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Resident Evil 4 - Ultimate HD Edition |OT| Welcome back, stranger!


Most people would say the game is challenging, especially on their first playthrough. That people are being challenged by a challenging game, on their first playthrough, is not surprising.
Yes, learning how to exploit the AI, mechanics, and all that good stuff can trivialize encounters, but it's not like when you first turn the game on, Hunnigan phones in and says "Hey Leon, the most efficient way to kill enemies is to shoot them in the knee, suplex them, and then knife them." Most people, probably including you, had to figure that, and many other things, out.

Missed the point. You don't have to understand the game's mechanics to go out and upgrade the regular Shotgun to its full level and kill almost every mook in the game with a single shot.
Nevertheless... regarding the Hunnigan part, the game kinda teaches you just that during the Prologue. Up until that point, there's an invisible tutorial thing going on in which the game is trying to teach you the optimal way to dispatch enemies, mostly thanks to the in-game manual and the village part. After replaying said part a few times, you notice that:

- The Kick is the 2nd most effective way for crowd control (the 1st one being the almighty granades)
- It also gives you invincibility, so you can avoid any incoming attack (including Dr. Salvador)
- You can cancel the axe ganados if you shoot/knife said axes in mid-air
- It's advisable to gather them all in one single area, so that they won't come from behind to get you (something they love to do)
- Everytime they say "Detrás de ti, imbecil!", you know they're behind you

Among other things...

EDIT: BTW, I don't suck, I've beaten the game MANY times, most on Professional. I've also beaten Dark Souls at SL5, and while I don't claim to be a complete master of either of these games, it annoys the dogshit out of me when people say they are so easy and everyone just sucks at life for dying once or twice.

Now you're just putting words in my mouth.
And Chapter 7 of F-Zero GX's story mode on Very Hard (especially on first try with some Shift Boosts used) is significantly harder than anything on Dark Souls.
for the new page

Ashley will be instantly killed by any damage done to her by you. -Any-.
NOW, the important thing to note is that the things that you can damage her with is smaller than what damages enemies. She isn't hurt by flashbangs, eggs, and has the same safety distance from grenades as you do (possibly larger/smaller, but she's less vulnerable to nades than enemies). But yes any bullets or knife cuts will kill her instantly.

I do think her hitbox is a lot smaller or non existant when she's being carried by an enemy. I've never shot her while she was being picked up, and I know quite a few times it was either very close or should have been a hit.

Missed the point. You don't have to understand the game's mechanics to go out and upgrade the regular Shotgun to its full level and kill almost every mook in the game with a single shot.
Nevertheless... regarding the Hunnigan part, the game kinda teaches you just that during the Prologue. Up until that point, there's an invisible tutorial thing going on in which the game is trying to teach you the optimal way to dispatch enemies, mostly thanks to the in-game manual and the village part. After replaying said part a few times, you notice that:

- The Kick is the 2nd most effective way for crowd control (the 1st one being the almighty granades)
- It also gives you invincibility, so you can avoid any incoming attack (including Dr. Salvador)
- You can cancel the axe ganados if you shoot/knife said axes in mid-air
- It's advisable to gather them all in one single area, so that they won't come from behind to get you (something they love to do)
- Everytime they say "Detrás de ti, imbecil!", you know they're behind you

Among other things...

Now you're just putting words in my mouth.
And Chapter 7 of F-Zero GX's story mode on Very Hard (especially on first try with some Shift Boosts used) is significantly harder than anything on Dark Souls.

Yes, you can learn these things, or have them pointed out to you, but you can tell me that the first time you went through the village you learned ALL of that? No, it takes time to figure it out, and time to put it in exercise. Stop saying it's such an easy game, just because you and I have already learned all of these things. By that logic, playing professional football is so easy, people should be ashamed that they can't do it.

And just because there's harder things out there, doesn't mean something isn't hard, or even less hard. It simply means there is something harder.


Neo Member
All the enemies have been acting weird for me. Spinning in circles, not opening doors that they usually do, not climbing up ladders, like the collision detection is off.

I'm not saying it is the 60fps, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out anything else that was changed since the 360 HD version a year ago that had none of these issues.

Though I haven't searched on this one, it's more annoying than game breaking.

I've noticed this as well, but only for certain enemies. For example Garradors almost always spin around in circles every time they do their charge move for me. I've also noticed some normal enemies spinning around and occasionally Salvador will do it too.

I haven't had too many other issues though, no QTE issues or anything like that. I have noticed crossbow guys sometimes glitch, and they'll fire arrows but no projectile actually comes out, so they're basically just going through the firing animation and reloading forever.

