i talked about this previously:
- The TV connector, could be the physical connection for video out when the system rests in the dock.
- Since the system is portable there's a chance the user could move the NX to a house withouth a dock, if the user wants to play multi in the friends TV there needs to be a way to connect it there.
- Even with this TV connector, let's hope the dock is Wifi enabled to wirelessly receive video signals.
I'm torn on this as I really think it will be a missed opportunity if they don't require the Dock for TV play in order to have a higher clock speed and not worry about battery life of the system. If they allow for wireless play that basically kills the idea of true 1080p rendering when played on TV and instead we'll get the same performance at all times and thus a 720p picture.
Second screen experiences are nice for some games, but let's be honest it's more of a quality of life feature than something that really any game has used in a meaningful and worthwhile way. Such a feature is especially superfluous if the trade off is between greater graphical performance vs the convenience of a second screen for maps and menus.
It's one thing to keep the TV Out on the handheld and allow for TV Play without the dock when you're at a friends house or something and the system runs it at handheld specs. It's not likely a feature many will use, but it's a quality of life feature that doesn't really impact much. But have the dock specifically act as a relay between the handheld and TV wirelessly and developing games with a second screen in mind runs in direct conflict with positioning the device as a real console experience with the added benefits that traditionally come with a console, ie greater graphical fidelity and performance.
To not actually make the handheld and console experiences distinct in that regard and fully utilize the system's capabilities when used as a console would be a huge mistake in my mind. It's 2016, 720p for a console, even if it is a hybrid, is not really acceptable.