I noticed the chainsaw sounds before I triggered the scene, which I don't remember happening before, but I could've just forgotten.
I saw a let's play where cainsaw guy spawned before cutscene and it looked like he killed him twice. But he was only talking anout the bonus gold after the cutscene.
God damn, the controls takes some getting used to. Got slaughtered on easy by the first mob of farmers in the village. Are you supposed to have enough ammo to kill them all? My ammunition is depleted after about seven of those guys, so knife melee is the way to go after that i guess?
God damn, the controls takes some getting used to. Got slaughtered on easy by the first mob of farmers in the village. Are you supposed to have enough ammo to kill them all? My ammunition is depleted after about seven of those guys, so knife melee is the way to go after that i guess?
Man the slowdown is really ruining my enjoyment of this. It only happens at some times but its still completely jarring,t hat and the lip sync de-syncing, and the rifle reload being stuck at 30fps...its ridiculous. Ultimate edition my arse
Can confirm that the Broken Butterfly reload animation is at the same speed. So far it's just the Rifle that is slower and the only 3 I haven't tried yet are the Riot Gun, the Striker and the Killer 7. Judging by my diminished skills it might be a while yet before I get my mits on the Hand Cannon.
Edit: And speaking of slower animations, the lava effects in that one room stick out like a sore thumb. To be fair I'm perfectly fine with it but when your marketing materials are speaking like the implementation is "running at a smooth 60 frames per second" you're setting yourself up for some backlash. I get the feeling it would have been a massive undertaking to get everything perfect.
Always go for the melee kills. Knee or headshots >run up to them >melee button prompt, if I'm remembering correctly.
A different chainsaw man spawns near the village exit to the farm. He disappears if you trigger the one in the shotgun house though.
God damn, the controls takes some getting used to. Got slaughtered on easy by the first mob of farmers in the village. Are you supposed to have enough ammo to kill them all? My ammunition is depleted after about seven of those guys, so knife melee is the way to go after that i guess?
God damn, the controls takes some getting used to. Got slaughtered on easy by the first mob of farmers in the village. Are you supposed to have enough ammo to kill them all? My ammunition is depleted after about seven of those guys, so knife melee is the way to go after that i guess?
Does the frame rate of the rifle animation change at all with each upgrade ?
They might have added difficulty things to accommodate for Keyboard and Mouse controls, actually as that usually helps accuracy. As I will admit, I've played this game many times and several segments are far harder than I remember them ever being on Normal as well.
I like it too, and as I was just theorizing, maybe they added new difficulty spikes for those who played the game and replaying it and doing well, and to help make it harder for mouse controls and such.
Headshot then kick.
Late in the game you can start going for kneecaps too.
You can go for knee caps right at the start of the game.Leon does a straight kick to knock them down at that point instead of his typical round house. Then there's the body slam, that's always great.
Hmmmmmm... Is that why the area just after meeting the merchant for the first time had way more enemies than I remember. I thought they were spawning out of thin air.
That head splat.
I think when I originally played the game on ps2, I rarely used the kick or knife to conserve ammo.
Now I'm restarting encounters trying to minimize the shots I take, its fun for me that way.
I secretly suspect that anyone who doesn't like this game is playing it like a traditional shooter and just firing bullets into dudes until they die. I think that would be pretty unfun.
That style of gameplay just sucks.
headshot/kneecaps > melee > knife them while they try to rise
not always useful for large groups, but if a small group is all bunched up, it'll still work
I wonder if they just missed setting the timings of certain animations due to oversight.
There must be hundreds in the game. I'll have to just buy the rifle and check out the reload.
I know it shouldn't, but it really bothers me to see people play RE4/5/6 this way. Especially when they complain about ammo after.
I was referring to the headshot/kneecaps > melee > knife style of gameplay.
Starting my playthrough today. Last time I played I did a no melee run and it was fantastic. This time I am going to do a run without picking up any ammo/items dropped from enemies at death. The lack of ammo will be great.
I love turning this game into true survival horror!
I secretly suspect that anyone who doesn't like this game is playing it like a traditional shooter and just firing bullets into dudes until they die. I think that would be pretty unfun.
I remember trying a No Merchant Run, so you can only use weapons procured from the environment (handgun, shotgun, broken butterfly), no upgrades with the smallest inventory space. I eventually caved and bought a larger case, but I never ended up finishing it anyway![]()
Set the game to 30fps mode and wait for a patch? I don't know, it doesn't sound like a ton of people are having slowdown problems, I haven't noticed any myself yet. I didn't run 8x AA though, 2x if fine for me, and gives me more leeway, as I'm sure 8x will drop under 60 sooner or later, while 2x has almost no performance hit in most games I play.
I remember trying a No Merchant Run, so you can only use weapons procured from the environment (handgun, shotgun, broken butterfly), no upgrades with the smallest inventory space. I eventually caved and bought a larger case, but I never ended up finishing it anyway![]()
Might do this for my Professional run. It's either that or Knife Only again. I think I need more time to get used to this 60 FPS before I do a Knife Only run, though.I remember trying a No Merchant Run, so you can only use weapons procured from the environment (handgun, shotgun, broken butterfly), no upgrades with the smallest inventory space. I eventually caved and bought a larger case, but I never ended up finishing it anyway![]()
It's crazy how influential this game was looking back now.
God damn, the controls takes some getting used to. Got slaughtered on easy by the first mob of farmers in the village. Are you supposed to have enough ammo to kill them all? My ammunition is depleted after about seven of those guys, so knife melee is the way to go after that i guess?
Yup pretty much ruined mainstream gaming![]()
more like the industry ruined itself trying to cash in on this game's genius. Gears had the right idea, taking concepts as influence but also being its own thing...then from there, the shitshow started.
Think someone will come up with a mod that replaces button prompts with Playstation buttons?