I've also had issues where Salvador couldn't figure out how to get up a ladder and just ran up against it forever until I jumped down, and I've had Ashley just running up against objects instead of going around them. Seems to be specific to this version as I don't remember it from any of the other ones.


Neo Member
I've played the first half three times and never progressed for various reasons. It would be to much of a drag to play that part again.

I've managed to find the save file(s) it's in:

Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(your user id)\254700\remote

There is only one file that contains all the saves, I've uploaded mine for you, I haven't finished the game yet, but I've saved at the end of almost every sub chapter up to 5-1. I was pretty bad at the game for the first few chapters so sorry If any of them are crappy saves, enjoy!

Individual fights and such yeah are a lot easier with the TMP than the Red9, but you have to factor in that I've got only two ammo pools to actually use, the Rifle and the TMP rounds, while the game continues to shower me in Handgun and Shotgun ammo that's scripted to always appear. Every merchant I'm dumping like 40 shotgun rounds and 125 or so pistol rounds, whereas I've got around a 3/4 box of TMP and Rifle ammo.

Id also argue that in the latter half of the game, thery rain tmp ammo everywhere
I've managed to find the save file(s) it's in:

Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(your user id)\254700\remote

There is only one file that contains all the saves, I've uploaded mine for you, I haven't finished the game yet, but I've saved at the end of almost every sub chapter up to 5-1. I was pretty bad at the game for the first few chapters so sorry If any of them are crappy saves, enjoy!

Pretty sure I've read accounts of others' saves not working for people that want to jump ahead.

I guess we'll find out.
This game is far from easy. I played this game a decade ago, but really don't remember too much about my play through.

I'm dying and reloading certain points, retrying bosses, this game is far from a walk in the park.

I think on Normal, the game is fairly easy because of mechanic abuse, and they make it easy cause of frequent saving and check points (though late game the saves become way less frequent)....but there are massive checkpoints which make it a bit easy.

Pro has more difficulty, and Ada assignment is difficult because of not having Saves....but then you can game that whole thing kinda to make it "easy"

I guess it's easy if you know how to abuse things, but if you played the game without that knowledge then yea, it's fairly difficult. When I played this on Gamecube the first time, I'd say it was fairly difficult, when I had no knowledge on how to abuse certain mechanics....
I think on Normal, the game is fairly easy because of mechanic abuse...

I guess it's easy if you know how to abuse things, but if you played the game without that knowledge then yea, it's fairly difficult. When I played this on Gamecube the first time, I'd say it was fairly difficult, when I had no knowledge on how to abuse certain mechanics....
Uhhhhh... no shit, dude, haha.
Well it was in response to the what i qouted but ok? "Dude"
Yes, and I'm quoting you based on what you quoted. No one's going to be aware of most mechanic abusing unless they're incredibly boring individuals and use guides their first time for everything, so of course the game is going to challenging the first time and easy on subsequent playthroughs.

And I think you're finding offense where there's none to be taken because I was agreeing with you.
- You can cancel the axe ganados if you shoot/knife said axes in mid-air

It's funny, my friend who has completed the game 10 times, had no idea about this (the knife part that is).

- Everytime they say "Detrás de ti, imbecil!", you know they're behind you

Ok, now you're just hyperbole.

And a no-upgrade run is way too fucking easy?

Yeah we get it, you're a legend elite master at videogames. Boo fucking hoo.


Neo Member
Has anyone else encountered a bug where all the ammo dropped by enemies is only rifle ammo? It's not just rifle ammo dropping because I have a rifle, it's literally every drop is rifle ammo.

It's a pretty bizarre bug, but I've been noticing it through my entire Pro playthrough. I don't remember the last time I actually saw an enemy drop any other ammo since I got the rifle.

Seems like a weird thing for 60 fps to break, so I'm not sure what is actually causing it. So far I have about 80 rifle rounds wasting space in my inventory and I'm considering just selling them from now on as I usually don't need more than 50 per playthrough.
Ok, now you're just hyperbole.
I can't tell if this is serious or sarcasm.

If former:
The enemies are seriously telling you they're behind you. How civil of them even though they're infected :p Also, knowing Spanish made RE4 an even more interesting experience

If latter:
"Woosh," I guess.
Yes, and I'm quoting you based on what you quoted. No one's going to be aware of most mechanic abusing unless they're incredibly boring individuals and use guides their first time for everything, so of course the game is going to challenging the first time and easy on subsequent playthroughs.

And I think you're finding offense where there's none to be taken because I was agreeing with you.

This game is over 10 years old with many iterations over the years. Not only that it is probably one of the most popular in its very popular franchise. Many of the people on this thread have purchased this game more than once. Mechanic abuse for this game should be common knowledge now, thus my comment

Not only that but its just easy to figure out ways to abuse mechanics just by playing. I figured out most of the little mechanic abuse during my first play through on GC
If former:
The enemies are seriously telling you they're behind you. How civil of them even though they're infected :p Also, knowing Spanish made RE4 an even more interesting experience

I got that, yes.

