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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Found this on Twitter and got a chuckle out of it.



Eh, I'm not seeing the "It's true" based on this. Seems like how Trump would respond to outlandish accusations.

I think people are assuming that if it was fake then Trump would post some kind of actual proof that it's fake instead of screaming like a baby and retweeting the front cover of a passport (which says absolutely nothing)


Wikileaks going into full defense mode, Trump tweeting all caps, the Cohen tweet.

It's real. 100 percent real. They're panicking.

It's fun to speculate and even more fun to make fun of the reactionary Right based on this reporting but it ain't confirmed yet.
If Donald Trump can molest women and still win I'm sure this won't stop me, as long as I belittle and bully my opponents, and hey Janet's got thin skin.

America will never let a poutine eating heathen be President

guys 4chan leaked the final fantasy plotline months before it was released. They are of the caliber to pull something like this off.

You DO see how one might be harder than the other, right
So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?

I don't get it.

Trump has had political ambitions for decades. He ran for president in 2000.
The piss stuff is really minor, honestly. It's the other stuff that's the real x100 Big Bang Kamehameha

Right, but just like Nixon's impeachment started with a seemingly random botched break-in, Trump's impissment is going to start with the drip-drip-drip of news about paying sex workers to pee in front of him.

I want to read a book on U.S. history published in like 2076 right now.


but believes in Chael
I love being ignorant to the news for most of the day and then seeing this "2 Girls 1 Trump" type of shit all over the place.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?

I don't get it.

He's had political ambitions for a long time... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign,_2000
I said GODDAMN!!!!!

Jake Tapper is a true Thunder Cunt, through and through.

This is a good thing, by the way.

So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?

I don't get it.

Uh, Trump has been talking about running for President since the '80s, man.


This was faked by 4chan, and the Jew-run media is falling for it, but the Skull&Bones Congress won't let Trump get derailed because they payed off the Illuminati at the last Bilderberg meeting!!! Wake up, sheeple.

Funky Papa

This is already front page news across major international outlets. Die Welt, Le Figaro, El Mundo... There's no turning back now.


This is embarrassing.

Especially if true.
Wikileaks is saying the report is fake and the format and whatnot do not match typical reports?

They can't even be arsed to read that the source isn't directly from the British intelligence community. They're getting sloppy.
Note: Czech Republic is in the EU and participates in the Schengen system, meaning there are no passport checks between the Czech Republic and 25 other EU nation states -> http://www.schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-visa-countries-list/

Or put differently, he could've gotten into a car in Berlin or anywhere else in a Schengen country, driven to Prague and there'd be no record of it as far as his passport is concerned.

Indeed, I've traveled to several countries in Eastern Europe and I don't have a single passport stamp from any of them because I didn't depart from a plane there.



This is amazing work. As a student of history I can say that I’ve seen hundreds of pictures like this, and have shown little to no emotion. The pictures were just windows to a past I’ve never lived in, people who I never knew or would ever know. But this picture made me stop and evaluate. Putting President Elect Donald Trump on puppet strings in made me actually look at what is really happening. Putting something that everyone is familiar with in a situation that no one knows, and to make people feel those emotions well, that takes amazing talent. Thank you.


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It's fun to speculate and even more fun to make fun of the reactionary Right based on this reporting but it ain't confirmed yet.

I had zero faith in these reports being true, but Trump's hysterical reaction raises some questions...
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