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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Good summary of the leak from Reddit:

Summary I came up with:

>8+ years of communication between him and Kremlin, and 5+ year relationship of cultivating/supporting/assisting Trump by Russia.

>They offered him real estate deals IN RUSSIA to further ensnare him, but he declined.

>Russia has dirt on Trump watching Russian prostitutes give golden showers.

>Detailed claims of bilateral intelligence sharing back and forth between Trump and Putin. Trump had DNC moles and used US as well as foreign hackers. Trump got info on his opponents, Putin got info on Russian oligarchs + families living in US.

>They used the pension system that Russian diplomats used to transfer information back and forth to/from each other as well. It mentions tens of thousands of dollars were sent in addition to the money.

>Russia's main goal appears to be driving wedges to cause divisions in the West. They aided Jill Stein, Carter Page and Michael Flynn (the latter two being members of Trump's team) in doing so.

>Main goal of DNC emails appeared to be swinging Sanders voters to Trump.

>Russia and Trump had a mutual agreement on the DNC hack. Russia released the emails to Wikileaks in return for Trump removing mention of Russian invasion of Crimea in favor of talking about NATO financial commitments in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Putin wanted people to stop talking Ukraine while also undermining NATO.

>Trump's most damning financial commitments are actually in China and other emerging markets. He's paid large bribes and kickbacks there that would've destroyed his campaign if made public.

>Hilariously, when Trump said he had few Russian financial investments, that was true, but he has actively sought them out only to be denied. He apparently settled for extensive sexual favors there instead

>Trump lawyer Cohen had clandestine meeting with Kremlin operatives in August, held in Prague to try to make it seem less suspicious.

>Ukrainian President that Putin installed confided to Putin he DID provide ex-campaign manager Manafort w/ kickbacks that were previously reported. Left no paper trail.

>Russia pissed this has gotten so much media coverage. They hoped to push for improved Russian-US relationships regardless of who was elected. Ancillary goal with Clinton was to drive her positions further from Obama's in event she won - they're happy both candidates were anti-TPP because they viewed that as bad for them.

>Trump has bribed Russian business interests but worked diligently to obfuscate and eliminate paper trail. Also engaged in Russian sex parties but has likewise bribed or coerced witnesses to be silent. They do believe a particular Russian businessman was intricately linked to Trump would know details.

>Manafort/Page/Cohen all highly compromised. They/Trump were apparently offered up to 19% stake in a Russian oil company Rosneft by its president if they could successfully get Western Russian sanctions lifted. Page expressed interest in this deal, saying sanctions would be lifted.

>Once the sh*t started to hit the fan, Cohen was heavily involved in trying to cover up the relationship between Carter/Manafort/himself and Russia.

>Mentions that the Trump team AND Russia both paid Romanian hackers to help sabotage Democrats.

>Overall goal of electing Trump was to destabilize Western and world order in Russia's favor since he was anti-establishment and so divisive.

Let me know if something needs added or if I screwed something up.

u/JustDandy07 is the man. Added a bunch of stuff.

u/whiskystoned and u/sylviecerise made sure I had my TPP bit correct - Russia was AGAINST TPP.

u/Adrian_Bock raised a great point. Trump specifically used Presidential Suite in Russian Ritz-Carlton where Obama/Michelle stayed for his golden shower episode(s) to defile the bed. That's some depraved shit.

u/niknight_ml mentioned that Trump may have helped actually fund the DNC hack itself

I mean any one of those things individually I could see people buying, but all of it together seems like insane conspiracy levels of ridiculousness. Is there actual evidence that all of this took place?
So can we expect a third Time cover in this series now?


Third would be his person of the year. Fourth would be his mugshot.


For fuck's sake, will people stop parroting this propaganda? This is not what the reports about fake news were talking about at all. The report now is that this report was given as a briefing to Trump and Obama because parts of it seem credible to the intelligence community. THAT IS NOT FAKE NEWS.

Seems like it is to me.