The thing is, I have heard the phrase plenty of times when they are, in fact, in front of me, so I just can't imagine people actually (without knowledge in Spanish) would connect that so quickly, through normal gameplay.


This game is over 10 years old with many iterations over the years. Not only that it is probably one of the most popular in its very popular franchise. Many of the people on this thread have purchased this game more than once. Mechanic abuse for this game should be common knowledge now, thus my comment

Not only that but its just easy to figure out ways to abuse mechanics just by playing. I figured out most of the little mechanic abuse during my first play through on GC

If you check out the Steam forums, there are already tens of thousands of new players getting introduced to the series.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I suspect Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles or Code Veronica will be in line if RE4 does well. They had HD versions that came out around the same time as RE4, so should be easier to port. RE gets special attention from Capcom as its one of their top-selling series, which if you include the previous all console sales of RE4, is the series 4 of their 5 top selling games of all time, including their top-selling game of all time.

(Resident Evil 5 is top-selling game all time, Resident Evil 6 is their third top-selling, Resident Evil 2 is their fourth top-selling game, and if you combine all versions of Resident Evil 4 as the list separates them for some reason, its up there as well).
I've managed to find the save file(s) it's in:

Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata(your user id)254700remote

There is only one file that conta OKins all the saves, I've uploaded mine for you, I haven't finished the game yet, but I've saved at the end of almost every sub chapter up to 5-1. I was pretty bad at the game for the first few chapters so sorry If any of them are crappy saves, enjoy!

Thanks so much for going through the trouble man I really appreciate it.


Did I forget to post this?

If you check out the Steam forums, there are already tens of thousands of new players getting introduced to the series.

I can see that. but I'm just posting from gaf perspective as we are on gaf and re4 is one of the most popular games amongst those on this forum.

These super elite players comments are so annoying. Seriously.

I'm not being elitist...elitist would be me scoffing at people and telling people they suck, blah blah.

I'm just stating this game is fairly easy due to mechanic abuse, which is fairly common knowledge amongst most on this forum, and easy to figure out on your own. I mean....you climb a ladder trying to avoid a mob and you notice they walk up the ladder one at a time, so you end up knifing them and they just keep coming and you think "hey, i can save ammo this way." It's not like ninja gaiden hard is all I'm saying.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I can see that. but I'm just posting from gaf perspective as we are on gaf and re4 is one of the most popular games amongst those on this forum.

I'm not being elitist...elitist would be me scoffing at people and telling people they suck, blah blah.

I'm just stating this game is fairly easy due to mechanic abuse, which is fairly common knowledge amongst most on this forum, and easy to figure out on your own. I mean....you climb a ladder trying to avoid a mob and you notice they walk up the ladder one at a time, so you end up knifing them and they just keep coming and you think "hey, i can save ammo this way." It's not like ninja gaiden hard is all I'm saying.

If you look at every game in a sense of "How can I most easily break this?" sure it'll be easy. Most games can be broken.

But just because a game can be broken doesn't make it easy.

Magic builds in Demon's Souls make most of the game trivial - that doesn't make Demon's Souls an easy game. It just means there are easy methods of getting through though the average player won't experience it that way and even if they know of it, may choose not to for the sake of variety and enjoyment.
If you look at every game in a sense of "How can I most easily break this?" sure it'll be easy. Most games can be broken.

But just because a game can be broken doesn't make it easy.

Magic builds in Demon's Souls make most of the game trivial - that doesn't make Demon's Souls an easy game. It just means there are easy methods of getting through though the average player won't experience it that way and even if they know of it, may choose not to for the sake of variety and enjoyment.

I agree with your point, but I don't think Re4 is one of those "Hard games"

I mean, Iets be real, it is super casual friendly (Which is a good thing).

When people think of Hard games....RE4 isnt the one to come to mind. Are we really saying that this game is up there with stuff like dark souls? ninja gaiden? etc? cmon now. Let's just be real.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I agree with your point, but I don't think Re4 is one of those "Hard games"

I mean, Iets be real, it is super casual friendly (Which is a good thing).

When people think of Hard games....RE4 isnt the one to come to mind. Are we really saying that this game is up there with stuff like dark souls? ninja gaiden? etc? cmon now. Let's just be real.

I'm not saying it's anywhere near as hard as those, but I was using it as a point that just because a game can be broken doesn't make it easy.

