Hes quoting Gameblog who has been correct on the Playstation NEO reveal.
This is good. He's going all in.
I like his logic: posts a lot of crap but from time to time they post also some good info, thus this info that I believe in is legit. Julien is friend with Nico and Nico has leaked in the past some things thus what Julien says must be truth. You wouldn't be friend with a liar (Julien, exaggerating for effect) and be trustworthy (Nicowav) at the same time, would you?
Plus I like how he adds Nico at the end to the list of people who said NX is more powerful than PS4 when that's a straight up lie. But I guess when you need the list to be longer You don't stop and care for the details too much.
Also what Julien says is true. Everything. All of it. Well, except the part about Nvidia being on board because that would hurt AMD's feelings. And SMD64's theories. But the rest? Everything is true.
*Edited for avoiding confusion.