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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Of course there's proof. He's in denial mode, full stop.


He better hope that there isn't proof, because with so many enemies, especially within the intelligence community, he will most certainly be done if any of that stuff surfaces.

He's done.

He's been "done" for how long?

Rebel Leader

I mean. Release the tapes. If its real just release the tapes and move on to President Pence after impeachment.

Also hope that Donald doesnt hold the office of President hostage with the nuclear codes.

Otherwise, shut up about it IMHO.

The pentagon would immediately change the codes at in a nanosecond
What are people saying about the 4chan poster who says all this is fake?

His credibility is rated somewhere between the 4chan poster who told me you can't get STDs from anal and the one who assured me Teddie is Best Girl.

It's fucking 4chan. Reddit was one thing, but we are not stooping this fucking low in the national debate. No. Nuh-uh. Veto.


I hope this is a turning point in a good way for real news vs fake news. If he gets through this then everyone is fucked and might as well stop watching the news as it'll really be whatever the state decide it wants


I wonder how Russia feels now that their gamble is blowing up in their face before the finish line

I'd imagine this is what they wanted, complete governmental crisis. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia leaks the footage and audio to someone to leak to the mainstream press soon. It's the perfect plan, complete distrust of the U.S. government and chaos.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I wonder how Russia feels now that their gamble is blowing up in their face before the finish line

1) lets not get ahead of ourselves, 2) it still undermines our democracy. Anything to make the us more of a shit show benefits them
Typo, sorry. Wars startet in asia and the impact on europe.

Yeah, sure that was a typo. You accused the US of starting wars and completely hand wave away what Russia has done in Ukraine and Syria. Your agenda is clear. And at least the US government tried to rebuild Iraq, I'll wait to see if Russia does the same in Syria. I suspect we'll be waiting a long time.


I want it to be true. It would mean Trump has been compromised and committed treason which is grounds for impeachment. I don't like Pence, but I least he's competent. That's what it's come down to.
I'm European and you don't know shit about history or NATO. Also hilarious that you in the same breadth say that you don't have a issue with Russia, after they pulled the shitshow that the Crimea situation was and still is.

Examples for wars of aggression led by the US in the last few years (including Lybia / Africa):

- Serbia (1999) - just google CIA agent Robert Baer, later US-led NATO bombs Serbia
- Afgahnistan (2001) - obvious reasons
- Iraq (2003) - Hussein and his "bombs"...
- Lybia (2011) - US-lead NATO attacked Lybia, the country with the highest life standards in africa
- Syria (2011) - US and allies try to take down Assad

Examples for wars on US soil:

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I want it to be true. It would mean Trump has been compromised and committed treason which is grounds for impeachment. I don't like Pence, but I least he's competent. That's what it's come down to.
You can only impeach someone who is president.
He wont be.
1) lets not get ahead of ourselves, 2) it still undermines our democracy. Anything to make the us more of a shit show benefits them

Russia's goal was to make the US isolated on a global stage as well as create political chaos.

Without Trump their geopolitical goals are basically impossible because NATO would actually be kept intact with any other POTUS. Their endgame lies with the destruction of NATO and Trump was the key to that. That's why they made the play.


What audio and video is she referring to? I feel like there is some confusion here - it seems unlikely that she is referring to audio and video of Trump.
We are offering up to $1-million for exclusive rights to the FSB tapes of Donald Trump's #goldenshowers

2017 is weird.
Examples for wars of aggression led by the US in the last few years (including Lybia / Africa):

Serbia (1999) - just google CIA agent Robert Baer, later US-led NATO bombs Serbia
Afgahnistan (2001) - obvious reasons
Iraq (2003) - Hussein and his "bombs"...
Lybia (2011) - US-lead NATO attacked Lybia, the country with the highets life stanards in africa
Syria (2011) - US and allies try to take down Assad

Examples for wars of aggression on US soil:


Man Russian trolls are everywhere I guess.

Gotta deflect against this news, create a new issue to talk about, don't look at the golden mess!!!
I want it to be true. It would mean Trump has been compromised and committed treason which is grounds for impeachment. I don't like Pence, but I least he's competent. That's what it's come down to.
How would Pence not be tied to this as well? It appears to have been the entire game plan of the campaign to use Russian influence. Everyone involved in the campaign can be tied to this.


Examples for wars of aggression led by the US in the last few years (including Lybia / Africa):

- Serbia (1999) - just google CIA agent Robert Baer, later US-led NATO bombs Serbia
- Afgahnistan (2001) - obvious reasons
- Iraq (2003) - Hussein and his "bombs"...
- Lybia (2011) - US-lead NATO attacked Lybia, the country with the highest life standards in africa
- Syria (2011) - US and allies try to take down Assad

Examples for wars on US soil:

You're embarrassing yourself.


As much as we want this to be true (and would be no surprise if it is) it's still in a dangerous wishful thinking mode right now.

There needs to be some evidence, hopefully we see that soon.

okay yeah

let's not


This is going to be an interesting week, and he has a press conference tonight. If he backs out it'll make him look worse and if he goes he's going to be hammered with questions and we know how well he responds to criticism. Seems like a win win for us. This is going to be an interesting week.


My guess is that this is true.

Trump will still take office, but he (and his administration) will be gone by June. Either impeached, or flat out charged with treason. At that point the jobs falls to Paul Ryan.
I hope this is a turning point in a good way for real news vs fake news. If he gets through this then everyone is fucked and might as well stop watching the news as it'll really be whatever the state decide it wants

I mean, no? Even if Trump survives this, if the claims are never 100% debunked, they won't. A full-on state sponsered media is going to take more time and effort than that, especially considering the people and corruptions behind the current news media.
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