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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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You'd be surprised at how prevalent defacing your opponents is.

It's usually not made public (but you learn of it when those people pass away)... While gross, it really doesn't bother me all that much, it's childish, stupid (but hey, it's Trump, so who's really surprised here?) and pointless.

How is you not being surprised, congrats on totally seeing this story coming, relevant to you?
Personally I don't believe it has to have any credit to get to this stage but that's just my lack of faith in intelligence agencies in general rather than proof this is not credible.

I just think it's better to wait and take things with a "pinch of salt" until we have full verified proof instead of just believing things because it involves Trump.

I also don't understand why Trump watching a piss show would be relevant in an intelligence report.
Read the report and find out why it's relevant to the discussion of his relationship with Russia.

Funky Papa

Personally I don't believe it has to have any credit to get to this stage but that's just my lack of faith in intelligence agencies in general rather than proof this is not credible.

I just think it's better to wait and take things with a "pinch of salt" until we have full verified proof instead of just believing things because it involves Trump.

I also don't understand why Trump watching a piss show would be relevant in an intelligence report.

If you can't grasp how could that put Trump in an extremely precarious situation (given that apparently the hotel has more bugs than a crack den) there's not a lot to debate there.


Personally I don't believe it has to have any credit to get to this stage but that's just my lack of faith in intelligence agencies in general rather than proof this is not credible.

I just think it's better to wait and take things with a "pinch of salt" until we have full verified proof instead of just believing things because it involves Trump.

I also don't understand why Trump watching a piss show would be relevant in an intelligence report.

Because the report claims that the FSB has it on tape? If true, what do you think would happen if it is released? What lengths would Trump go to not have it released? Maybe recognize Crimea as Russian? Lift sanctions? Undermine NATO?
Yes because that's the least of one's worries about the contents of that report

Like, at the bottom of the bottom of the pile.

Yeah, this. Everyone is talking about golden showers. People need to be talking about the rest of the report. We've basically been annexed by Russia if the rest is true.
Also, I don't really understand how one 'briefs' the person who is the very subject of these findings. What is the person supposed to say?
Note that Putin has peskov put his head on the chopping block, repeatedly,
(From any news story over the last month):
"We are growing rather tired of these accusations. It is becoming a full-on witch hunt," Peskov said, echoing Trump's claim ahead of Friday's briefing by spy chiefs that the hacking revelations were a "political witch hunt" aimed at discrediting him.
Peskov as architect (according to PDF) of the bull in a china shop hacking and Election fiddling operation is now someone who has to get the kremlin safely out of the shit, or Putin will be announcing his rather sudden departure.
Note that trump Doesn't yet have new lines from Moscow as he tweeted "witch hunt", again, last night.


I wonder if they asked Trump whether the reports were true, when they briefed him. Even better if they had him and Obama at the same time. "Donald, did you really ask whores to piss on Barack's bed in Russia?"

The best case scenario (which means it will never ever happen), would be for Obama to do another year, and have special elections in November to finish the remaining three-year term before 2020.

And this is being generous and letting senators and governors elected last year to stay in office for the rest of their terms, rather than considering that all partisan elections were compromised by the Russians.


Does no one remember the 2004 election with George Bush's draft dodging? CBS published documents claiming to prove it and when they were shown to be fake the entire subject was dropped.


Publicising such a dodgy document far and wide means that if (when?) they're shown to be fake it'll be used as an excuse to discount ALL Trump-Russia stories.


Some prominent journalists and media executives excoriated BuzzFeed.

“Even Donald Trump deserves journalistic fairness,” tweeted David Corn, Mother Jones’ Washington bureau chief who reported in October on the existence of – but not the contents of – memos from a “former Western intelligence officer”.

“Rare that a story stinks from every possible angle: the source, the content, the consequence, the messenger, the target,” tweeted Wolfgang Blau, chief digital officer of Conde Nast International and a former Guardian executive.

“Not how journalism works: Here’s a thing that might or might not be true, without supporting evidence; decide for yourself if it’s legit,” tweeted Brad Heath, an investigative reporter for USA Today.

Adam Goldman of the New York Times blamed CNN for opening the can of worms. “Sequence of events: @CNN finds way to talk about report and @buzzfeed uses that as reason to publish. Media critics are gonna be busy,” he tweeted.