You don't really know one way or another right? It's all unsubstantiated.
So in all honesty, this won't amount to anything, right? From what it sounds like, the FBI aren't even investigating these allegations for some reason? Or they just haven't confirmed that they are? And even if they are, I feel like we're all just expecting this to fuck Trump over somehow but I find it hard to get my hopes up.


From the CNN article:

The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump.


Seems like it is to me.

You don't really know one way or another right? It's all unsubstantiated.

That's not how it works.

The memos themselves have been seen and been around since August. CNN's reporting on the synopsis in the intelligence briefing from last week contained said memos. These are all verifiable fact.

The claims themselves are being investigated, but that doesn't mean this is "fake news" unless you want to start arguing CNN is literally making this up all on the spot.
The more we learn about the relationship between the oompa loompa-statured far-right dictator in Moscow and the oompa loompa-colored dictator wannabe in NY, the more disturbing the future looks.

Treason. Urine. Neo-nazis. This is Donald Trump.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Can we stop just regurgitating this. Fake news aren't documents that major outlets are reporting on that haven't been officially confirmed yet. Fake news is "freedomeagle.facebook said Hillary invented AIDS"

I thought she did. Stupid facebook.

This has way to much to it to be fully fake. I can honestly see CNN giving the documents to buzzfeed so it was a win win. Plus this story been going around for months just all the right parts came to play.


Lol @ all the 'justinbooks' going through those accounts is hilarious. All the same shit retweeted and passed along. Weird Christian bend to it too.


Its all about tricking the ignorant. Look at all these "Good Christian Americans" its got to be true. Its almost as enjoyable as reading all these "Former Marines" who somehow spam comment sections in Translator English about how America needs Russia etc.

I mean any one of those things individually I could see people buying, but all of it together seems like insane conspiracy levels of ridiculousness. Is there actual evidence that all of this took place?

The purpose of the report is opposition research; it's not meant to be an intelligence report with a uniform level of confidence in all of its findings. It's very obviously cobbled together from a lot of sources with wildly varying degrees of credibility, and the piss thing is honestly the least of the worrisome dirt that has been dug up and summarized. There is going to be a very long tail as the press sifts though it for the highest quality intel and tries to corroborate it over the course of the next several months/years.

I mean any one of those things individually I could see people buying, but all of it together seems like insane conspiracy levels of ridiculousness. Is there actual evidence that all of this took place?

What really seems all that insane about it, though? I mean, think of the ties that we know Trump had to Russia financially beforehand, and then think about how he's treated Russia and Putin the entire campaign, and now appointing a huge friend to the Kremlin as the most significant foreign policy based position in the country? I mean, people keep saying how crazy it all sounds, but it really doesn't seem all that crazy to me when you look at Trump's behavior toward Russia all this time.


We should all agree on one thing: Putin is doing a pretty good job at this espionage thing.

Putin should be time's man of the year.
Because he totally couldn't have gone to Prague within the multiple 2 or 3 day holes in his schedule. Does this fucker think he had to take a boat there or some shit?

I think it's more to pin down exact dates. It's one of the more verifiable parts of this. And there is a very specific gap there, especially the fact that the only two dates lack a geotag when they normally have them.


41 > 38
It was dangerous to run with this before it was verified. If this turns out to not be true, absolutely nothing will stick to Trump going forward.
Regardless whatever happens, Trump, the RNC, & the entire Trump campaign will be a laughingstock in the nation forever.

I don't think that there's any president in U.S. history that has had such skeletons in their closet like this before.


For fuck's sake, will people stop parroting this propaganda? This is not what the reports about fake news were talking about at all. The report now is that this report was given as a briefing to Trump and Obama because parts of it seem credible to the intelligence community. THAT IS NOT FAKE NEWS.
The folks parroting this mantra on here, Reddit, 4chan, Twitter and elsewhere have an agenda.
They won't stop doing it simply because you ask them nicely to cut the crap.
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