I still don't understand this scene.
Locker room talk...
I still don't understand this scene.
I still don't understand this scene.
Locker room talk...
Oh god what if they start cloning him..
Soft Trump
Hard Trump
Hardly Trump
Also nanomachines
Well, he does have a 33% approval rating. Not quite half the country, but would have been nice if more people were motivated to vote.
President Johnson grabbed Raiden by the pussy.
I'm not even sure if Comey really wanted a Trump presidency. My guess is he saw the polls and just hoped to prevent an overwhelming mandate.
I'm not even sure if Comey really wanted a Trump presidency. My guess is he saw the polls and just hoped to prevent an overwhelming mandate.
Comey needs to be charged with campaignslaughter at the very least.I'm not even sure if Comey really wanted a Trump presidency. My guess is he saw the polls and just hoped to prevent an overwhelming mandate.
Off topic but is this really in a MGS game? This is usually what happens before a trans woman gets murdered. This is an example of normalized violence against gender non-conforming people and it's gross.
To be fair, the report was that there was a Trumpland portion of the FBI, not that the entire FBI was Trumpland.Remember--the reports before the election were that the FBI was "Trumpland" and didn't want a woman running them.
Thanks for the reply with source. So gross.
Off topic but is this really in a MGS game? This is usually what happens before a trans woman gets murdered. This is an example of normalized violence against gender non-conforming people and it's gross.
Comey was only trying to mitigate Clinton's win, but went too far and accidentally let loose the Kaiju instead.
Raiden is very pretty, (read: looks like a girl) hence the grabbing. (I have not played this game just saying what it looks like)Raiden is a robot man, what does this have anything to do with transsexualism?
Thanks for the reply with source. So gross. Then the two just carry on as usual as if Raiden didn't just get groped.
Kojima is a genius...but nearly all his games have weirdo stuff like this that make no sense.
I recall Raiden being pretty pissed. But they were facing the usual nuclear danger of a MGS game, so he didn't dwell on it.
Odds on Trump going on a conspiracy tangent next press conference? Or is he going full Armstrong? More than before I mean.
Wait, Raiden at the time of MGS2 isnt robot man.Raiden is a robot man, what does this have anything to do with transsexualism?
Off topic but is this really in a MGS game? This is usually what happens before a trans woman gets murdered. This is an example of normalized violence against gender non-conforming people and it's gross.
Off topic but is this really in a MGS game? This is usually what happens before a trans woman gets murdered. This is an example of normalized violence against gender non-conforming people and it's gross.
I don't even want to try and explain Kojima's bullshit
Wait, Raiden at the time of MGS2 isnt robot man.
You know its time to close the thread when its now into Kojimas territory talk.
You know its time to close the thread when its now into Kojimas territory talk.
@DavidCornDC interview with former MI6 guy who wrote Trump-Russia memos:
The American firm was conducting a Trump opposition research project that was first financed by a Republican source until the funding switched to a Democratic one. The former spy said he was never told the identity of the client.
The newsworthy story at this point was that a credible intelligence official had provided information to the FBI alleging Moscow had tried to cultivate and compromise a presidential candidate.
@DavidCornDC interview with former MI6 guy who wrote Trump-Russia memos:
Real life is more insane than hollywood.
So the FBI has known about this shit since potentially June/July and they've done nothing about it? Instead that whole time they were were leaking and sharing details about their Clinton investigation?
Yeah, Comey has GOT to go.
Trump lashes out at everything. He can't help himself, even when he's in the wrong and everyone knows it.Honestly I am starting to doubt.
The way Trump's lashing out on twitter makes it seem like he knows his secrets are well kept in the Kremlin. Perhaps the dossier is really all there is.
As much as I would like for this to turn out the way it should. I.E Trump and all his associates gone and publicly shamed for their actions and Comey in shit too. This is real life and things don't always work out for the best.
As much as I would like for this to turn out the way it should. I.E Trump and all his associates gone and publicly shamed for their actions and Comey in shit too. This is real life and things don't always work out for the best.
Even if nothing comes of this I just see this whole term being one controversy and scandal after another. Its going to be a wild ride.As much as I would like for this to turn out the way it should. I.E Trump and all his associates gone and publicly shamed for their actions and Comey in shit too. This is real life and things don't always work out for the best.
Even if nothing comes of this I just see this whole term being one controversy and scandal after another. Its going to be a wild ride.