Did bush-league Buzzfeed jump the gun on this and significantly dull the revelatory political impact of the report?
Goddamn it buzzfeed, stick to your listicles.
When Rob Ford was mayor of Toronto, a person affiliated with the drug trade shopped a video of Ford smoking crack to several news outlets. Everyone sat on the story because the video holder was asking for six-figures, and the news media were wary of giving that cash to someone associated with the drug trade.
So the video guy goes to Gawker...
Gawker asks CNN for the money.
CNN, of course, asks the mayor's office for comment.
Now the guy who has the video gets spooked, because Rob Ford is in pretty tight with the gangs -allegedly.
The video then gets caught up in all this bullshit.
So yes, Buzzfeed may have screwed things up.
But with Ford, the rumors of the existence of a tape and his ties to gangs made the police move. They rounded up gang members, found the crack tape, and held it as evidence.
Before everything could settle, Ford died of cancer.
The crack tape did come out.
If Gawker had never pushed, who knows, maybe no news outlet wants to front the money, the gangs figure the tape has more value as a blackmail tool than in its sale value, the mayor's office never learns of it, and the police stay in the dark about Ford's gang-ties.
So maybe Buzzfeed are the real heroes.