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REEE, aside this is some next-gen shit : DSurprised this wasn't banned (even though it was auto generated)

REEE, aside this is some next-gen shit : DSurprised this wasn't banned (even though it was auto generated)
Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.
(post #4 in this woke thread)
Assassin's Creed and female representation
Let me get this out of the way to head off the expected rebuttals: Ubisoft's willingness to put men of colour front and centre in their AAA mainline games is awesome (especially given the first game came out in 2007 when gaming was much less diverse than it is now) and I will never deny how...www.resetera.com
lol "Videogame" forum member wants an invite to the "videogame" forum's discord to plot politics and pat themselves on the back.PoliEra needs a safe space from people posting news about their own candidate
The OP there makes a massive error straight off the bat.
Ubisoft can’t force me to play their games.
This idea that you can’t opt-out if they make one lead character and make them female is nonsense.
I can just decide to not buy the game.
So from Ubisoft’s perspective this is now a simple equation.
If the number of people who will not buy the game because of certain choices is greater than the number of new players they will bring in then it’s not a good choice.
In addition, it’s possible to acknowledge that there is no reason at all why a developer shouldn’t make a game with a female lead while also feeling that a male lead is a better choice.
In Odyssey, for example, you have the protagonist taking part in these head to head battles against multiple trained soldiers so, even though the game is a kind of historical fantasy, I feel like a male lead is more “honest”. Horizon got away with it because Aloy is mostly going up against weird sci-fi robots and when she does fight she is using ranged weapons and traps. If you want to do a female protagonist in Assassin’s Creed then for me it should be a pure stealth game.
Nathan Drake is just a more believable Lara Croft.
I dunno. It’s just humorous to me the idea that they can force players to play as female protagonists and this is a great thing. As if we can’t just decide not to buy the game.
I bought the previous 2 Wolfenstein games before Youngblood and I didn’t buy the new one because the protagonists seemed god-awful and annoying.
So it’s not like they scored some points for feminism because I was forced to play as a chick. I just didn’t buy the game and played other things instead.
If the new AC is going to be set during the Viking invasions of Britain and if they want to have a good story then, for me, a male lead character makes most sense.
Especially if it’s going to be all about swinging heavy ass axes and swords around. For pure stealth a female led game could be awesome.
The OP there talks as though Ubisoft have some kind of obligation to write a female-only game.
The truth is that there really is no need to have a female lead since the game is obviously going to be a game about fighting strong dudes with axes and swords and shit. Assuming they want to have at least some kind of historical accuracy.
At the end of the day it’s fine by me if Ubisoft wants to make games tailored specifically for, and made to pander to, people like this. I just wouldn’t buy them.
So, that’s how I’d “opt-out”.
I'm sure a post like this would get me a ban over there anyway so there would be no point in the "debate".
the weekly thread of getting banned in
And they just announce that there’s a female hero in AC:V.Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.
(post #4 in this woke thread)
Assassin's Creed and female representation
Let me get this out of the way to head off the expected rebuttals: Ubisoft's willingness to put men of colour front and centre in their AAA mainline games is awesome (especially given the first game came out in 2007 when gaming was much less diverse than it is now) and I will never deny how...www.resetera.com
And they just announce that there’s a female hero in AC:V.
[Banned: Duration Pending. Implying that men and women are not 100% the same in every way. ]
I was more thinking about the fact that they are already complaining that there is no female hero in AC:V. They have to change it a little. There isn’t enough picture of the female hero. The female hero isn’t present enough in the marketing...After the Battlefield V debacle there's no way ree is going to let anyone use historical accuracy as an argument against female protags.
Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.
(post #4 in this woke thread)
Assassin's Creed and female representation
Let me get this out of the way to head off the expected rebuttals: Ubisoft's willingness to put men of colour front and centre in their AAA mainline games is awesome (especially given the first game came out in 2007 when gaming was much less diverse than it is now) and I will never deny how...www.resetera.com
True clownworld revelations these past few days.lol @ "based on random tweets" the topic of the thread this mod shut down is literally from Rose McGowan's personal Twitter account.
she even has a Blue Check! that mark of unmistakable quality.
sadly not even that will protect you if you don't tow the line!
I bought the previous 2 Wolfenstein games before Youngblood and I didn’t buy the new one because the protagonists seemed god-awful and annoying.
Did they miss Origins or assassin’s creed 3?Were they banned? I bet $1,000 they weren't banned.
motherfucker if shes a rando what do you think you are, plus threads about tweets get posted all the damn time lmaolol @ "based on random tweets" the topic of the thread this mod shut down is literally from Rose McGowan's personal Twitter account.
she even has a Blue Check! that mark of unmistakable quality.
sadly not even that will protect you if you don't tow the line!
'member when romance in games were cringe? Like Mass Effect times, sex box, etc...![]()
Imagine playing these games and having that be your problem with them. It's not a fucking dating sim you mong.
Odds the same guy on Era that said he'd vote for Hitler is the same guy mourning his death anniversary on Insta?
Read the post again. He isn't mourning him. He is upset that people on Instagram are mourning him.![]()
Odds the same guy on Era that said he'd vote for Hitler is the same guy mourning his death anniversary on Insta?
He still signal boosted the anniversary of Hitlers death on Ree though. I just can't...Read the post again. He isn't mourning him. He is upset that people on Instagram are mourning him.
Read the post again. He isn't mourning him. He is upset that people on Instagram are mourning him.
My conclusion is that he follows some pretty shitty and ignorant people on Instagram?"I'm seeing people on my instagram"
'MY' <- notice the 'my' in the sentence and draw your own conclusions.
The Daily Caller is a banned source?![]()
My conclusion is that he follows some pretty shitty and ignorant people on Instagram?
He's obviously a Hitler fan concern trolling. You've cracked this one.My conclusion is that he follows some pretty shitty and ignorant people on Instagram?
Hitler didn’t die in Germany. He left on a submarine. Ffs, watch the History Channel once in your life.
Sorry guys, lawns are racist.
Sorry guys, lawns are racist.
In a forum full of idiotic posts this guy has one of the dumbest ones I’ve read.
ERA, do you have a well manicured lawn? Can I convince you to replace it with something more productive, and eco-friendly?
I believe the concept of the lawn was started in Europe by the ultra rich. It was their way of using the land while not having to worry about growing food like the peasants. Here's the thing, I'm not here to shame you for being rich. I'm here to tell you you can make better use of that land even...www.resetera.com
It's his topic and he clearly does not know anything about what he's posting. Basically, "I don't have a lawn, will never have one, will never be able to afford a property with one" Ergo Lawns are a waste of time.
Cow Mengde is one of the top ten bitter Asian losers on Era BTW.
This has to be trolling. How could anybody actually believe this.![]()
Sorry guys, lawns are racist.
The lawn thing is weird. Grass is still a plant. A lawn is still sequestering carbon. It is still cleaning the air and providing a home for beneficial insects and microorganisms. It also protects the soil from erosion. That last issue plays a big role in city planning/mgmt since they could be preventing thousands of pounds of soil runoff every year in their city by keeping up the lawns.![]()
ERA, do you have a well manicured lawn? Can I convince you to replace it with something more productive, and eco-friendly?
I believe the concept of the lawn was started in Europe by the ultra rich. It was their way of using the land while not having to worry about growing food like the peasants. Here's the thing, I'm not here to shame you for being rich. I'm here to tell you you can make better use of that land even...www.resetera.com
It's his topic and he clearly does not know anything about what he's posting. Basically, "I don't have a lawn, will never have one, will never be able to afford a property with one" Ergo Lawns are a waste of time.