Well, for a quick update (still streaming btw
on twitch), I'm now somewhere in the middle of Episode 3 and my feeling of joy and such for the game is still going strong. I am still constantly stopping at what feels like every corner just to soak in the atmosphere. I mean hell right now I'm staring at some rocks inside a sewer and am appreciating the details gone into everything.
This game definitely feels like all the attention and polish went into the environments and stuff like that, which may be why combat is a little stiff and other such complaints. Anyway those aren't enough for me to detract from the overwhelmingly positive aspects of the rest of the game. And I will have to admit that as I am getting used to combat, I am enjoying it more and understand what I need to be doing. But I will echo the earlier sentiment that the pre-order Street Fighter moves are OP as fuck. I can't even finish my 5-hit combo that I stacked with those moves, because the enemies die before I get to my last hit.
I almost don't want to just play this all day because then I might beat it too soon. Not sure how long it is but I am literally savorimg every moment and new environment I come across. Otherwise I would run past it in a second and never appreciate the detail put into every scene.