasher_thrasher21, watching your stream, I actually find the cobbled together combos + dodging seems pretty smooth despite looking disjointed at times. How do the controls feel? It looks a lot more like Arkham combat that I initially thought. I'm glad at least some enemies actually block and aren't just helpless punch sponges.

Gotta say, the art design, art direction, and technical competence are all very impressive and polished for a new dev. Even if I end up not liking this, I hope this thing almost surely bombing doesn't break them.


First impressions are good. The intro was cool, the music is fantastic and it looks great. The combo system is interesting, you unlock moves which you then use to customise your own combos. Platforming is well bog standard Uncharted/Tomb Raider but with a bit more weight to it.

One downer so far is the voice acting, its really hit and miss.

Just did my first remix memory aswell which was cool.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Combat feels a bit wonky. If they could refine it and push it a bit more towards the Batman games and deepen the combo/pressen system it'd be great.
slasher_thrasher21, watching your stream, I actually find the cobbled together combos + dodging seems pretty smooth despite looking disjointed at times. How do the controls feel? It looks a lot more like Arkham combat that I initially thought. I'm glad at least some enemies actually block and aren't just helpless punch sponges.

Gotta say, the art design, art direction, and technical competence are all very impressive and polished for a new dev. Even if I end up not liking this, I hope this thing almost surely bombing doesn't break them.

I like the combo system. There is a certain timing to it though. If your just cramming and spamming buttons. Your going to have a bad time. At least on hard. Similarities to Batman are a bit right but still feels a little different. Can't put my finger on it. The game really seems to focus on crowd control as well but sometimes the enemies swarm you so fast, it's pretty tough. You'll be fighting a group of enemies and can't get your combo's off cause your jumping like a freak, dodging.

Biggest issue for me so far is the camera, especially as fightst get crazier, your shooting enemies off walls, etc. Overall still this feels like a very focused, narrative driven, linear, platforming game, with some awesome visuals, vistas, stlye, and soundtrack. The combat might not be the best out there, the platforming fairly typical, but the world of this game sells it BIG time. I had thoughts of BG&E, Mirrors Edge while playing constantly. The memory remix thing is awesome as well but have only done 1. I hear there is only 3.
For those of you not liking the voice acting, I'd recommend trying it in French w/ subtitles. You're in Neo Paris, afterall..

If it isn't good in french, I certainly wouldn't know, but it sounds better to me than the english voice overs. (Nilin is ok, but some of the other characters' voices bother me in English)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm kind of finding the combat system to be rather boring as well. It's very competent, but it feels too simplistic in that you cannot smoothly deal with multiple enemies ala Batman nor does it have the feel of a classic brawler. You just hit enemies with limited moves until you can perform a canned finisher.

The game feels just a bit too basic.

I'm still enjoying the experience, though, but I can see where the reviewers were coming from.
I like the combo system. There is a certain timing to it though. If your just cramming and spamming buttons. Your going to have a bad time. At least on hard. Similarities to Batman are a bit right but still feels a little different. Can't put my finger on it. The game really seems to focus on crowd control as well but sometimes the enemies swarm you so fast, it's pretty tough. You'll be fighting a group of enemies and can't get your combo's off cause your jumping like a freak, dodging.

Other than the prospect of dodge abuse, this all sounds good to me, at least on paper. There's also no health regen right, you only get health back by assigning it to a combo or getting a powerup?

Biggest issue for me so far is the camera, especially as fightst get crazier, your shooting enemies off walls, etc. Overall still this feels like a very focused, narrative driven, linear, platforming game, with some awesome visuals, vistas, stlye, and soundtrack. The combat might not be the best out there, the platforming fairly typical, but the world of this game sells it BIG time. I had thoughts of BG&E, Mirrors Edge while playing constantly. The memory remix thing is awesome as well but have only done 1. I hear there is only 3.

Camera issues are one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm prepared for the worst :p


I like the combo system. There is a certain timing to it though. If your just cramming and spamming buttons. Your going to have a bad time. At least on hard. Similarities to Batman are a bit right but still feels a little different. Can't put my finger on it. The game really seems to focus on crowd control as well but sometimes the enemies swarm you so fast, it's pretty tough. You'll be fighting a group of enemies and can't get your combo's off cause your jumping like a freak, dodging.

Biggest issue for me so far is the camera, especially as fightst get crazier, your shooting enemies off walls, etc. Overall still this feels like a very focused, narrative driven, linear, platforming game, with some awesome visuals, vistas, stlye, and soundtrack. The combat might not be the best out there, the platforming fairly typical, but the world of this game sells it BIG time. I had thoughts of BG&E, Mirrors Edge while playing constantly. The memory remix thing is awesome as well but have only done 1. I hear there is only 3.

I'm still early in the game so I didn't notice any camera issues in battle. But damn, if it has problems with bigger fights that is disappointing. Not that surprising though I suppose, given what I said about the camera freaking out in small corridors.


I ended up using the GMG discount code to preorder this last night, and only have played through the first Episode/chapter.

Screw the IGN review, and all the other lowball review scores. Someone's jokey comment earlier was that this would be the Bioshock Infinite of video games. From my first couple of hours with the game: I absolutely agree.

To be fair, judging the game just on the intro/early chapters isn't really fair. These reviews played the entire game. I imagine just like any movie/tv show, it can fall apart along the way. Especially if the game stops being fun, or the story becomes bad.

Maybe the beginning is really great, and then the rest isn't?
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