I have read the report, back to front, twice, it seems petulant which is one of the reasons I am questioning the validity of it.

It's raw HUMINT, without an army of analysts and SIGINT to analyze the reports, provide confidence levels on sources, corroborate with other sources available to the state.

Funky Papa

Also, I don't really understand how one 'briefs' the person who is the very subject of these findings. What is the person supposed to say?

"We know they have shit on you. This is the shit they have on you. We'll be watching".

Being that some of the allegations are also difficult to corroborate, it also allows to check Trump's reaction and act in consequence.

Does no one remember the 2004 election with George Bush's draft dodging? CBS published documents claiming to prove it and when they were shown to be fake the entire subject was dropped.


Publicising such a dodgy document far and wide means that if (when?) they're shown to be fake it'll be used as an excuse to discount ALL Trump-Russia stories.

As far as I'm concerned, this would be the worst case scenario. Trump would get free reign and MSM would be discredited for decades to come, being replaced by BreitBart and similar identity-driven outlets.


“Not how journalism works: Here’s a thing that might or might not be true, without supporting evidence; decide for yourself if it’s legit,” tweeted Brad Heath, an investigative reporter for USA Today.:

It's 2017, that's exactly how journalism works.
Personally I don't believe it has to have any credit to get to this stage but that's just my lack of faith in intelligence agencies in general rather than proof this is not credible.

I just think it's better to wait and take things with a "pinch of salt" until we have full verified proof instead of just believing things because it involves Trump.

I also don't understand why Trump watching a piss show would be relevant in an intelligence report.

Because it could be used as blackmail? So agencies know what to watch out for to indicate that someone might know something. Again I am and most of these people here are taking it with a pinch of salt but revelling in the idea of it all. Just like with David Cameron and his pig fucking story
Has the 4Chan angle been discussed here much?

This idiot is one of the (I'm guessing many) people claiming to have fed this to various journalists and politicians: https://twitter.com/trsprudence

Buzzfeed really dropped the ball publishing this now though. You can't put stuff like this in the wild without first doing the journalistic legwork necessary to defend it's credibility. If it turns out to be bogus then watch it undermine any attempt to criticise Trump in the future.


"We know they have shit on you. This is the shit they have on you. We'll be watching".

Being that some of the allegations are also difficult to corroborate, it also allows to check Trump's reaction and act in consequence.

As far as I'm concerned, this would be the worst case scenario. Trump would get free reign and MSM would be discredited for decades to come, being replaced by BreitBart and similar identity-driven outlets.

This wouldn't be unprecedented

Remember the Gulf War debacle/fiasco with credible, CIA accredited sources, how solid the evidence was? The GOP (surprise!) blatantly lied to the american population to justify a war that had no justifications in the first place. Allof it based on second hand reports, unverifiable claims and a "very trustworthy source"


I just read the summaries and jesus christ... I mean what the fuck. Is there anyway he can survive this? What can actually happen? Like people can't just let this shit fly by without any notice.


So I see Golden Shower Gate is trending on twitter lol. So from what I gather that a portion of this is true, but 4 chan exaggerated it with some hentai shit to troll liberals?


Maybe they could talk to the Russian prostitutes, I heard they could provide some quality leaks.

If a fraction of this report is true, what the hell is going to happen? The next couple weeks will be interesting.
That's my issue with this entire thing, the lack of evidence.

blame trump
By using Twitter by lying and by rushing to say things to gain the advantage, he sets the standard.
He is being hoisted by his own petard

If it wasn't him, nobody would publish it in isolation. He himself demonstrates how he should be treated.
"We know they have shit on you. This is the shit they have on you. We'll be watching".

Being that some of the allegations are also difficult to corroborate, it also allows to check Trump's reaction and act in consequence.

As far as I'm concerned, this would be the worst case scenario. Trump would get free reign and MSM would be discredited for decades to come, being replaced by BreitBart and similar identity-driven outlets.

Yeah. It seems unlikely this will materialize into something that's enough to actually remove the man from or prevent the man from taking office. And that's a damn shame. And even if they did manage to do it, the damage is pretty much done considering the current state of political discourse in the US.
1.The intelligence source is CLAIMED to be former British intelligence, no proof.

