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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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This is all 100% true and it's not going away.


Well the buzzfeed report itself could potentially not be the real deal, even if the actual story and report from the British intelligence guy is legit.

Or have other newa sites confirmed what buzzfeed posted to be what they have?
I like the people going OH 4chan said it's fake so it's fake like these media giants wouldn't get anywhere near to releasing it if it were faked by some basement dweller on 4chan.


So the on TV CNN just did a live report on this, interrupting the pre-coverage of obama speech.

Carl Bernstein is reporting on this and the NIS and CIA directors dong the briefing on this with Obama and Trump absolutely means there is something here.

There are financial hooks involved here folks, book it. Not just pissgate.

Exactly remove pissgate and just look at all the ties to Russia. This was gathered by credible sources. Officials are now trying to verify.

If ANYTHING is credible it shows treason.


Wikileaks jumping in on the disinformation game: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/818992803829137408

There is very clearly dangerous leads here.

A lot of people out of the know just playing be useful idiots disinformation game.

The Times front page in the UK on Russia complaining about the UK leading a Witch Hunt and now Trump using the same wording whilst a UK ex-spy provided these details and the use of 'credible' in the intelligence report suggesting he's been vetted by MI6.

Makes you wonder what Boris was up to in New York.
So they've been sitting on this report for 3-6 months and they haven't verified anything.
What are the odds they will be able to within the next 10 days?

Also my account name sounds really appropriate right about now.


So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?

I don't get it.
Eh, I'm not seeing the "It's true" based on this. Seems like how Trump would respond to outlandish accusations.

Generally speaking: Take whatever Trump tweets trying to divert something about himself... the opposite is true. He also, while tweeting like someone who has a loose grasp on the English language, NEVER does all caps. This is a first.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Alright, explain what the fuck is going on with the piss stuff. I got the gist of everything else (clear Trump/Russia connection that only just now is getting confirmed to be real, I assume?)

Credible allegations of Trump having worked with Russia for years to win the election and do business deals.

There's also an allegation trump hired women to pee in a bed used by Obama in a hotel room in Russia.


guys 4chan leaked the final fantasy plotline months before it was released. They are of the caliber to pull something like this off.
I usually wouldn't want to kinkshame someone, but he's a deeply insecure person and I'm okay of embarrassing on a national level because he is a horrible person and I know something like this hurts him the most.

I know that's bad. But I get to be petty.

Same. Trump deserves all the shit he gets, mostly for being a horrible human being.


I would like this to be true because fuck trump but I am not convinced. Gonna need more time and see who will show up to support these claims.


Wikileaks going into full defense mode, Trump tweeting all caps, the Cohen tweet.

It's real. 100 percent real. They're panicking.
Because he has the thinnest skin of all time and doesn't understand that an all caps tweet to this kind of thing only makes it that much more real. Instead of thinking about an actual response, this clown of a person just shouts NOPE and thinks we'll agree.

This is one of the main reasons he isn't fit for this position. Every time someone says anything about him, he takes to twitter.

This. If he wasn't guilty of this, he wouldn't have gone into a tirade or have an outburst about it right now. He should've just lie low to see if it was true or not.

His fault.


Is this the same thing some journalists said they knew about but didn't report on it because they couldn't find anything on it?

This is huge if even some of it ends up being true but I can't help but feel a little skeptical of this. Will wait for more news but Trump's press conference should be pretty interesting to watch.
I wonder if this is also smoke and mirrors to get people to stop paying attention to Obama's farewell speech and set a tone.

Man, this is some real bad smoke and mirrors to be putting up just to offset a speech. Even if all of this ends up not true, or never verified, it's going to leave a real stink on the administration for a long while.


So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?

I don't get it.
Trump's been getting Russian financing for years.



Note: Czech Republic is in the EU and participates in the Schengen system, meaning there are no passport checks between the Czech Republic and 25 other EU nation states -> http://www.schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-visa-countries-list/

Or put differently, he could've gotten into a car in Berlin or anywhere else in a Schengen country, driven to Prague and there'd be no record of it as far as his passport is concerned.
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