That's absolute bullshit, did you see the last Zelda lol ? No teraflops can be enough for Nintendo ambition now. That's true for Mario to, as for any games. I hate that idea that Nintendo games don't need power... what a fucking load of lies..
That said some people are really hoping 1,4gflops like the XBO in a portable ? really ?
I think it is fair to say Nintendo Make games/consoles within their means, and what is affordable.
Affordable is important in different ways for the consumer and the company, putting a console together, developing games, and then how the consumer experiences these products.
I don't think it is bad thing being moderate with power.
With all the hype culture, having to sell 5-6 million units just to break even in modern game development ( MGS V), disdain towards Micro-transactions, DLC, Day one preorder bonus, game delays etc etc i thought that people may ease up on their expectations of what games are.
For me graphics are practically at a universal level - plenty of indie and Wii U games look fantastic. Everything else is a bonus.
Thats not to say more power is a bad thing, at times i been wowed by it - Uncharted 4, and the density of the cities in Fallout 4 for example, but i don't think it is vital ingredient anymore.