Heh, this thread is so funny.
Just the NX stuff in general.
Went from "This system will be powerful!" to "Somewhere between XBox One and PS4" to "Around Xbox One" to "2x Wii U" in power. It's funny as hell. Reading the reactions to this has been pretty entertaining, and I'll admit that I'll be a little disappointed if it's just 2x a Wii U.
Also, let's not forget the "it's not a hybrid, but two systems" to "it's a hybrid" to "it's just a portable with TV Out".
I have no idea where this system is going to fall, but the rollercoaster ride has been pretty fun. I wouldn't be surprised if the reveal ends up being a downer for a lot of people...myself included. Leave it to Nintendo to take all this hype for a product and dash it on the floor. This thread is equally funny as it is depressing. Heh, heh.
I don't quite understand this mentality. Nintendo has been almost entirely silent about the NX, outside of the fact we know Zelda is releasing for it. They've made clear that they are not going to talk about it until fall, which begins at the end of September.
From a marketing standpoint, they've not begun their hype build up. They can't help it if people prematurely manufacture expectations from creaky a rumor mill, but you can't put the fault on nintendo if their philosophy as a business doesn't align with your wants as a gamer, especially when they've not done anything to mislead people.
One of the few things that Nintendo has been upfront about is that they are not playing the power game. This is why it's incredibly frustrating when people keep trying to squeeze as much speculative horsepower out of the spotty NX details, and then act disappointed when Nintendo has been pretty clear that that is not the kind of product they are developing.
Making a complete value judgement on it at this point, especially without seeing things in motion, without seeing the software line up and the OS systems and all that, is like judging a violin purely on how it looks.
I know people are frustrated by Nintendo's radio silence on the NX, but one thing I learned from the E3 2016 Zelda reveal is how satisfying it can be to get so much new information at once, as opposed to a more fragmented dribble over a year. I imagine the reveal will be quite comprehensive and really make the NX into a substantial thing, instead of a hazy, slippery bundle of expectations.