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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

Aren't they going to have to downgrade those visuals in VR mode?

If most of the game takes place indoors they can get away with a lot more graphically.

Indoor areas are easier to optimize since rooms elsewhere in the house can stop being rendered when the player isn't inside them.


I had all but given up on Resident Evil after the dumpster fire that was RE6 (and I actually loved 5, but 6 was SO BAD), but this has really peaked my interest. Scary-looking and in VR? I need to see more.


Platform information really should go in the title.

Thank God RE VII is coming out for Xbox One, or I'd never hear the end of it from a friend of mine who would beg me at length to borrow the PS4 because he doesn't own one...


I really hope not. What I've always liked about RE was that the enemies were grounded at least remotely in reality. BOW's are just animals or people infected with a virus. Nothing supernatural about that. I'll be disappointed if they finally moved away from that.

i mean, it's not like infected/monstrous enemies that are absolutely bizarre are outside of the domain of RE anyhow.

siren is a pretty good example of putting that shit to good use and in fact thinking of that makes me remember the first person mode in siren, though that was used to incredibly strong effect since it was an enemy tracking method instead of the gameplay type

like that other guy said, enemies from any RE to a regular ass guy would pretty fucking terrifying anyhow

also, i'm just now realizing the name of the game is "resident evil 7: biohazard"
that's weird. is that japanese name just biohazard 7? or is it something cheeky like biohzard 7: resident evil?


Good Art™
Yeah i was thinking it looks like an uninspired and not super impressive horror VR game (but still pretty nice to look at) then.. RE 7 really ?


I like that they're trying new things with the franchise. No one gets to dictate what a franchise is, but only what they enjoy out of it. I'm open for a fresh perspective just like with RE4.


Box art:

Beth Cyra

Hmm really interested to see how this plays out.

I am kind sad that Chris might not be in it, but at the same time I'm kinda happy we might be getting a fully brand new lead out of this as we haven't had it since RE2.

Plus Chris and Leon need a break.

Don't know about First Person as I hate that perspective so hopefully they have a 3rd person mode some where.


I assume it will be two games

P.T.-like demo in first person as marketing
Full game action horror in third-person


P.T. was what the future of horror games should have been. Props to Capcom for putting a big name behind a project like this. If it doesn't work, go back to the old formula. No harm, no foul. Besides, it's not like this game will be the one to break the stellar Resident Evil track record.

P.T wasn't even a game. It was an interactive puzzle (a very obtuse interactive puzzle) that unlocked a teaser for a game that wasn't even in development yet.

Resident Evil has always had some action component. I have no problem with it taking this tact, but I will be a little sad if it is just P.T with some point and click interaction.
Resident Evil is a game of tense inventory management, and where you make difficult choices about when to run and when to fight. Even the newer games kept this while moving to more action oriented gameplay. Right now, this seems to be a "hide and seek" game ala Outlast, with no combat, no boss fights, no inventory management, nothing that makes RE RE. Like I said, I'll try the demo, and I hope I'm wrong, but this isn't what I wanted, and I couldn't be more disappointed.


This is literally Resident Evil in name only. RE is all about that fight or flight and the sense of urgency, that is where the horror originated.
This might as well be called Outlast: Mansion


This looks good, and definitely day 1. But this going too far back to its roots. This looks too much like a western game, if you know what I mean. Just from what I saw anyways


don't ask me for codes
I realize the name Resident Evil carries all kinds of baggage, but on its own merits this looked pretty interesting to me.


I'm disappointed with RE7 aping P.T. It's the wrong kind of survival horror for the franchise, imo. It should be less "what was that noise" and more "I don't think I have enough ammo to take this down".


I assume it will be two games

P.T.-like demo in first person as marketing
Full game action horror in third-person
The game is full playable in PSVR.


BTW on Vizioneck forum I called RE at beginning of the video due vibe... old RE fans will know I'm talking about... it smelled RE.


I'm super not hyped by this. First person "scary" game has never been Resident Evil's identity. Even classic RE was never like that. I mean, I hope it's good (and it probably will be) but I am not immediately on-board with this. Especially since it means that we're not even getting either action or classic-surivival-horror styles. :|
Resident Evil is a game of tense inventory management, and where you make difficult choices about when to run and when to fight. Even the newer games kept this while moving to more action oriented gameplay. Right now, this seems to be a "hide and seek" game ala Outlast, with no combat, no boss fights, no inventory management, nothing that makes RE RE. Like I said, I'll try the demo, and I hope I'm wrong, but this isn't what I wanted, and I couldn't be more disappointed.

How did you determine all that from what we've seen?


Why couldn't they keep the characters ?

A big part of RE is the charismatic characters..You just don't get that with First Person.

AHHH This series is just destined to be difficult to handle.
I wasn't expecting this at all. Kudos to Capcom for taking the franchise in this direction. I hope it's going to turn out as a great survival horror experience.
ZombiU is screaming...

"Avenge me boys.....AVENGE MEEEEEE!!!"

I cannot wait to play this game!! So glad to see something fresh with the RE series.


Tears in the rain
RE has always been ever changing. It's morphed through the decades, and this is it's new form. And I embrace it 100%
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