I think it's neither too easy nor too hard. I feel it's pretty well balanced with sections that really challenge you, and others that are easy but still an enjoyable thrill.
also I hate that people tie "easy" and unfun together.

like, the two don't have to be married. Something can be easy and be fucking fun and awesome at the sametime imo.

I don't have to be "challenged" all the time to have fun.

Not saying you're saying that, but what you said just made me think how people view those terms.


Wbacon just contacted me and exchanged some very kind words. He let me know a little bit of information about the upcoming patch.

yep, the mouse thing, the ready-knife delay, bugs in merc mode, etc. they're coming
Holy shit, i just tried out re6 and revelations and whoa do these games control so different than other REs.... Its so weird to be able to strafe and move left and right.... And not running by holding down A in an RE game...

I can see why people who might have played these then played re4 would bitch about the controls.


I think I want to wait before beating it- for the patch, on Chapter 5.

Or maybe I'm just terrified of the Regenerators... That's probably more the case!


Well as someone who beat the game for the first time recently I can assure people that even on GAF assuming some of these exploits/tips in this game are common knowledge is a stretch. I would say that goes for any game as well. For example I didn't stumble across the suplex move until the island(god i wish I would of known about it sooner). Nor did I know flash grenades instantly killed Plaga until late in the game.
- Salazar fight

- Use Rocket Launcher when exposed

- "Ehehehehe, that tickles!"

- Dies on the second half of the line

That was great and I genuinely laughed. I just used the RL to save ammo for the island and because I had a ton of money.

Ugh, the island -_-
I agree with your point, but I don't think Re4 is one of those "Hard games"

I mean, Iets be real, it is super casual friendly (Which is a good thing).

When people think of Hard games....RE4 isnt the one to come to mind. Are we really saying that this game is up there with stuff like dark souls? ninja gaiden? etc? cmon now. Let's just be real.

I actually find Resident Evil 4 to be a hard game. If you've beaten it before, it seems easy, but so does any game you've beaten before. If someone goes into RE4 cold, not knowing what they are doing, they would definitely consider it difficult. Within 10 minutes you're facing a mob with fewer shells in your gun than enemies. Within 20 minutes, you're facing an enemy who can one shot you (the chainsaw guy).

For noobs, this game throws them to the wolves.


There's some weird issue that occasionally causes frame-rate to drop for about a second but it tends to happen when nothing is going on so I doubt messing with the settings will fix it, feels like a bug or something. Fortunately it's rare.

These have been increasing in frequency for me. In fact, I don't think they happened at all in the first act. Now it happens maybe once a minute and it's not what I'd call a framerate drop but serious frame halts for half a second or so. They are SERIOUSLY distracting and can occur when nothing is happening, also occurs in cutscenes and completely desyncs the audio.
I actually find Resident Evil 4 to be a hard game. If you've beaten it before, it seems easy, but so does any game you've beaten before. If someone goes into RE4 cold, not knowing what they are doing, they would definitely consider it difficult. Within 10 minutes you're facing a mob with fewer shells in your gun than enemies. Within 20 minutes, you're facing an enemy who can one shot you (the chainsaw guy).

For noobs, this game throws them to the wolves.

Whaaaat? When i first played the game it felt challenging at points but i never felt it was a "hard" game. When i think of "hard games" i think of shit like ninja gaiden, dark souls, megaman 2, i wanna be the guy the movie the game, etc.... Shit like that. RE4 my first time felt balanced and then easy after the first play through. Thats just me though

If the checkpoints werent the way they were and save games werent as frequent, I would be more inclined to agree with you.

But with that said, its not a bad thing that this game isnt hard imo. I dont know why that has to carry a negative connatation. I think re4 is one of the best games ever made. Its so complete. But i dont think its hard at the sametime.


never left the stone age
Ah fuck it, I splooged on this regardless, 60 FPS is just too good to pass up on.
No. This should have been in the game from the start. That's what "mouse acceleration off" MEANS. There is no "classic sensitivity," and when will people learn that mice do not, cannot, and should not ever attempt to emulate joysticks?


Technically, there is. Seeing as there are several upgrades for weapons that affect the aiming speed. Don't see why they wouldn't just add in free mouse aiming since they did precisely that for the Wii Pointer controls.
These have been increasing in frequency for me. In fact, I don't think they happened at all in the first act. Now it happens maybe once a minute and it's not what I'd call a framerate drop but serious frame halts for half a second or so. They are SERIOUSLY distracting and can occur when nothing is happening, also occurs in cutscenes and completely desyncs the audio.

It's the opposite for me lol, hasn't happened after the first chapter.
I had some serious slowdown when entering the area with the waterfall though but that was different, performance was directly tied to the water being on screen. The issue we are talking about happens randomly and only for about a second but like I said I haven't experienced it lately.
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