2.The intention is to present it as fact or it would not be published in the first place. The intention is to undermine the president elect and by publishing this information without evidence is is liable to be harmful, even more so if it is disproven because like another poster said it will then make all information regarding Trump and Russian seem false going forward.

If this is fake news then it is going to be very dangerous and should teach us all a lesson going forward, if it's accurate well then it's pretty clear Trump needs to be removed.

The state in the sodding article that its unverified they mention its mistakes and they mention that parts are likely unverifiable.... jesus h christ buzzfeed did the right thing here, would it be the same sort of fuss if wikileaks had done it. People would treat it as crystal right now


There is enough smoke and reasonably sound sources to make this known so it gains traction and hopefully taken more seriously. The public needs to know. You think it's wise to sit on this, let Trump waltz into the White House and put a lid on it. Don't think so. This is the time to act before it's too late. Also, this could rustle some feathers that leads to people coming forward out of fear or doing the right thing to save their skin or making a mistake, showing their hand.


Saint Titanfall
1.The intelligence source is CLAIMED to be former British intelligence, no proof.

2.The intention is to present it as fact or it would not be published in the first place. The intention is to undermine the president elect and by publishing this information without evidence is is liable to be harmful, even more so if it is disproven because like another poster said it will then make all information regarding Trump and Russian seem false going forward.

If this is fake news then it is going to be very dangerous and should teach us all a lesson going forward, if it's accurate well then it's pretty clear Trump needs to be removed.

Do you honestly think the American intelligence agency would not know a former freaking british spy? That they personally met? Come on now.
If a fraction of this report is true, what the hell is going to happen? The next couple weeks will be interesting.

I think it's obvious the report is the classified one, and it didn't come from a 400lb guy on a bed.
If it wasn't made up, if it's true, what will change now that journalists and some people who click on the buzzfeed link can read it. What will change? The FBI has had it for a long time now.
Whatever they are doing or not doing do you think will happen faster? Do you think because reporters can read it it will shake out corroboration?
Just curious
The people who should most know already know and have for some time.


The apologism from many here is staggering. Your choice of president is a puppet into prostitute-assisted revenge golden showers sex. Sad!
blame trump
By using Twitter by lying and by rushing to say things to gain the advantage, he sets the standard.
He is being hoisted by his own petard

If it wasn't him, nobody would publish it in isolation. He himself demonstrates how he should be treated.

Pretty much. It's not like his campaign was running on facts and truth, guy used this shit all the time and won. If this ends up being nothing no one should be losing sleep because this tactic contribuited to him being elected in the first place.


Fucking knew it. I knew the Russian's had dirty on this guy. You dirty little beast, look what you've done.

Not that it will make much of as difference. I'm sure he'll weather the storm, but he's dirty as hell. I doubt he'll see this term out I'd guess he'll be impeached. the russians will probably dump the whole thing when its suits them to throw the US into chaos. Probably around the midterms maybe.


Fucking knew it. I knew the Russian's had dirty on this guy. You dirty little beast, look what you've done.

Not that it will make much of as difference. I'm sure he'll weather the storm, but he's dirty as hell. I doubt he'll see this term out I'd guess he'll be impeached. the russians will probably dump the whole thing when its suits them to throw the US into chaos. Probably around the midterms maybe.

The easiest way to get Putin to dump Trump is to box the GOP congress into taking strong action against Russia. If Russia can't get geopolitical gains out of Trump, they will drop the kompromat just to undermine us. We will survive.


1.The intelligence source is CLAIMED to be former British intelligence, no proof.

2.The intention is to present it as fact or it would not be published in the first place. The intention is to undermine the president elect and by publishing this information without evidence is is liable to be harmful, even more so if it is disproven because like another poster said it will then make all information regarding Trump and Russian seem false going forward.

If this is fake news then it is going to be very dangerous and should teach us all a lesson going forward, if it's accurate well then it's pretty clear Trump needs to be removed.

It's news because it was deemed credible enough to brief both the President and the President Elect on it.

It would seem you are either hideously uninformed or playing dumb in order to play this obfuscating role.

The discussion has moved far beyond the shallows you are flailing about in.
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