Oh ffs, again the discussion about how third parties will magically decide to invest money into a Nintendo console just because it is powerful.
It's a damn vicious circle.
Most Western 3rd party games don't sell well on Nintendo consoles. Last Nintendo console sold like shit. The excuses for that are irrelevant, we're talking here about financial decision, not gamers wanting things. So no 3rd party will decide to put any serious money behind a port for Nintendo before they get some guarantees (install basis big enough to care, sales no. for smaller titles that they try on it etc.).
The issue is that almost nobody will pay $400 on a console that has no guarantee of getting the most popular multiplats, so Nintendo also needs to do a business decision if they can afford to risk such a bet. And they can't when this is still their main business and they already had a failure on their hand. Again the excuses don't matter when you look at the cold facts in the P&L reports.
So stop dreaming about fantasy Nintendo consoles with fantasy 3rd party support. Everything it's a business and about money in the end.
Edit: Nintendo couldn't even get a decent support from EA for FIFA, which doesn't even need that much powerful hardware.