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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
They're saying Russia hacked/leaked the DNC stuff to swing Sanders voters to Trump.

ah thanks. the summary says

'main goal of the DNC emails....'
I read it like the content of those emails main goal was...

thanks for clarifying.
I'm really enjoying this presidency, it's all so intriguing.
There's good reason to believe it could be the first part yeah?
Knowing GRU and the FSB (former KGB) and their tactics I wouldn't be surprised if they brought the child hookers to his place when he was in Russia and that he was dumb enough to proceed to hit them afterwise because he thought he is so smart and great and beyond consequences. No doubt the Russians stroked his ego and likely got to play him like a fiddle as a result.

Certainly would explain why Trump is so massively pro Putin since he became P-Elect.


For you.
Even if this ends up being take Trump's meltdown alone means shitty will go down with huge force in the future. Can you imagine when Russia stops needing him as a useful idiot and bring all they have on him to further deestabilize the US? He is going to break.


I always wondered if celebrities used pr firms to handle their twitters. I can't believe that the fucking president elected of the united states writes like a goddamn 15 years old videogames player. But isn't unreasonable that he is blackmailed by russians, I always wondered why a parody of right wing nationalist UHHMERICA will be so in love with russians, which has been the main antagonists of the USA from a big chunk of their history

In the other hand, if the news are fake, all those people that criticized all those trump voters that voted for him in basis to all those fake news that appeared on facebook, will look as guillible and stupid than them.

At this point anyone will believe anything that appears on the net and fits their agenda


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
In the position of PEOTUS, to undermine the credibility of American intelligence on a public forum just minutes after parroting Russian propaganda... mind blowing.


What a glorious meltdown. He's already the worst president the US ever had before even taking office. Crash and burn, Trump.


He can say what he wants as long as he brings coal back, repeals Obamacare and builds that wall. I wonder how those who voted for him are feeling right now?

The basically sent Ultron into the white house.
Jesus. What a time to be alive.

This is completely insane. I don't think he loses the presidency from this (unless concrete proof happens) but how can he govern after this?

It's not like he was going to govern before. He's just a puppet either way, be it for Russia or for Republicans/Pence.

Lego Boss

We need to get BBB:


This is amazing. If you made a film about it, no-one would believe it as it is so unhinged. Think there was a thread about Argo the other day being fictionalised then someone said truth is too unbelievable to be committed to film.

This should be merged with that thread.
Yeah, I made a long Facebook post right after the election about Manafort and Trump's many other Russian connections and was called a conspiracy theorist by Trump voters and the "Give him a chance!" types.

This shit has been obvious since before the primaries ended to anyone paying attention. This report mostly just fills the gaps on connections anyone could make through pubic records.
Exactly. It's difficult territory to tread because you don't want to unwittingly become the conspiracy cliche (hence healthy scepticism) but I've also seen several mainstream journalists - before the current leaks - discuss the Trump Empire's suspected business links to prominent figures in the Russian Mafia.

If people with Putin's ear have been party to propping up Trump's assets (and laundering money in his companies) since the late 80's why the fuck wouldn't this factor into his current decision making etc.
Can we all agree this fuckhead should not be allowed to be sworn in as President? What the fuck are they going to do? This is the fucking craziest shit I've ever seen
One last shot?
Does he think people will just stop after the inauguration?

No, he means he's going to be going through the federal government on a witch hunt replacing everyone who he perceives as being a potential member of the opposition, including the intelligence community.

As with most things Trump, your mistake is assuming the less sinister implication.


Just checking because I don't speak fluent Alt-Right...But if this stuff is true, would this not make Trump some sort of "cuck"?


For shame.

One side laughs and mocks until he tweets then the cycle happens all over again. Seems like everyone could grow up a little.

To be fair. He's going to be president soon and he's having a fucking twitter tirade. Of course they will mention it.

If Obama did the same I'd expect them to mention it.




Stupid question from out of the states : if anything gets proven and the dude ends up in prison. Does Pence takes up the mantle ? Does he go on as planned or could he resign, with the election feeling tainted and all that ?
This is amazing. If you made a film about it, no-one would believe it as it is so unhinged. Think there was a thread about Argo the other day being fictionalised then someone said truth is too unbelievable to be committed to film.

If Paul Verhoeven had made a film about these events a decade or two ago, it would have been deemed too cartoony and unrealistic. This is the fucking Twilight Zone.
No, he means he's going to be going through the federal government on a witch hunt replacing everyone who he perceives as being a potential member of the opposition, including the intelligence community.

As with most things Trump, your mistake is assuming the less sinister implication.


The Twitter meltdown is hilarious. What I will say is don't be hypocritical and pretend IF you had such crazy allegations hinged against you, you wouldn't be behaving in rage like that... in private.

There-in lies the problem. Your anger/venting when you are the President should largely be in private. Part of the job like it or not is appearing calm and collected for the public.

I guess that though is the catch 22 to Trumps popularity. Masses love the "unfiltered" politician giving zero shits to etiquette and watching the mainstream media have meltdowns at Trumps meltdowns. The amount of topics and news headlines Trump gets out of his tweets is something else.


All this seems to accomplish is to make people already entrenched with Trump go deeper. "Look, proof of how much they are lying".


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Also that tweet just confirmed that 1) he plans to purge the intelligence community, or 2) he thinks himself untouchable as POTUS.

Pretty scary either way.
At what point, if any, can a person get impeached just because they're "Unfit to lead"?

On paper, the Vice President and the Cabinet have the power to temporarily discharge the President if they decide that he is indeed "unfit to lead" for some reason (see also: Season 2 of 24, where this was a major plot point). However, this is an emergency measure. If the removal is then to be made permanent, Congress has to get involved afaik.


Remember when Obama started frantically twitter-shouting about how he wasn't secretly a Muslim and you could even ask prominent Iranian imams to prove it?

The cliff we are about to fall off in terms of the standards of dignity, reasonableness, and composure that Obama bought to the Office to the standards of idiotic, egotistical, manchild petulance and incompetence that Trump brings, will be dizzying.



All singular words that trump has used quotes around during the last two week. And it dawned on me. He's airquoting. But doesn't know how to airquote properly. Just like Joey Tribbiani.


He's going to go full warpath on our intelligence agencies now if he wasn't before. Complete gutting and replacement with incompetent, but loyal Trump stooges. It may not happen this year or next, but we're going to be in an unprecedented amount of danger before too long.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 58s58 seconds ago
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?




And everyone made fun of me for saying we will become Nazi Germany due to Trump.

We really are the nazi Germany.
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